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PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

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Allan Luomala said:
Is it because we ASSUME that they won't display any of the attributes that we would like to see. Is it that we don't EXPECT them to, because they are only a Private? When they hit Corporal, bang!, a switch is tripped and they are now good to go!! Pretty simplistic, if you ask me.
I agree with you on this. I did send Greywolfe a PM regarding the PDRS that he does receive as a Pte, and telling him to make sure he adds his accomplishments onto his "I love me sheet" and any BZs etc he receives via e-mail (to keep a hard copy and to include a copy when he hands in his sheet). I also told him to make sure that he included in his "Future Goals" section, his desire "To obtain my Commission."

That's exactly it, Al.  People think that because I'm Just a Private, then I probably don't know much.  But when people called the section, most often than not, the issue was referred to me to resolve...either the others in the section didn't know how to handle it, or it might be an issue that I had worked with previously.  At first, on the first occasion where the other members of the section had to be absent either on leave/course, the officer in charge of the section had qualms about leaving me, a no-hook private in charge of the section.  But then I was eventually assigned the duty because they simply couldn't find anyone else to take over.  I can say the section did not fall apart when I was in charge.  Things were still getting done.  After a while, they could all see that I was capable of being left in charge, so they left me that duty on several occasions after that.  One time, I had several people that came in requiring my attention and I handled all their requests to their satisfaction and promptly even though I was the only one available.  But when I want to get an evaluation, I had to ask numerous times to get one, going from the corporal, to the master corporal, and eventually talking to the warrant myself because it's just not getting done.  It took literally half a year to get one, from the first time I asked to finally having to request a talk with the warrant.  And then I was told a PDR for a Private cannot be "too good" because there's always room for improvement.  Ok, I agree with that...room for improvement.  But still I thought an evaluation is supposed to indicate my job performance accurately...if it's good, it's good, if it's bad, it's bad...not that it's just supposed to be "average" because I'm Just a no-hook private.  Yes, I've been told that by the one who would write my evaluation!
I guess then specifically the PER system is biased to rank rather than job discription? I wouldn't say that the system is broke, the PER/PDR system has it's place specifically as an objective assesment of attaining performance as well as custructive crit. on short commings.  As it relates to promotion it is not the main tool used to select promotions but it has become a crutch (such as re-writes to justify a promotion), What maybe needed is a points system that evaluates all aspects of the job, such as PER, physical fitness, leadership quals, conduct, courses qual and tasks to name a few.  Having only a specified score for each would take away the crutch and make for a true competion, with an expected score to validate the promotion in the first place. 
Greywolf said:
That's exactly it, Al.   People think that because I'm Just a Private, then I probably don't know much.   But when people called the section, most often than not, the issue was referred to me to resolve...either the others in the section didn't know how to handle it, or it might be an issue that I had worked with previously.   At first, on the first occasion where the other members of the section had to be absent either on leave/course, the officer in charge of the section had qualms about leaving me, a no-hook private in charge of the section.   But then I was eventually assigned the duty because they simply couldn't find anyone else to take over.   I can say the section did not fall apart when I was in charge.   Things were still getting done.   After a while, they could all see that I was capable of being left in charge, so they left me that duty on several occasions after that.   One time, I had several people that came in requiring my attention and I handled all their requests to their satisfaction and promptly even though I was the only one available.   But when I want to get an evaluation, I had to ask numerous times to get one, going from the corporal, to the master corporal, and eventually talking to the warrant myself because it's just not getting done.   It took literally half a year to get one, from the first time I asked to finally having to request a talk with the warrant.   And then I was told a PDR for a Private cannot be "too good" because there's always room for improvement.   Ok, I agree with that...room for improvement.   But still I thought an evaluation is supposed to indicate my job performance accurately...if it's good, it's good, if it's bad, it's bad...not that it's just supposed to be "average" because I'm Just a no-hook private.   Yes, I've been told that by the one who would write my evaluation!

Excellent good job keep it up.  Pay attention to what armyvern has graciously passed on to you and move on.  This thread is not about you.
The final straw for me taking my leave of the queens good graces and hanging up the boots was the disbandment in 95 followed by the Inquiry ( read INQUISITION) and the continual slide of standards just to boost the numbers. This for me marked the so called kinder gentler army. Though I do recall veterens of the
jump in Cyprus 74 saying we werent worth the paper for whipping their arses, etc, etc. And those training films circa 1970 with the guys sporting beefy sideburns must have really put off the Korea guys. And Im sure in not so long it'll be todays soldiers saying; " we didnt have all that fancy robotics doing all the work when I joined...grumble, grumble...."
Sure we had crap equipment(my first FN was older than I was),were underfunded and unloved but the basic fighting Canadian is a product of his environment.The problems of today are the problems of yesteryear wearing new clothes,we had a bunch of ww2 vets come by for a dog and pony and they could not believe how much we were expected to carry,lovely, polite gentlemen but with more battle xp. in their left toe than the battalion as a whole.Different days all round,I,m sure the veterans of Caesar groused about the young legionaries of Varus getting their heads handed to them(literally)situation normal.We don't need to compare,we need to adapt and survive the powers that be and hold the faith.Our young fellas today need encouragement,concern and support,not a bunch of monty python living in a volcano schtick.Remember the one thing we have going for us is we are Canadian and they(whoever THEY are)are not.Can do eh!
Hi all

I need some help here, everyone always wants to write good assessments on their troops but from time to time there are those who unfortunately need to have a evaluation done that is negative.  There are tons of sites out there in Cyberland that tell you how to blow sunshine up someone’s hind end that reflect good job performance. But I have been looking to find a site that gives me (the author of a poor evaluation report) good phrases on writing negative assessments, or at least a list of phrases that can be used to write a negative evaluation.

