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Politics in 2016

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PuckChaser said:
With that logic, Kayne West should be the Democratic nominee for the election in the US. Until Canadians support substance in their politicians, we'll get people like Cheryl Gallant and Justin Trudeau elected.

This is the same logic as the rest of the posts.  Trudeau is popular.  He's also performing in a way that most Canadians are happy with.  Popularity does not preclude substance.  Most Canadians (based on the polls, not the feelings of Conservative supporters) feel that he's doing the job that he was put there to do, and that he's doing it well.
What performance? Every news article I've seen is about what his wife wore, or the snappy one liner he came up with. Not his stance on softwood lumber, not a response to the Toronto 18 terrorist who was released only to die fighting for ISIS in Syria, not his position (or lack there of) on pipeline projects to support Alberta. I could go on, but I'm sure the sheer amount of serious topics he's avoided by riding the state dinner love in would hit some sort of post length limit on these fine forums. Sure, sticking your head in the sand and pretending everything is fine might work for you, but we should have real leadership on real issues, not photo ops and presidential bromances.

Even his ministers can't go 5 minutes without blaming something on Harper, and claim they'll fix it "soon, just trust us". It's like a shady used car salesman telling me I don't need to see a vehicle history report, just trust him it's good to go.
As I said before, one happy day down the road he'll be caught (politically speaking) humping the neighbours wife, after smoking meth with pre-teens.  With maybe a dead hooked or two buried in the back yard too.  The voter pitchforks will come out and he'll be run out of town and the new guy/gal will come in to save the day.  (at which point the cycle will reset and repeat)
jollyjacktar said:
As I said before, one happy day down the road he'll be caught (politically speaking) humping the neighbours wife, after smoking meth with pre-teens.  With maybe a dead hooked or two buried in the back yard too.  The voter pitchforks will come out and he'll be run out of town and the new guy/gal will come in to save the day.  (at which point the cycle will reset and repeat)

You're most likely right.  At this point in the cycle though, many of the complaints ring hollow with most people.
PuckChaser said:
What performance?

There were several deals signed.  The fact that he was even there was performance on its own, considering he's the first in twenty years.  You reading articles about dresses really has bearing on very little.
Oh you mean the reannounced cross border pre screening deal that the Tories negotiated? Great work team Trudeau.
jmt18325 said:
I think the above are examples of why Conservatives lost the election.  Optics matter.  The Trudeau's are popular.  That doesn't mean that Justin is unfit to govern.  Watching him answer questions at American University put to bed any lingering doubts I may have had about his intellect.

And all the petty snipping going on won't change the fact that he's popular.

I wonder when people are going to discover that the very things they despise about trudeau are the very things that people elected him for.

Hopefully not before 2019
PuckChaser said:
Oh you mean the reannounced cross border pre screening deal that the Tories negotiated? Great work team Trudeau.

The deal that Harper wasn't able to get done?  Yeah, that deal.

There were also deals in other areas, such as methane emissions.

Beyond that - the premiers are talking to Ottawa, and things are getting done on files from climate change to infrastructure.  The new ISIS strategy has been praised by our allies.  The Prime Minister of Canada talks to the press and the people, for the first time in a decade.   

Harper didn't get invited to Washington - by either party.  Trudeau is quickly becoming the statesman that Conservatives never thought he had in him.
jmt18325 said:
There were also deals in other areas, such as methane emissions.

I suppose if that means less bullsh!t coming out of Ottawa, then I'll give you that one.
jmt18325 said:
things are getting done on files from climate change to infrastructure.

Great, well I guess there will be no excuses if my free education doesn't materialize. Ditto for the pensions promised to my wounded buddies.
Altair said:
won't change the fact that he's popular.

The issue is not that he is popular, it is why he is popular.

I wonder when people are going to discover that the very things they despise about trudeau are the very things that people elected him for.

I think many of us 'discovered' it on and after election night;  and as I tried to explain, 'the very things people elected him for' are my actual concerns.  Nice hair, charming, "not Harper", all the superficial things.  We (Canada) elected a party and leader based on the same criteria high schools select prom kings and queens. 

Hopefully not before 2019

I fear Canada will not see thru the superficial regardless of what happens, and because of that I fear more for where this country will be in 2019 and beyond.  Not many things embarrass me as a Canadian for being 'a Canadian';  this however is one of them.  Is this really what we've let ourselves become as a country?

