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Political Parties in the June, 2004 Election


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Since election issues are a hot topic these days, I've put the links to all the registered political parties so people here can get a feel for the platforms that each party represents.  I'm amused to see that the Marxist-Leninists and the Canadian Action Party have members running in my riding.

Read, and make an educated vote.

Bloc Quebecois


Canadian Action Party


Communist Party of Canada


Conservative Party of Canada


Liberal Party of Canada


Marijuana Party of Canada


Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada


New Democratic Party


Green Party of Canada

I suggest that if people want a change vote anybody but liberal.

My guess is that we would end up with a Conservative minority with a strong left wing majority of Blockists, Leftists and Environmentalists.  Could make for a really interesting Parliament.
Kirkhill said:
I suggest that if people want a change vote anybody but liberal.
That is a pretty weak excuse to cast a vote.  Read the party platforms & vote for the one you most agree with.  Even talk to the candidates in your area if you get the chance. 

Do not vote uninformed.
Do not vote just to vote (you just will cancel the vote of someone who cares).
Do not throw-away your vote (especially through "anybody but them").
DO Vote!

and here is something to think on:
There are lots of stories of people that have chosen not to vote because they are disillusioned with the big parties.  Is it possible, that if all those people were to vote for a little party, then a little party would get one or two people into the House?
Well, I hate to say this, but what does party platforms have to do with anything?  The liberals promised to abolish the GST, create nation wide day care, renegotiate free trade, establish an independant ethics commissioner, and on and on.  All lies.

The liberals have proven themselves to be pathalogical liars.  To vote for them would be to endorse their past.  I totally agree with you, to make yourself aware of what the various parties are saying.  But keep in mind that the liberals have lied about anything and everything to get votes.

The "anybody but liberals" camp has legitimacy, I would think.
Lance Wiebe said:
The "anybody but liberals" camp has legitimacy, I would think.
I would prefer to see a "vote for who you think is right for the job" view of things.  Obviously, if you are anti-Liberal, your choice will be someone other than Liberal.
I'm trying to figure out why there are two commie parties in Canada...
*Men in suits come and take away RHF*

"....we now return to the state television broadcast..."

Actually you'd be surprised both parties have a pretty long history in Canada, and you'll never catch me voting for either of them...or the lliberals...or the NDP...or the conservatives....or the green party..or the mary jane party...

Voting is something no one should take lightly at all, it's very difficult, somewhat impossible even, to find a party that represents ALL of your views..generally I find you have to compromise and pick the one that gets them most....then pray that they're not full of horse shit.
Freedom Party of Canada


They sound like the best option out of every party
Elections Canada


Don't forget to vote in advance if you'll be away on the 28th.

I see the lefties at CBC must be getting worried, the top 3 news stories this morning at 0600 were [a] how the tories are the only party's plans that will cause a deficit,
how the plan to fasttrack immigrant professionals won't work because it's provincial territory and [c] how "leaked" briefing notes show that the tories will kill the Canadian film industry by taking out the required Canadian content.
Can you say" bagmen" starting to worry about grants.
I have been noticing a slightly worried/angry/desperate look on the faces of a number of CBC presenters these days.

Still that could just be my Tory imagination. :D
Che said:

Voting is something no one should take lightly at all, it's very difficult, somewhat impossible even, to find a party that represents ALL of your views..generally I find you have to compromise and pick the one that gets them most....then pray that they're not full of horse shit.

I have to agree with that statement fully.
I myself will be voting for the "Canadian Action Party" which I've never even SEEN until now! Thanks for the person who made the original post of this thread!

Big kudos to you

I myself will be voting for the "Canadian Action Party" which I've never even SEEN until now!

I can sense why you are voting for the CAP, but I would urge you to research NAFTA (from both sides) before doing so.  It may be nice to follow the jingoism of the Canadian Action Party, but their tunnel-vision platform on eliminating free trade seems to fly in the face of common economic sense.

Thanks for the person who made the original post of this thread!

You're welcome, now that you have step 1 done, research the issues and develop your own opinion based on facts.

Cheers, Infanteer
It seems very difficult as many have stated before to choose either the Liberals, Conservatives or the NDP. I mean, they have all had thier ups and downs for sure. The NDP would probably run us a nice huge deficiet and so would the conservatives it seems. But the Liberals, well, again, I'm frightened!

I understand what NAFTA has done for us. Heck, I wouldn't have the job I do if it didn't come into play! I do agree economically it's brought Canada ALONG way. But, it has been at a high cost. At this point, we're completely dependent upon the US financially. We used to be somewhat self-reliant. We'd belly flop without them. Although surprisingly enough we didn't crash as badly as they did after 9/11. I was indeed surprised!

I was originally going to go for the Green Party. I know! I know! You guys don't have to tell me! But I'm for the environment. Problem is, they're not going to get any positions at this time and they don't have a rep in my riding anyway. It'll take some time to choose effeciently, but I believe I still will stick with the Canadian Action Party until further review of the other parties.

But again, thanks for the info and advise Infanteer. I'm always trying to learn and have found this website a great resource.
liberals scare me, ndps make me laugh, bloc quebecois make me go uh?, conservatives make me think, i think i have made my choice  :cdn:
Conservatives are starting to get ahead in the polls.


To be honest, I am having a very hard time deciding between Liberal and Conservative. I am generally a firm Conservative voter (Man, i still miss the Reform party) and there has always been a conservative type MP in my riding for the past number of elections. That being said, I have been getting tired of writing to my MP and getting the response 'Well, until the liberals are out of power, there is nothing we can do". What's the point of having a powerless representation? (That is what it feels like anyway) I am thinking of voting Liberal so that I could at least talk to someone who had some actual pull in Parlament.

The only thing I do like about the Liberals is Paul Martin himself. I like many of his policies (except his policies with the military) and his track record for finance minister gives me great confidence that he will keep the books tight. However, the rest of the party I don't trust anymore. Can Martin control and weed out the bad apples in the Liberals? If he can't do that, then the government is going to get more corrupt and stagnant.

However, things are really starting to look up for the Conservatives! Think about all the cool changes that will happen if the Conservatives are voted in as the Majority.

The part I am worried about with the Conservatives is the track record of these parties. Let's us not forget that the Conservatives are made up of people from the Alliance and the PC party. The PC party nearly collapsed our economy and ran the country for near broke way back with Brian Mulroney. Has anything changed about that party besides their leaders?   And the Alliance party was at near self destruction on a number of occasions. I honestly don't trust them as they seem to lack stability in their own affairs. If they are given the power, are they going to screw everything up? They make me nervous.

Right now I am nore sure what to do, I really hope the Conservatives have a solid chance to take the Majority. If that is the case, even though I feel they may be a greater risk, I will probably put my faith in them.

Almost there Pieman.

One more push.

Harper needs to get onto the positive.

I've been really aggressive this year in trying to convert people
to vote Conservative because I think one more term under the
Liberals and we'll be screwed....

In that effort, I'm telling you that less than 5% of the people
I've talked to knew ANYTHING about the Harper Tax Cut strategy
and what it would mean to people just starting out (earlier home
ownership, more home renovation, new vehicles, etc.).

In short, he's already won all the votes he can by bad-mouthing
Martin. Now he's got to get the positives of his campaign out.

Tax Cuts.
Tougher criminal law.
Sex Offender Registry.
Restoring Canada's place on the world stage.

If he doesn't...he won't get anything more than a minority
and it will have been a huge missed opportunity.

Matthew    ???