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Pre-Para Physical Fitness Standards

If you look there's two different topics on this thread.  I couldnt find the orig topic. I typed Para in the search and it brought my to the Infantry forum.
If you look, it says this.

DELTADOG13 said:
Pre Para PT standard:

1 mile Run - in 7 min 30 sec or less

7 Chin ups - straight arm all the way down and all the way up to your chest on a flat board not a bar

31 Sit ups - arms beside head elbows touch your knees
It is an insult to the instructors to suggest the standards are dropping.  My platoon 2IC is one of three qualified freefall instructor instructors (yes, he teaches the teachers of the highest course in Parachuting) in the CF, and he regularly got posted to CPC Trenton when he was still a Sgt. In fact, he was one of my instructors when this Lt went through last year, and all of the other instructors will ensure you will not exit the aircraft if you are not up to standard.

The standards given above are correct.  7 chin ups (palms facing you) on a 2x6 vertical board.  It's done that way because it braces your wrist and limits the amount of swinging you can do.  31 sit ups, elbows to the knees, with buddy kneeling on your feet.  Then you do the 1 mile run (1600m) in 7:30 or less.  This means running down the side of the runway to a car parked 1/2 mile away, and turning around.

If you fail anything, you are allowed to retest that afternoon.

The term "pre para" isn't a course so to speak, but just a work out plan you put yourself on to be able to excel when you're there.  Other than 3RCR where the slots are given priority because of our para tasking, units covet the spots quite a bit.  Usually, a unit will not go through all the trouble of filing a travel claim to send someone to Trenton if they can only meet the standards on a perfect day.  It's much better if you can do 10 chin ups, 40+ situps, and the run in <7, that way if you get there and have a shitty night's sleep or you're a bit ill, odds are you'll still pass the entrance test.

Don't think that because push ups are not on the entrance test, that you will not do them.  Every mistake you make over the three weeks will cost you 25.  Strap not tight enough on inspection?  25.  Caught not running somewhere?  25.  Quite a few had several days with 500 total.

If anyone wants any more info on preparing for the Basic Para test, please write:
Lt SG Newman
2 Pl Comd, Mike/Para Coy, 3RCR