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  • Thread starter SoldierBoi69
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got a lil 1.25 inch  air compressed
fires bout 15 ft
got a lil round head like the old spring loaded but half the size..
only use it for target lol
looks like a dinky 45 us
anybody got a leopard i can play with  lol

Is that an 8L series FN C1A1?  Me too.

Looking for any Lithgow L1A1s?



Nice toys MG!!!!!

MarkC bought some of my 'collectables' before I left for down here. Currently here in Australia I only own one fiirearm, my M10A2 7.62 x 39mm carbine. I think there is a pic or two of it somewhere on here.

I sure miss the good ole days owning such things back in dear ole Saskatchewan.

Cold beers,

Saskatchewan?!?  They let people in SASKATCHEWAN own guns?!?


Was at the Spruce Grove range two days ago and I met a guy working up some loads on his rifle.  We talked for about an hour.  He was in the RCAF from 1943 to 1974, and has done a bit of shooting over the years.  He had a brand new Stevens Model 200 bolt action (about the best bolt action deal available today) in 7mm 08, a proper store-bought rest, and a chrony set up 10 feet from the muzzle.  He was firing three round groups of various grain weight propellant loads looking for the most accurate one.

He got two deer this year.

That gentleman - like most of his generation - is an inspiration to us all.
:salute:As far as current in service personal weapons go you connot beat the SA80 A2 fitted with a x4 SUSAT optical sight. It is very reliable, I fired 100's of rounds through mine in Iraq with no stoppages. It's also very accurate and easy to maintain.
:salute:As far as current in service personal weapons go you connot beat the SA80 A2 fitted with a x4 SUSAT optical sight. It is very reliable, I fired 100's of rounds through mine in Iraq with no stoppages. It's also very accurate and easy to maintain.
there is an absolute first for me: A brit troop that likes that POS SA80! Glad it worked for you, but I'd much prefer seeing you boys get a better weapons system.

Never fired the A2 variant, but the old one was true crap. I've fired it often, and hated every experience with it. I wish your MOD would put politics aside and get you fellas better guns. I note that your elite forces still use the M16 family.
SA80A2 and SUSAT = SUCKS TO BE YOU  :salute:
The problems with the system are rampant -- and one of the main reason why the troops are not up in arms is they dont get a lot of experience with other systems.

PTE-Laing -- I've got way more than 5000 rounds thru AR10 and SR-25 weapons -- nice, but not the perfect infantry weapon system.

Just did my Weapon Handling Test on the SA80A1.  Was slightly underwhelmed with both the testing procedure and the weapon.

Weapon Pros-
Nice sling
Easy to hold at both the ready
Easy to get a sight picture with the SUSAT

Seperate safety catch and change leaver and you have to move your hand to move the change leaver
Cocking handle is not ergonomic as far as it's position goes
Need tools to strip weapon (bolt at least) and it's a PITA to get the gas rod back in
HOD catch is finicky (that might just be practice or my weapon)
When working the action rounds are not ejected properly all the time if the weapon is tilted at all to the left

Apparently the A2 solves the problem with the long convoluted gas stoppage drill.  But with the A1, I just found it odd that you would do four actions, hit the forward assist, try to fire, hit the forward assist, try to fire, before cocking the weapon when you have stoppage with the working parts forward.  But I guess they made the drills based on the most common stoppage.

But proof is in the pudding and we'll see how it goes when we go to range with the A1 without SUSAT. 

My favourite as with many others has to be the .22 calibre Cooey single shot. I spent a lot of time shooting bottles off of fence posts and hunting rabbit and partridge. Very accurate, plenty of safety, cheap ammo what more could a young shooter/hunter ask for. Having only one shot makes you learn to shoot pretty fast.
What's the gun with the grenade launcher on the bottom of it?  Looks kinda like an M16.
sporterized No 4 MK 1-Bought for 20 bucks and ripped this puppy apart. Polished the sear,trigger and cocking piece to achive a 2 lb trigger pull. Drill and tapped a hole in the trigger gaurd and added a over travel stop,already had a free floating barrel,but centre post bedded the action. Drilled and tapped for a weaver scope mount,added a bushnell 3-9x40mm trophy scope and reloaded ammo equals one fine shootin iron out to 300m plus.
Did I mention I love being a weapons tech?
I've got a WW2 Soviet Tokarev SVT-40, and of all the old rifles my (largish) collection, it's my favorite shooter. Surprisingly accurate, very little recoil, cheap to shoot and LOUD. However, my favorite collector is a Lee-Enfield Royal Irish Constabulaary carbine in beautiful shape I bought from another collector. It was my holy grail, and, though it is actually a pretty good shooter I've only shot it once. Its a safe queen.
Hey Guys,

My apologies for the late entrance into this particular discussion.  I've been away doing "Army stuff" for the past couple of months, and have been largely off-line.  Suffice it to say that notwithstanding some of the questionable comments in this thread to date, this subject is somewhat near and dear to my heart. 

