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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter bertram
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Ok... My friend hasn't applied yet but thinks joining the army is going to be a breeze.... I will admit he is a very surprisingly good runner for being such a heavy smoker. To tell the truth he is better at running then me.... But he hasn't worked on any of his strength, all though i think he could do the minimum.

He is applying for Infantry and has his Grade 10 just got now (failed a few times) and has a history of drug use... Anyways here are my questions because truthfully i wouldn't want to fight a war with him unless he changes a lot.  :P

1. Does the drug test detect pills that flush your system of previous drugs? and are they prohibited?
2. (he isn't the brightest) How well will he have to do on the aptitude to get in? (for infantry soldier)
3. Are their any tests or is it through the interview where they tell what kind of person you are and if your suitable for the job or to be in the Canadian forces for that matter.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything he is a good guy but i don't want to think that anyone can get into the army (which him and others are telling me because "their desperate") . Just Curious and if mod wants to delete this that's fine with me just i wanted someones opinion. Time will tell in the end.
Have you been to our FAQ: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

All of your answers are there.
Drugs and the CF don't mix.

I clear the room whenever someones smoking ganja or other crap (it happens a lot in downtown Toronto). I don't want my medical to show "positive" on anything drug-related. If you want to joining the CF, you should avoid using drugs use... no ifs and or buts.
If you want to joining the CF, you should avoid using drugs use... no ifs and or buts.

Especially since you're here to represent your Country. Army and drugs does not go together.
the fact that the CFRC people told you to wait 3 years is to ensure that you can stay clean for the whole 3 years, not just one.  Great to hear that you have stayed clean so far.... looking forward to seeing you in uniform in 2 years.

STING, think of it this way. You want to be a part of a very close family, this family does not allow drug use. Not cool, when your partner is stoned during a firefight. Use the three years wisely, compile a excellent resume with good references and stay away from drugs and those who use drugs. If you are serious about your desire to join the military, this is your test. Good luck and there is a uniform here with your name tag on it.
Grade 10( failed numerous times)

History of drug use.

Smokes like a chimney.

Have him call 1-800-WalMart

gnome123 said:
OK... My friend hasn't applied yet but thinks joining the army is going to be a breeze.... I will admit he is a very surprisingly good runner for being such a heavy smoker. To tell the truth he is better at running then me.... But he hasn't worked on any of his strength, all though i think he could do the minimum.

He is applying for Infantry and has his Grade 10 just got now (failed a few times) and has a history of drug use... Anyways here are my questions because truthfully i wouldn't want to fight a war with him unless he changes a lot.  :P

1. Does the drug test detect pills that flush your system of previous drugs? and are they prohibited?
2. (he isn't the brightest) How well will he have to do on the aptitude to get in? (for infantry soldier)
3. Are their any tests or is it through the interview where they tell what kind of person you are and if your suitable for the job or to be in the Canadian forces for that matter.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything he is a good guy but i don't want to think that anyone can get into the army (which him and others are telling me because "their desperate") . Just Curious and if mod wants to delete this that's fine with me just i wanted someones opinion. Time will tell in the end.
If the army lets people like that 'in' the system .. we're screwed.
This is a profession. Not a 'let's try and see'.
        Well it means alot to have your support .. I still have to try anyway .. When I was a cadet long ago i had a Trg Officer from our reserve regiment that gave me some words of wisdom .... " Everyone makes mistakes , its the ones who make the same mistakes over who are the F****N IDIOTS .. " 
booted said:
If the army lets people like that 'in' the system .. we're screwed.
This is a profession. Not a 'let's try and see'.

"If" ???  I'v seen plenty of recruits on bmq that should not have been sworn in. Some people are just slower than the average person. Others are ignorant of the rules and regulations and a few, out of sheer dumb luck, just managed to float under the radar and into the Canadian Forces.
Infantry soldiers don't need to have a PhD but they need to be intelligent.

That is to say they need to be the kind of person who learns well, quickly and retains the learning.

You tell us, 'failed grade ten several times'    I ask ... learns well?... learns quickly?..... retains learning?....

The stereotype of the dumb infanteer is a false one, don't let it fool you, or your friend.

(For the record, I'm not infantry ... I'm probably not intelligent enough... but I'm real good edumacated ;D)

Well i guess i am smart enough because im just waiting on my medical forms to be filled out then i just got to wait for the call. Makes me feel better not everyone is accepted. Thanks   :cdn:
If everyone was excepted, we wouldn't have an army at all.    8)
cplcaldwell said:
Infantry soldiers don't need to have a PhD but they need to be intelligent.

That is to say they need to be the kind of person who learns well, quickly and retains the learning.

You tell us, 'failed grade ten several times'     I ask ... learns well?... learns quickly?..... retains learning?....

The stereotype of the dumb infanteer is a false one, don't let it fool you, or your friend.

(For the record, I'm not infantry ... I'm probably not intelligent enough... but I'm real good edumacated ;D)

It's not so much the intelligence rather the responsibility.  Infanteers have the largest responsibility on their shoulders due to the fact that they have to make tactical decisions in stressful situations that may result in death or serious injury.

You have a C7 in your hands and you see a woman with what appears to be a gun in their hands.  It's very dark out and you are telling this woman to stop but she doesn't understand what you are saying.  Is that a weapon she is pointing at you?  What do you do?  If you shoot and kill an unarmed woman, that's a terrible political issue that will reach the prime ministers level.  If you don't and she is intent on killing you, you will suffer serious injury or death.

The "dumb grunt" better not live up to their stereotype tonite or there is going to be hell to pay.

People in an infanteer position must be professional and responsible.  The entire country depends on it.
The best advice I could offer is to get your grade 12 and maybe work on an FAC. 

A good soldier should be able to shoot a firearm better than anyone he knows.  It will save your life.
Yea well he got in... I'm disappointed but it won't distract me from keep working hard to be ready for the army's demands while he still smokes the weed and cig's. Hopefully he wont make it through BMQ or SQ but if he does i bet he will be a changed person. Still makes me wonder  :o
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