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Poles in UK and joining the Army

X-mo-1979 said:
How about a Newfoundland regiment first.

we already have two battalions of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment.  If you are interested in forming up another, by all meand, go ahead and fill your boots, here are a couple of suggestions :)
3rd Battalion (Toronto)
4th Battalion (Edmonton)
5th Battalion (Calgary)
MedTech said:
Why? Newfoundland hasn't been with Canada for that long, without the Chinese population building the rail roads there would've been no Canada to begin with  ;) I think the Chinese populations should get a regiment of their own first  ;D

Yeah I'm sure the international community would love to see our Chinese regiment deployed....having such a good name! (not a dig at Chinese Canadians,China instead)
geo said:
we already have two battalions of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment.  If you are interested in forming up another, by all meand, go ahead and fill your boots, here are a couple of suggestions :)
3rd Battalion (Toronto)
4th Battalion (Edmonton)
5th Battalion (Calgary)

Toronto is also referred to as "Mecca" In NFLD.We pray to the west.every Newfoundlander must make one pilgrimage ;D.

I would love to see the Newfoundland regiment stood up as a regular force battalion...hopefully one day we will have the man power to do so.
Hehehe oh come on X-mo, there'll be Francos and anglos, white guys, black guys, brown guys and yellow guys filling the ranks :). It'll be interesting to see a white guy or brown guy or a black guy or even a yellow guy with a fumanchu though ;) which of course will be the regimentally approved facial hair style of choice ;)
MedTech said:
Hehehe oh come on X-mo, there'll be Francos and anglos, white guys, black guys, brown guys and yellow guys filling the ranks :). It'll be interesting to see a white guy or brown guy or a black guy or even a yellow guy with a fumanchu though ;) which of course will be the regimentally approved facial hair style of choice ;)


Funny thing is last year when I was home I grew a beard out.So the day before I left I started shaving and decided I would make fun of my father....so i shaved into a fumanchu...found a old pair of 1980's big glass's (which he still sports)put on a jackshirt and headed out to the barn to find him.

There are pictures. ;D

A simple battalion full of Newfie's though...can you imagine it! And you know it would be one of those places that needed to train harder,faster better to beat the "upper Canadian's"....as we still have not lost the old colonial ranking system where we have to prove ourself to the motherland (once Britian now Canada) ;D

geo said:
we already have two battalions of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment.  If you are interested in forming up another, by all meand, go ahead and fill your boots, here are a couple of suggestions :)
3rd Battalion (Toronto)
4th Battalion (Edmonton)
5th Battalion (Calgary)

They could also bring back the Cape Breton Highlanders - 1st Bn in Fort McMurray, 2nd Bn in Toronto.
Umm... Aren't Cape Bretoners really Newfoundlanders who ran out of cash once they got off the Port au Basque ferry.
(Other rumour was that they were Newfoundlanders who just got lost once the ferry docked >:D)

so.... OK 6th Battalion (Ft McMurray) and a possible supplementary Battalion in Toronto
How about one batallion in Petawawa as well...Cost too much to post the whole base down east lol.
X-mo-1979 said:
How about one batallion in Petawawa as well...Cost too much to post tha whole base down east lol.

Can't we just change the Pet postal code to A9Z 9Z9 ?
Or rename it Gull Pond.
Everyone in Newfoundland grew up around some pond named "Gull pond". ;D
- There is more original thought on this thread regarding future structures of the Militia than one might expect.