"Favourite rifle" is a good choice for the topic, as it opens up the conversation to whatever personnaly turns one's crank.  "Best rifle" would have been a huge mistake, as opinions are like arseholes.  And truth be told?  Most of those weighing in on the latter wouldn't have had a first-hand clue what it is that they were talking about.  I'm all about the favourites - I've had several over the years, with the "next best thing" replacing the last.  My favourites are/were all based on first-hand experience carrying or at least extensively firing the firearms in question.  At the end of the day however, my choices are mine alone.  What works for you, may not work for me.  And vice-versa.

I used to be a huge fan of the FN-FAL series - no big surprise based on having carried and fired it for 6 years as a Res F infantry NCM/NCO.  I still like the FAL, but not so much as I used to.  It is heavy, bulky, and somewhat recoil-intensive compared to its contemporaries.  I tried the HK G3, and was manifestly disappointed.  There's a rifle that truly craps where it eats, has excessive recoil, and an atrocious service trigger pull.  Not impressed.  The M14?  Had one of those as well, and shot it extensively.  It didn't do anything an M1 Garand couldn't, with all of the same flaws (exposed receiver internals, etc).  The closest that I've ever come to near-perfection in a 7.62mm NATO battle rifle is my original 1960 "Portuguese variant" AR-10.  Talk about sweet.  2/3 the weight of its FN FAL or HK G3 contemporaries, 1/3 the felt recoil of its competition thanks to its straight-line design and incredible ergonomics, and MOA performance all day long with decent milsurp ammo.

At the same time, I tried most of the 5.56mm genre.  My first Colt "AR-15 Sporter 2" came along in 1986.  I still have it.  Nice rifle, but not my ideal.  I currently carry a C7A2 on duty, and won't go down that road other than to note that "you get what you (aren't willing to) pay for".  It is a piece of utter crap.  I've otherwise  tried the Galil ARM, Steyr AUG, AR-180, FNC, SA-80A1/A2, Colt M4, Robarm M96, PWA "Commando"(CAR 15), etc.  Some of the 5.56mm rifles/carbines are better than others, but none inspire total confidence/comfort based on my personal preferences. 

So where does this leave me in terms of opinion?  Well, having owned a working example of just about every major military battle rifle and assault rifle design at one point or another over the past 25 years, I have finally reached the point of having a near-perfect personal favourite.  And that is the AR-10 16" mid-length carbine with infantry-profile barrel.  Mine is somewhat "accessorized" to suit my personal preferences, but the base carbine is a truly exceptional platform in and of itself.  It handles much like a bone-stock C-8, but is far more potent and accurate.  Felt recoil is on par with its 5.56mm bretheren, but it packs a serious punch at typical infantry engagement ranges of max 300m.  I could go on, but until you try a decently accessorized/customized current-iteration AR-10 you are really missing some critical judgemental context as far as small arms are concerned.  Just say'in....

At the end of the day, opinions are like arseholes.  What works for/appeals to me may not be your personal cup of tea for any number of reasons.  That's entirely cool - one could reason that this is why there are so many competing designs out there on the market.  Everyone has their favorites.  My preference doesn't make your's any less relevant, and vice-versa.  It is (within reason) all about what works for you personally.  All I'm saying is that I have a bit of hands-on experience, and what personally works for me these days is the 16" mid-length AR-10 carbine.  Your own mileage may vary.

Oh - experience-based context.  Here are a few pics of what I own and fire regularly.  Needless to say, my personal collection is not the "end all and be all".  I've fired a hockey-sock more than my personal collection contains thanks to some very obliging fellow gun owners and museums over the years.  So consider my personal collection just a sampling of what is out there....










And the current favourite:


FWIW.  Whatever you prefer, just make sure that you are competent with it.  There's an old saying that goes "you don't need to fear the guy with a whole bunch of guns.  You need to respect the guy with just one gun - 'cause chances are that he's damned good with it".

Random thoughts....

Geezus, you could outfit your own platoon.  :eek:

Nice pics Mark.
He did not even post his support weapons... 

Bloody excellent Mark! I am speechless. I don't see a pic of that L2? Still got that ;) ?

Cold beers,


PS - Looks like visit to Canada in Mid 07for us.
...  :eek:

I'm sitting around debating whether I should bother purchasing a Para Ordnance .45 LTC for myself prior to heading off to Wainwright at the end of the month and I rise to find Mark's partial collection online; I'm speechless. Not only that, I'm kicking myself once again for not acquiring my prohib licence back in '95. I don't suppose that there is anyway to get one now (he asks wishfully while already bloody well knowing the answer  :threat: )

I sold my FN L1A1 (beutifully refinished and with previously unissued Cdn wood furniture), my HK91, MP-5 and a swack more to fund a divorce...

I'm out of the club forever  :crybaby:

Outstanding.  I have a friend back home that you should meet.

On a side note, I've been kicking around the idea that something along the lines of the AR-10 would be a good rifle for "light infantry."  By this I mean infantry who will not be operating around LAVs etc.  I still believe that there is a battle in the 300 to 600 m range and I get the nagging feeling sometimes that we are in the wrong calibre.  The AR-10 has been quite popular so far.  The 16" barrel sounds intriguing.

Your thoughts?
