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Posting pics of MPO or MP grads


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I have a relative who recently graduated from the Military Police School at Borden.  In the pictures are both MPO's and MP's, is it okay to post pics of the grad without causing "security" problems for any involved - I am talking about an internet album the public can access.
Easy solution is to blur the faces. Best answer is to not post it at all.
Ok hoping not to spin this out of control but MP's and MPO's are nothing fancier than any other police force, well better uniforms and pensions. There is nothing sacred about their pictures (generally speaking) and they are highly identifiable while out patrolling in the trademark serge beret.  I wouldn't worry about the picture on the interweb.
MP's do UC work, realistically a photo of them online could compromise that. However unlikely that might be.
Hurricane said:
MP's do UC work, realistically a photo of them online could compromise that. However unlikely that might be.

The CF doesn't seem too worried about that. Plenty of MPs, with names, on display on the combat camera website.
If there was a concern about MP's having their picture taken and circulated, I'm pretty sure there'd be a CF policy.

There is no secret squirrel reason involved here.

Snap, happy and post.
The cop on the street I wasn't too concerned about photographically wise, its more the counter intelligence types from MPO I was thinking about.

By the way, the verification letters you have to do to post here is incredibly irritating.  I've moderated and belonged to all kinds of forums from sailing to model railroading to running to photography and none of them have this hassle where you have to verify every post.
If they didn't want you to have, or post pictures, they wouldn't have let you take them.
CDN Aviator said:
The CF doesn't seem too worried about that. Plenty of MPs, with names, on display on the combat camera website.

When a picture is taken by a CF photographer, the rights of the photo belong to the CF and therefore the people in said photo don't necessarily have any say in whether or not it gets published.

If Joe Blo MP has a class photo and decides to post in on an open forum, since it was taken by a military photographer, one can argue that the same limits apply.  However, the photo rights still remain with the CF and if 'they' want the photo removed then it should be removed.

I have seen the CF go after people who have posted copyrighted photos without permission so it has happened, but likely wouldn't for a course photo.
Strike said:
When a picture is taken by a CF photographer, the rights of the photo belong to the CF and therefore the people in said photo don't necessarily have any say in whether or not it gets published.

The poster i was responding to was not concerned about copyrights or distribution of likeness. I was responding to a perceived PERSEC issue.
To be clear, I took these pictures, I haven't broken copyright of the CF photographer at the grad.  So I thought I would spruce up the place with a few grad pics to act as a motivator for those hoping to get in.  As a proud father, I'll refrain from saying which one was my son or daughter.

Before the swearing in:


After the swearing in and out of the sweltering oven:


Top three candidates:


Time to sit back and relax:


Look familiar?:


Hope you enjoyed!
1. Lieutenant with the Red Beret, the CFR, is holding his C-7 in the wrong hand and is out of place dressing wise.  But then I suppose they are still gaggling before the parade.  So, the real question must be #2.

2. Why do all the AF types have trade badges on their uniforms?  Is that not for NCM only? 
agc said:
There's one missing from the front rank.

The marker. Who is probably already in position waiting for the rest to be called to fall in.
I'm assuming the red beret is a remuster, so he would already have earned it.  The remainder have not graduated so they have not earned the red identifier as yet.  Seeing as I am close it must be a matter of dress.  Or not... :D
jollyjacktar said:
2. Why do all the AF types have trade badges on their uniforms?  Is that not for NCM only?

You are incorrect. The wearing of the trade badge for RCAF pers is correct.
jollyjacktar said:
I'm assuming the red beret is a remuster, so he would already have earned it. 

Notice what the other RCAF members are wearing for head dress in subsequent photographs.