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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

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kincanucks said:
Excellent post and with that attitude I predict nothing but good for your career in the CF.    :cdn: :salute:

  Thanks Kincanucks.  :salute:

infamous_p said:
i heard that if you've ever done PCP .. your application will be terminated immediately and you wont ever be able to reapply .. that would really suck  :eek:

Forgive me for knowing absolutly nothing about drugs but isn't PCP the same as LSD? Or is PCP "extasy"?
When I had my interview for the regs when I told him that I have never touched a drug in my life, the interviewer looked at me and said "not even pot?" To which I replied that I'm not even too sure what it looks like. Then with raised eyebrows he wrote something down on his paper. I guess I've always wanted a career in something like the RCMP or the military and because I didn't want to screw my future up I just stayed away from it.
The piss test will not pick up your drug use if it was past a couple months ago. They don't have a special machine to pick this stuff up. They operate on the honor system. But the recruiters do this for a LIVING and are TRAINED to pick up LIARS.

PCP = Angle Dust
While in 'vogue' (at least in movies and shit) "back in the day" you just dont hear about it much these days (unless your watching Terminator)

Yeah, meth is the new drug of choice.  But you hear stories from LEO's about some junkies high on PCP - apparently they have fucking inhuman strength and are really dangerous.
So PCP is meth? Can't that be made from your everyday household cleaners?
Meth is Speed

Infanteer was just relating the stories about PCP, and including the fact that it is now uncommon - where as Meth/Speed is now trendy (I guess if you like facial sores and other strange shit  ::) )

*KevinB does not do illegal drugs - Hate is my drug of choice (keeps me warm)
KevinB said:
Meth is Speed

Infanteer was just relating the stories about PCP, and including the fact that it is now uncommon - where as Meth/Speed is now trendy (I guess if you like facial sores and other strange shit  ::) )

*KevinB does not do illegal drugs - Hate is my drug of choice (keeps me warm)

lol  ;D thanks for clearing that up for me. One last question though, are Speed/Meth/Exctasy are pretty much the same thing? (All I know is meth you can smoke and it eats your brain - thank you oprah ;) and being off work for two weeks)
As usual, Wikipedia offers you the chance to learn something new:




All of these are real bad drugs (meth will turn your teeth into black stumps).
I suppose I have to bring up the fact that I have tried pot ONCE 6 years ago, when I was 12/13, and never saw another drug in my life again. Peer-pressure truly does suck at a young age.
Yeah, peer pressure can be tough, but it's just part of life and something that you have to learn to deal with while growing up.
I've stated this before so pardon me for repeating but I was denied service when I admitted to doing shrooms 2 years prior to my application, the acceptable standard being 3 years. I don't think I've been so disappointed and I've pretty much kept clean in the subsequent 3 years that have follow with plans on staying that way.

Peer pressure is difficult but it's as easy as saying "No, thanks bro." when your buddy offers you a joint. Remember, one puff and you got another 6 months to wait. I'm lucky in that I have the best, supportive, friends who understand my desire for to join the military and while I can't control their personal habits, I can control mine.

Stay clean, exercise, keep informed. Doesn't sound too bad, does it..

I used to be a chronic pot smoker until about 2 months agos, Ive also done shrooms a few times, but I do not plan on telling them that I did them, because they only stay in your system for 2-3 days, thats it, and there is no such thing as a shroom flashback. I am going to tellt hem however that I did smoke pot,no point in lying about that.best of luck to any of you who wish for a lifestyle change, IM in the same boat as you and hope we can all get where we want, without  having our stupid decisions haunt us. :cdn:
Ive also done shrooms a few times, but I do not plan on telling them that I did them,

Excellent, then you will be a loser once again.
CEhopeful said:
I used to be a chronic pot smoker until about 2 months agos, Ive also done shrooms a few times,....

Have you listened at all to anything you've been told?   Been watching you post, here and in other threads, and can only shake my head in disbelief.    Detoxify your brain man.
CEhopeful said:
Ive also done shrooms a few times, but I do not plan on telling them that I did them,
there it is, troops: the reason it's called Dope.
CEhopeful said:
, Ive also done shrooms a few times, but I do not plan on telling them that I did them,

Hate to break it you there Cheech but you kind of just did. 8)
CEhopeful said:
I used to be a chronic pot smoker until about 2 months agos, Ive also done shrooms a few times, but I do not plan on telling them that I did them, because they only stay in your system for 2-3 days, thats it, and there is no such thing as a shroom flashback. I am going to tellt hem however that I did smoke pot,no point in lying about that.best of luck to any of you who wish for a lifestyle change, IM in the same boat as you and hope we can all get where we want, without   having our stupid decisions haunt us. :cdn:
Stupid decisions haunt us for the rest of our lives. I can only congratulate you on your decision to quit using illegal drugs. However... I hope you will also be mature enough to accept the consequences of your past lifestyle.
well patrickH I guess Im screwed since you dont even know who I am....siily fellow.Dont worry, Im not some burnout waiting to waste a fellow canadian as soon as I get ac7 in my hands. I want to serve my country and work with, and if I have to fight alongside fellow countrymen and women. I find this forum laughable at best, Im here for answers and support, not some idiot to tell me Im a burn out, Ill wait for the drill seargents to give me shit and get me down, Im not going tolet anyoen on here discourage me, Im done with this site, nothing but BS. maybe we will meet up on tour a few years form now.

cheers :salute:
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