PuckChaser said:
What performance? Every news article I've seen is about what his wife wore, or the snappy one liner he came up with. Not his stance on softwood lumber, not a response to the Toronto 18 terrorist who was released only to die fighting for ISIS in Syria, not his position (or lack there of) on pipeline projects to support Alberta. I could go on, but I'm sure the sheer amount of serious topics he's avoided by riding the state dinner love in would hit some sort of post length limit on these fine forums. Sure, sticking your head in the sand and pretending everything is fine might work for you, but we should have real leadership on real issues, not photo ops and presidential bromances.

Even his ministers can't go 5 minutes without blaming something on Harper, and claim they'll fix it "soon, just trust us". It's like a shady used car salesman telling me I don't need to see a vehicle history report, just trust him it's good to go.

Curious about the highlighted bit.  I hadn't heard that before and a quick Google search didn't find anything.  Do you have a reference?
Altair said:
I wonder when people are going to discover that the very things they despise about trudeau are the very things that people elected him for.

We all realize that, it's why he is despised so much. Elected by people vote based on what CBC tells. All this biased media coverage by CBC will assure he wins again in 2019. "Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of people are even dumber than that!" - George Carlin.

ModlrMike said:
I suppose if that means less bullsh!t coming out of Ottawa, then I'll give you that one.

Sorry, but its only the evil oil & gas industry that needs to reduce methane. The industries that produce far more methane gas, such as farming and politics, get a get out of jail free card... Another Trudeau splitting the country apart at the seams.
GR66 said:
Curious about the highlighted bit.  I hadn't heard that before and a quick Google search didn't find anything.  Do you have a reference?

GR66 said:
Curious about the highlighted bit.  I hadn't heard that before and a quick Google search didn't find anything.  Do you have a reference?

It is not hard to find.  All you have to do is look.  For those to lazy to look, here is only one of the reports:


10 seconds is all it took.

[Edit:  And LOOK, three of us in all that time found YOU three different references.]

Thanks guys, I don't see highlights on Tapatalk and it's a lazy Sunday kinda day.
PuckChaser said:
With that logic, Kayne West should be the Democratic nominee for the election in the US. Until Canadians support substance in their politicians, we'll get people like Cheryl Gallant and Justin Trudeau elected.

Too true. Far too few Canadians (or anyone else, for that matter) seem to have heard of Frédéric Bastiat, but we will all be feeling the effects of opportunity costs ("The Parable of the Broken Windows") down the road. Of course, because people are not aware of concepts like opportunity costs, compound interest and so on, they will be easily fooled into believing the problem isn't crony capitalism, regulatory failure, high taxation, debt overhang or overspending, but the blame is to be found elsewhere (how many people still believe that George W Bush is responsible for the high unemployment and sluggish performance of the US economy in 2016, for example?) Look for a chorus of "it's all Harper's fault" in 2019....
Eye In The Sky said:
The issue is not that he is popular, it is why he is popular.

I think many of us 'discovered' it on and after election night;  and as I tried to explain, 'the very things people elected him for' are my actual concerns.  Nice hair, charming, "not Harper", all the superficial things.  We (Canada) elected a party and leader based on the same criteria high schools select prom kings and queens. 

I fear Canada will not see thru the superficial regardless of what happens, and because of that I fear more for where this country will be in 2019 and beyond.  Not many things embarrass me as a Canadian for being 'a Canadian';  this however is one of them.  Is this really what we've let ourselves become as a country?

I don't see why one hates trudeau in this. Does he force the news to like him? Does he force people to see his superficial characteristics?  It's not like the man hasn't put out policy, worked hard on the campaign trail, survived months of negative advertising.

Is there a segment of the population that voted for him because he looks like a Disney prince? Ya. How does he control that though? Cut his face till he looks like the Joker? Shows up to debates in a burka?

You don't like him because of things he cannot control, like his looks and the media. He's the physical manifestation of everything you don't like about superficial people. And don't like him for that if you want, but it would make more sense to dislike him for things he does or doesn't do, not for his genetic makeup.
If he talked more about issues than "sunny ways" and "real change", he'd come across far more intelligent. Every time there's something serious going on, he says "We'll have a plan soon", and then runs to the brain trust to think for him. When he shoots from the hip and makes actual decisions, they aren't grounded in reality and fail (25k refugees by Christmas, CF-18s pulled out now, legalize pot right away, only modest $10B deficit).

Its very clear to everyone but you and JMT that Trudeau is the Manchurian Candidate (1962 or 2004 version). He's a face with a good backstory that the media can like, and that's not his fault. His fault is that he doesn't realize he's being used by the Liberal brain trust, and his strings get pulled on a daily basis.
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