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Postpone the SQ?


Jr. Member
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I'm currently doing my BMQ and I'm having a lot of problems with the ruck marches and marches overall.  Basically, I'm slow on my feet.  I'm good as far as endurance goes (I'm a 120lb 5'2" female) and can handle rucking in the heat no problem but extremely slowly.  I'm not as ready for the PT aspect as I should be and I'm working on fixing that.  Problem is, I'm scheduled to go on to SQ right after I finish my BMQ.  I know I'm not ready for the 13km ruck march or ruck runs.  There is no way in hell I can run with my ruck for longer than a minute in my current physical state (practicing a lot though, but progress is slow).  I have two questions.  Do you think I should try to get my SQ rescheduled for a later date?  Also, would I be able to take in any trade-related training before completing my SQ?  I'd like to participate to the fullest while working on fixing my faults.
You'll probably be in better shape to do SQ right after your BMQ.  Postponing it will probably not get you into any better shape, perhaps even make it worse.
You may not believe me when I say this, but you have alot of free time on BMQ, if you are serious about the Army use your spare time to train.

Use your weekends wisely, don't just drink your face off, hit the gym at the Mega (which is pretty nice actually), go running, go rucking. You will be in far better shape towards the end of BMQ, and don't even bother losing sleep over the 13km, it's a piece of cake, and with everyone going at it together I guarantee you won't drop out. Again, you may not believe me, but the 13km on BMQ was one of the coolest things during basic.....our instructors actually started to talk to us like someone resembling a human being, we sang songs and shot the shit......

Don't psyche (spelling?) yourself out before SQ even starts, don't listen to rumours about ruck runs and death PT.... I did SQ at WATC back around February, this was a course that was pure Infantry mind you.... and we didn't do any ruck runs or whatnot....the PT was tough, and we did alot of it, but talking to buddies who headed East after BMQ, it seems PT intensity differs from training centre to training centre. We had a Warrant who was former Airborne current PPCLI, so we did alot of good PT.

Keep a good mindset and you'll be good to go.

"Remember, whether you think you can or you think you can't, YOU'RE RIGHT!"

He he, I'll leave ya to ponder on that one  ;D
I did my SQ in Gagetown, and we never ran with the ruck, the majority of the people on course actually found it pretty easy. Don't listen to people in basic cause they like to hype it up. SQ is a fun course with some good weapons training, C6, C9, you throw 2 whole grenades, WOW! But we had reservists who were out of shape and they passed it fine. During SQ the instructors pretty much will not let you fail, its their job to get you through it and off to your next course.
The thing is though I've heard guys say that SQ in Meaford was complete "hell". I think alot of it depends on who is running your course, as well I'd assume that Gagetown would be a much better base to do SQ at as compared to Meaford.
My SQ is in Meaford.  If it wasn't for those ruck marches, as I mentioned, I'd be really looking forward to it.  I'll see if I can pick up a different ruck frame somewhere to make it more tolerable.  I reassembled the one I had but no matter what I do to it I can't get it to fit my back properly, it's still too big to sit right. 

What's a typical day in SQ usually like?  Just wondering.
In garrison, a normal day would be

Wake up around 0430, formed outside by 0500 for PT
0500-0600 PT
0610-0640(sometimes less time) breakfast
0640-0710 prep for inspection
0710-0730(sometimes longer) inspection

Rest of the day is classroom, mixed with push ups, flutter kicks, or whatever else they think of to get you "motivated" ,etc

After your final class you do a ruck march than clean up goto dinner. After dinner staff is with you(after CO/ RSM inspection your on your own time after last class/ruckmarch). Usually you will be working on kit, making sure everyone is standardized and station jobs till 2300 than lights out and start all over again the next day.
I guess it is different at each base because we did all of our PT in the afternoon, and we played sports sometimes. Some of us had to sneak away to the gym so we didnt get out of shape. We did do a 13 km run, but all the other runs were between 6-8 kms. You do alot of trench digging during the last 2 weeks in the field, other than that its easy.
For PT, we did the obstacle course twice, circuit training a few times, CF Express Test(first and last PT period of course), but mostly we ran for PT. One Saturday(one of the CB'd weekends beguinning of course) we got to goto the gym an play hockey.
Not on the course I was on because there were people who fell out of every run and ruck march that we did and they passed the course. We had the express test but it was more to see what kind of shape people were in then a pass or a fail. Some people got around 15 mins on the 2.4 km run.
Amsdel if your confident your buddies are there to support you (Which they will) you'll do fine.  If your truly dedicated, go until you drop...Bite that invisible stick in your mouth and grind out the pain...Just focus on accomplishing the task and not what someone else is going to judge you on...This is training, not war.  Keep your chin up, attitude positive, and show em who's boss...Remember your platoon and sections mates...They'll be there to help out.  Just give it 110% and no one can ask better of you.

Good luck,

I have to concur, as a SQ instructor, do it as soon as possible and just do your best (110%), that is all we are looking for.  Intestinal fortitude and determination will get you through.