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Physical Fitness on Ships

My better half works on a ship as well, also civillian, but she swears by a book called "convict conditioning". Turns out a book written on keeping fit in a jail cell works well on a boat as well.
a Sig Op said:
My better half works on a ship as well, also civillian, but she swears by a book called "convict conditioning". Turns out a book written on keeping fit in a jail cell works well on a boat as well.

I might have to look in to that one day, thanks.
There has always been *some* gym equipment on ships.  Some are better equipped than others.

I was on CHA for Op Mobile, and managed to put a daily average of 2 miles on the treadmill for 6 months.  Cutting out french-fries, and dessert while at sea, combined with the jogging helped me lose almost 30 pounds.

If you're motivated, you can stick with a PT program.  Even at sea.

NavyShooter said:
There has always been *some* gym equipment on ships.  Some are better equipped than others.

I was on CHA for Op Mobile, and managed to put a daily average of 2 miles on the treadmill for 6 months.  Cutting out french-fries, and dessert while at sea, combined with the jogging helped me lose almost 30 pounds.

If you're motivated, you can stick with a PT program.  Even at sea.


thanks for the reply but I actually don't want to lose weight as crazy as it sounds haha. I bodybuild as a hobby that's why I am asking questions about gyms aboard ships
You should be able to continue that at sea, there are always guys doing insanity or p90x or whatever in the hanger/flightdeck/anywhere there is room. A few years ago on MON there was a LS who was training for an Ironman while being 1 in 2. 5 hour watch, work out 5 hours, 7 hour watch, 7 hours rest. If you have the motivation you can get it done.
for people who have been on ships that have dumb bells in the gym, how high in weight did they go up to?
You are going to have to make due with whatever is available to you on the ship.
Make a friend on ship; bench press them. As you get fitter, make increasingly large friends.
Brihard said:
Make a friend on ship; bench press them. As you get fitter, make increasingly large friends.

Edit: (Move up the Chain of Command)

haha just joking!  :P
It sounds like things have improved since my frigate days 1994-1997... We had stationary bikes on 2 and 3 deck, weights in the aft cleansing station, a basketball net in the hangar (when we sailed without a helo), running from the quarterdeck thru the hangar to midships and back again, lol.  VANCOUVER used to let you hit golf balls off the flight deck but that changed when a ball hit the lip around the bottom edge, bounced back and took out a sailors teeth.  Also, some guys had more weights in their own workspaces.
Brihard said:
Make a friend on ship; bench press them. As you get fitter, make increasingly large friends.

that reminds me of a story my friend told me of a greek wrestler in ancient times. For training he would squat a baby cow and he continuously squatted the cow, and as the cow grew so did he haha.
yamahaguitarguy said:
I might have to look in to that one day, thanks.


What are you planning to commit?
Stacked said:
That's why he asked.. He is trying to find out. 

... what a stupid saying.

I think your the stupid one. He asked me that as a joke and I gave a joke response back.
cupper said:
Better to stay silent and let people think you are stupid, than type something that proves them right. ;D

So one grammar error means somebody is stupid? I'm not going to stay silent when someone says something rude to me.
For someone who is 46 and another who is N/A, I think you guys know better. I would like to think if you were face to face talking about gyms on ships, this wouldn't have gone south the way it did-And none of this "But he started it" crap. This was a good thread and many have asked a similar question. There was (is) potential for some good info exchange here especially with the new CF XPress testing. Why don't we do just let people discuss that.

Pat in Halifax said:
For someone who is 46 and another who is N/A, I think you guys know better. I would like to think if you were face to face talking about gyms on ships, this wouldn't have gone south the way it did-And none of this "But he started it" crap. This was a good thread and many have asked a similar question. There was (is) potential for some good info exchange here especially with the new CF XPress testing. Why don't we do just let people discuss that.


I am 18. You are right, I would like to drop the argument and get back to my questions about the weight of dumb bells on different ships that I asked on page 2.