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PMJT: The First 100 Days

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Wow, even liberal poster boy Terry Milewski is finally losing his insanity.

It was all over, for anyone with a schmick of sense, when JT teamed up and took his education from Kathleen McWynnety. How many times do people have to get stung by the liebrals before they figure out that the liebrals will say and promise anything to get into power, with no intention of carrying through with them.
PuckChaser said:
How many "priority number 1" did we hear? How many of those are now punted down the road? If I believed the Liberals platform, I'd have $15k a year in my pocket for child (insert use here) benefit, pot legalized everywhere, CF-18s out of Iraq and climate change tackled.

All we've gotten so far is lip service. So much for real change.
Ah yes.

All of this change done within a month and a half, before the first budget.

I'll address each issue one by one.

The child benefit will probably come along with the first budget.

Trudeau himself said legalized pot will be implemented over a couple of years after studying how other jurisdictions did it. He said that on the campaign trail.

The CF 18s will be out of Iraq,  I don't believe he ever gave a specific time line for their withdrawal.

As for climate cage,  canada did play a constructive role in Paris and He seems serious about meeting the targets set in Paris. Promise kept so far. Unless you wanted climate change solved in 6 weeks.

The only promise he has broken is 25000 refugees in Canada by years end, and I think we all agree the new plan of 25000 by March is much better.

He also said his first order of business was the middle class tax cut and guess what? It's implemented.

I'm not saying trudeau is going to be perfect and keep every promise. But to declare he's broken promises in the span of 6 weeks? Without even seeing what their first budget looks like? Seems foolish to me.
Journeyman said:
Maybe he's having an off day, and merely fallen into the default CBC setting of what passes as "journalism" -- 'all the problems in the world are because of the evil Harper'  -- forgetting for a moment that it's a different PM.
You're not a gambling sort, are you?  :pop:    [never mind]
Is that so?

I'll take you seriously I when you show me where he's specifically broken promises.

What promises has he broken from his swearing in Nov 4th to today, Dec 19th? Hell,  he hasn't even done that much.

Will he break promises in the future? Probably. But to be up in arms about things that may or may not happen in the future is, declaring that he hasn't fixed climate change in the 6 weeks he's been in power, you guys are starting to sound a little unhinged.
Altair said:
Is that so?

I'll take you seriously I when you show me where he's specify broken promises.

What promises has he broken from his swearing in Nov 4th to today, Dec 19th? Hell,  he hasn't even done that much.

Will he break promises in the future? Probably. But to be up in arms about things that may or may not happen in the future is, declaring that he hasn't fixed climate change in the 6 weeks he's been in power, you guys are starting to sound a little unhinged.

Not unhinged. People are just holding up a mirror to you when you vilify the Conservatives.
recceguy said:
The honeymoon is over. No one cares about his hair selfies anymore.
I'm positive his approval numbers are still going to reflect the honeymoon.

And really guys, I'm not taking any of your ranting seriously until you can show me what promises he's broken in the past 6 week he's been in office.

Because all I'm hearing now is whining that he's not stephen harper.

Not unhinged. People are just holding up a mirror to you when you vilify the Conservatives.

When ranted against harper, I had years of things harper did and didn't to cite. For the most part, I did point these things out when people asked why I didn't like him or his harper government.

You guys have 6 weeks in which Trudeau has been to a bunch of summits, agreed to climate goals in Paris,  introduced a middle class tax hike which he campaigned on and put in place new morgage rules.

No where here am I seeing people discussing what he's done, just declaring that he's lied, is currently lying and will lie in the future. So yes, I'm just not taking you guys seriously yet.

Maybe after the budget when you guys may have some serious issues to complain about.
That's OK. We haven't taken you seriously either, since January 10, 2010.  :gottree:
recceguy said:
That's OK. We haven't taken you seriously either, since January 10, 2010.  :gottree:
Ad hominem
Merry Christmas  :subbies:
Altair said:
He also said his first order of business was the middle class tax cut and guess what? It's implemented.

Its not implemented, there's no budget. The budget sets the tax rates for the year.


Federal tax rates for 2015

    15% on the first $44,701 of taxable income, +
    22% on the next $44,700 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $44,701 up to $89,401), +
    26% on the next $49,185 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $89,401 up to $138,586), +
    29% of taxable income over $138,586.
PuckChaser said:
Its not implemented, there's no budget. The budget sets the tax rates for the year.

Nitpicking much?

Fine, granted. The middle class tax cut will not become effective starting Jan 1st 2016.


Starting Jan. 1, the income-tax rate will drop to 20.5 per cent, from 22 per cent for taxable earnings between $45,282 and $90,563.

Do its not implemented as of this moment, just the first day next year in about 2 weeks. Broken promise I guess. Happy? Anything else you want to bring up?
Altair said:
Nitpicking much?