If any know of a site please forward the link to me


The British Military writes EPR's an officer fitness reports.  The form used for Royal Navy and Marines fitness reports is the S206.
The following are actual excerpts taken from people's "206's"....

  - His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity.

  - I would not breed from this Officer.

  - This Officer is really not so much of a has-been, but more of a
    definitely won't-be.

  - When she opens her mouth, it seems that this is only to change
    whichever foot was previously in there.

  - He has carried out each and every one of his duties to his entire

  - He would be out of his depth in a car park puddle.

  - This Officer reminds me very much of a gyroscope - always spinning
    around at a frantic pace, but not really going anywhere.

  - This young lady has delusions of adequacy.

  - When he joined my ship, this Officer was something of a granny;
    since  then he has aged considerably.

  - Since my last report he has reached rock bottom, and has started
    to dig.

  - She sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to
    achieve them.

  - He has the wisdom of youth, and the energy of old age.

  - This Officer should go far - and the sooner he starts, the better.

  - This man is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.

Here are some negative bullet examples from the US Army NCOER.

failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 148

lack of supervision over subordinates and failure to follow procedures resulted in the loss of $2,000 worth of equipment

demonstrated little concern for the security and accountability of sensitive items during cyclic field exercises

improper purchase from subordinate adversely affected morale and discipline within the section

consistently failed to meet administrative suspenses

counseled by the Battalion CSM for having the most disorganized platoon in the company

failed to develop subordinates;  did not perform mandatory performance counseling for the NCO-ER

many times has failed to inspect soldiers and their equipment

perception of improper conduct adversely affected morale and discipline within the Division

unexcused absence from duty left platoon enlisted soldiers unsupervised

failed to comply with instructions of superiors on several occasions

encouraged soldiers to grow by cheating for each other

integrity compromised upon submission of false documents

constantly complained about time spent in the field

"A gross ignoramus. . .144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus."

"He doesn't have ulcers, but he's a carrier."

"He's been working with glue too much."

"He would argue with a signpost."

"When his IQ reaches 50 he should sell."

"If you see two people talking and one looks bored, he's the other one."

"A photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on."

"A prime candidate for natural de-selection."

"If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week."

"If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean."

"It's hard to believe he beat out 1,000,000 other sperm."

"One neuron short of a synapse."
Pte Bloggins as set the standard low and has fail to achieve that standard.

I love the look on the troops faces when they see that.
then again.............
don't be cute... tell it like it is, be honest with the a$$hol@
your supervisor will then choke on his coffee and suggest to you some alternatives :)
Be blunt and straight to the point. Don't gloss it over at all.

Be honest.

It'll either be a wake up call or it'll justify everything that you wrote.

PM inbound.

How about:

"Lt XXXXXX's poor performance is beyond description.  I have searched for the perfect words to describe it, but have been unsuccessful, much like his attempt to do his job."

That nugget was sent back with the suggestion to search further.
Pilot Officer xxxxxx operates the throttles of the Varsity with the enthusiasm of a beserk Lascar seaman operating the bilge pumps of a sinking tea clipper, rounding Cape Horn, in a force nine gale."
Too Poor II said:
Hi all

I need some help here, everyone always wants to write good assessments on their troops but from time to time there are those who unfortunately need to have a evaluation done that is negative.  There are tons of sites out there in Cyberland that tell you how to blow sunshine up someone’s hind end that reflect good job performance. But I have been looking to find a site that gives me (the author of a poor evaluation report) good phrases on writing negative assessments, or at least a list of phrases that can be used to write a negative evaluation.

Well, the suggestions to be honest and forthright are good ones, but...

Have you counselled this member previously?  Was he made aware of his shortcomings and given an opportunity to correct them, and have that correction observed?  If not, you have a problem...if so (and I'm assuming that you did all this good stuff and recorded it, as appropriate, on the PDR), then stick to the facts and refrain from "editorializing".  State a shortcoming and give an example to illustrate it:

Cpl Bloggins demonstrated a complete lack of accountability for assigned resources, shown by his loss of a Leopard tank (complete) on three consecutive exercises in spite of repeated counselling.

Anyway, that sort of thing.  Don't get fancy--just state, in the narrative, what the problem areas were, illustrate them, and make sure the performance ratings properly correspond.  It would be useful, as well, to indicate that the member was counselled for these shortcomings, but still (presumably) failed to correct them, because the PDR is only retained for a limited period of time, while the PER is forever.  If the member changes unit/location/superior and there's nothing on paper to indicate that he was counselled and corrective attempts were made, then more serious action (RW, C&P, etc.) may be tough for a future superior to justify.

Bottom line--you can't go wrong with facts, that you can back up with documentation.  The key, really, however, is to show that you are, ahd have been, actively trying to correct the deficient performance.
On the Serious Side......From the PDR's you should have all the powder to draw from.  You should find the "Word Picture" book for writing PDR's and PER's or look up the electronic copy of it in CFPAS.
This soldier will forever try to push his way through doors that require a pull to open.

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