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Please tell me there is someone out there that remembers these dudes...

I'm a bit late with my contribution, but one of my favorites, Randy Newman "I love LA."

The Librarian said:
On the radio on the way home from work tonight:

Soft Cell Tainted Love. Although an 80s tune, it stirred up memories of certain maroon shirted guys drinking out of my shoes somewhere in Africa to this one!! Good times. Great memories.

Are you referring to the Airborne Reg't and Somalia? 
284_226 said:
Are you referring to the Airborne Reg't and Somalia? 

Well Somalia's in Africa, but I'm talking about those maroon t-shirts in Namibia ... 1989.
The Librarian said:
Well Somalia's in Africa, but I'm talking about those maroon t-shirts in Namibia ... 1989.

Ahhh...that would make more sense. 

I recalled you hadn't done a tour on ship, and there weren't many log types in Mombasa (Kenya) supporting the Somalia deployment, and the maroon t-shirts made me think of the CAR.  Forgot about Namibia  :)
284_226 said:
Ahhh...that would make more sense. 

I recalled you hadn't done a tour on ship, and there weren't many log types in Mombasa (Kenya) supporting the Somalia deployment, and the maroon t-shirts made me think of the CAR.  Forgot about Namibia  :)
Well they were CAR t-shirts, they just happened to be in Namibia. As for log types in Mombasa...

There were a whole LOT of loggie types in Belet Huen, from 2 Service Bn and Svc Cdo supporting those boys. Few in Mombasa granted, but a whole heck of a lot in Belet Huen. Sadly, I didn't get to go with the rest of my pl and coy as 9er (a CAR guy) was deemed more important.  >:(
zipperhead_cop said:
Nothing said 80's rocker like a mullet and a head band   ;D
Dear lord...this is just painful...so many horrible visions now...how about mall hair...or the lay on the bed to do up my jeans (both genders)... 8)...and Corey Hart...

Two bad things out of the 80s, big hair and shoulder pads.  One good thing, my Doc Martens.
niner domestic said:
Two bad things out of the 80s, big hair and shoulder pads.  One good thing, my Doc Martens.
Those would be TWO good things.  Question, though, is how many piercings?  >:D
And now to completely change that subject...how about those Blue Jays of the 80s..? Or does anyone remember Annie Lennox? That woman has a kick-butt voice.  (see groucho, it's not just about being Scottish, Lennox is, she has an amazing voice, Easton didn't... ;) 
Speaking of baseball & Annie Lennox...saw her at Jarry Park in Montreal.  That was after the stupid MLB strike the year the EXPOS were in the running.  Youpiiiieeee!  Anybody remember him?
Here's a slightly older one that nobody gets right without the songsheet in front of them: http://youtube.com/watch?v=C6AFCJ1dLdg.

And a couple others from the same dudes: http://youtube.com/watch?v=euplbmD0zU4  and for the Bill Murray fans : http://youtube.com/watch?v=JeoGv0x606k.  I know it's a bit further back than the 80's, but oh well.

Theme song for the New Music, a show mentioned a few times above.

As the title of the 'video' says, it isn't a video as they couldn't find one.


Speaking of Annie Lennox (just another hottie with short red hair ~ only she's one who CAN sing  ;D )

Can't forget the other short haired girl like I in the years of BIG hair....Sinead O'Connor
medicineman said:
Here's a slightly older one that nobody gets right without the songsheet in front of them: http://youtube.com/watch?v=C6AFCJ1dLdg.
Is that band AKA ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) ?? 'Cause I may have been wrong for the most part on the last 2 1/2 decades !!!  :-\
ELO and Manfred Mann aren't the same (last I checked anyway).

Here's a couple of their tunes.




The more I read this thread, the more childhood memories I am getting! I thought I would take some time to share some of my fave's from the 80's also  ;D Here we go!

The Bangles ~Manic Monday~

Def Leppard ~Hysteria~

Friday I'm in Love ~The Cure~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opK3hPSqXow (early 90's Tune but still one of my fave's in 80's too)

Time After Time ~Cyndi Lauper~

Also, Medicine Man, here is some Spinal Tap........I couldn't resist but include a movie clip for ya ;D

Funny you should mention Manic Monday - heard that a couple of months ago in the weight room one dreary Monday afternoon after school - and almost had a barbell tracheostomy as a result (not your normal weight room music).  And Spinal Tap is always fun.

Here's another blast from the past:  http://youtube.com/watch?v=7z9bPrUark4

Here's something that got me through a 32 K in Camp Pendleton one lovely March night - couldn't get it out of my head.


I met this artist in Victoria when I was a teenager. :)

Colin James - Just came back.

I wish this artist was out in my early 20's this tune says it all. New band.

Remember these songs; Look at the hair back then. LOL


I still love this tune.




Although from the 70s, this is the first album I ever owned. Santa brought it to me in '77 when I was a mere 8 years old.

From The Definitive Collection:



and my personal favourite:


Man, do I ever remember beebopping around the PMQ in Lahr dancing up a storm to these tunes. Sunday afternoons spent with my cohorts in the Disco of the Centennial Club while our parents did whatever it was they did there on Sundays. Ahhh Shakira's got nothing on me!!  ;D

If anyone besides me remembers the album jacket, they will understand that this is directly responsible for this girl of the 80s becoming an appreciative butt girl.