Do its not implemented as of this moment, just the first day next year in about 2 weeks. Broken promise I guess. Happy? Anything else you want to bring up?

Implemented means its effective now. Is the CF-18 pullout implemented? Nope. Regardless of how you spin it, having a plan doesn't mean its done.

Harper spent 10 years being nitpicked on every little detail, do you not like that the limelight is on your prodigal son? He's numbers don't even add up, middle class tax cut and upper bracket raise is not revenue neutral, we'll be in the hole $1B CAD every year. Plus whatever the hell the monstrosity of a child benefit package is going to cost (likely in the $5B range). That's already over the $10B CAD deficit cited over and over, and none of it can be turned off as its entitlements, not infrastructure spending. Trudeau Jr is just like Trudeau Sr, we're going to be spent into a hole and that'll be our children trying to sort it out.
PuckChaser said:
Implemented means its effective now. Is the CF-18 pullout implemented? Nope. Regardless of how you spin it, having a plan doesn't mean its done.

Harper spent 10 years being nitpicked on every little detail, do you not like that the limelight is on your prodigal son? He's numbers don't even add up, middle class tax cut and upper bracket raise is not revenue neutral, we'll be in the hole $1B CAD every year. Plus whatever the hell the monstrosity of a child benefit package is going to cost (likely in the $5B range). That's already over the $10B CAD deficit cited over and over, and none of it can be turned off as its entitlements, not infrastructure spending. Trudeau Jr is just like Trudeau Sr, we're going to be spent into a hole and that'll be our children trying to sort it out.
I meant nitpicking me, but whatever. I mispoke. It will be implemented by the first day of the new year. Better?

As far as I know trudeau didn't give a date for when the cf 18s would be pulled out. If he did, please, let me know and I'll consider it a broken promise.

As for the highlighted part, I'll wait and see what the budget says before I cast my judgement. Could it be much larger than promised? Sure.  Could it be a little bit larger than promised? Sure. Let's wait and see.
Altair said:
Hell,  he hasn't even done that much.

Well, it IS hard to pose for selfies and "I'm so awesome!" portraits and work at the same time...so I'll agree that, yes, he hasn't done much.

OH WAIT!  He did find time to give billions of tax dollars away, before (as you pointed out...) a budget has been finalized and released. 

Just because you and others are 'sha-zammed!' by smiles and hair doesn't mean everyone is;  some of us remember all to well the Liberal years before PM Harper, and NOT fondly. 


Eye In The Sky said:
Well, it IS hard to pose for selfies and "I'm so awesome!" portraits and work at the same time...so I'll agree that, yes, he hasn't done much.

OH WAIT!  He did find time to give billions of tax dollars away, before (as you pointed out...) a budget has been finalized and released. 

Just because you and others are 'sha-zammed!' by smiles and hair doesn't mean everyone is;  some of us remember all to well the Liberal years before PM Harper, and NOT fondly. 

Give billions of dollars away back to Canadians. I personally don't see the issue, but I'll at least grant that you are bringing up something he has done in the past 6 weeks as opposed to just moaning about him existing at all.

As for the past liberal government, were they corrupt as hell? Ya. Does that mean the current liberal government is corrupt? No.

I'll judge this goverment on their actions, positive or negative. If they turn out to be negative, I hear the beard will be around in 4 years.
Altair said:
Give billions of dollars away back to Canadians.

I was talking about 2+ billion that will likely result in SFA to show for it, other than the PMs ability to mention it in interviews.  Trudeau pledges $2.65B to climate-change fund .  Why are we tossing money around before a budget?  Is that sound financial decision making? 

As for the past liberal government, we're they corrupt as hell? Ya. Does that mean the current liberal government is corrupt? No.

History is the best predictor of the future, no?  Why would Canadians who remember the fucktardedness of the previous Liberal governments be worried that PM Trudeau may lead us down the same path?  Hmmmmmm...I wonder why some of us are concerned...




I could go on, but the point is made.  Being fair, I am even only using the balance of probabilities in making my own opinion of how this is going to go;  I believe it is 50% + 1 probable things will go off the rail, as it did previously.  Why?  What ramifications happened, real ramifications, to those who went down the road of fucktardedness before?  Nothing. 

I'll judge this goverment on their actions, positive or negative.

As will all of us.  However, those of us who have been subject to previous Liberal government "policy and practices" before will be watching, but not with the same trusting eye you have.  As I said, history is the best predictor of the future.  You can deny that, but you are really only fooling yourself IMO. 
Eye In The Sky said:
I was talking about 2+ billion that will likely result in SFA to show for it, other than the PMs ability to mention it in interviews.  Trudeau pledges $2.65B to climate-change fund .  Why are we tossing money around before a budget?  Is that sound financial decision making? 

History is the best predictor of the future, no?  Why would Canadians who remember the fucktardedness of the previous Liberal governments be worried that PM Trudeau may lead us down the same path?  Hmmmmmm...I wonder why some of us are concerned...




I could go on, but the point is made.  Being fair, I am even only using the balance of probabilities in making my own opinion of how this is going to go;  I believe it is 50% + 1 probable things will go off the rail, as it did previously.  Why?  What ramifications happened, real ramifications, to those who went down the road of fucktardedness before?  Nothing. 

As will all of us.  However, those of us who have been subject to Liberal government...policy and practices before will be watching, but not with the same trusting eye you have.  As I said, history is the best predictor of the future.  You can deny that, but you are really only fooling yourself.
I personally don't believe Jean or paul with a direct line to the PMO, as much as I saw them using their influence with the population and party to help a party from their third party get elected.

Nice promise, but again, until I see how this shakes out in the budget or budgets to come, I'll reserve judgement. But again, credit for commenting on something he said said or done.

I know of one very serious ramifications of the fucktardiness for the liberals. 10 years of Stephen Harper and the near death of the federal liberal party brand in Quebec. I'm still not sure if it's recovered or if this vote in Quebec was the ABC vote deciding to hold their noses and vote liberal.

As for your last point, no. It's very clear that some on here will spend the next 4 years complaining about everything trudeau does or doesn't do. It's started already. Parliament was in session for little over a week, he's been prime minister for 6 weeks and yet he has already broken all of his campaign promises. In 6 weeks. Some goverments get significantly into their mandate to reach their campaign promises, trudeau failed before he even began. This isn't a goverment into their second mandate or running for reelection, he's 6 weeks in and already he's being called out on

Climate (?)

The budget (which no one has seen)

The CF 18s (We're they suppose to be back in Canada by a specific date?)

The refugees ( fair enough, but isn't the current plan better?)

Granted, I really don't care because I accept the fact that nomatter what trudeau does people will hate him because of their experiences with past liberal governments/hie father. 

I hope that whenever the CPC gets their new leader and they are enough of a departure from harpers style of governing I can judge them based on their merits instead of lumping they in with harper. And for the sake of the CPC in 2019, you had better hope Canadians can too.
So 10 000 Syrians was a much more realistic number than 25 000 by Jan 1.  I think we all agree.  Why did nobody agree it was a great idea for 10 000 Syrians by Jan 1 when PM Harper said it?
Kat Stevens said:
So 10 000 Syrians was a much more realistic number than 25 000 by Jan 1.  I think we all agree.  Why did nobody agree it was a great idea for 10 000 Syrians by Jan 1 when PM Harper said it?

Because Harper said it, and everything he said or did wasn't "real change". Apparently Canadians prefer to over-promise, under-deliver, instead of being realistic with expectations.
Kat Stevens said:
So 10 000 Syrians was a much more realistic number than 25 000 by Jan 1.  I think we all agree.  Why did nobody agree it was a great idea for 10 000 Syrians by Jan 1 when PM Harper said it?
Might have something to do with how PM harpers original position was 10000 refugees by 2017.

Or how I don't think he ever said 10000 refugees by Jan first (that was the NDP position, with 50000 by 2019 total) but 10000 more total.
Altair said:
I personally don't believe Jean or paul with a direct line to the PMO, as much as I saw them using their influence with the population and party to help a party from their third party get elected.

Nice promise, but again, until I see how this shakes out in the budget or budgets to come, I'll reserve judgement. But again, credit for commenting on something he said said or done.

I know of one very serious ramifications of the fucktardiness for the liberals. 10 years of Stephen Harper and the near death of the federal liberal party brand in Quebec. I'm still not sure if it's recovered or if this vote in Quebec was the ABC vote deciding to hold their noses and vote liberal.

As for your last point, no. It's very clear that some on here will spend the next 4 years complaining about everything trudeau does or doesn't do. It's started already. Parliament was in session for little over a week, he's been prime minister for 6 weeks and yet he has already broken all of his campaign promises. In 6 weeks. Some goverments get significantly into their mandate to reach their campaign promises, trudeau failed before he even began. This isn't a goverment into their second mandate or running for reelection, he's 6 weeks in and already he's being called out on

Climate (?)

The budget (which no one has seen)

The CF 18s (We're they suppose to be back in Canada by a specific date?)

The refugees ( fair enough, but isn't the current plan better?)

Granted, I really don't care because I accept the fact that nomatter what trudeau does people will hate him because of their experiences with past liberal governments/hie father. 

I hope that whenever the CPC gets their new leader and they are enough of a departure from harpers style of governing I can judge them based on their merits instead of lumping they in with harper. And for the sake of the CPC in 2019, you had better hope Canadians can too.

In what alternate universe do you not see the Laurentian Elitists fingerprints and attitudes all over this government. They didn't come out to say JT is a great guy and go home after the election. Those guys are still running the show. JT is a front man who doesn't make a step without their say so.
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