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Pea's Story...

Paraphrased MacDonald's "Keep your eye on the prize."
Meaning Graduation.  ;D
remember just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward

Good Work Troop

Another quick update:

I'm currently on weekend leave after my first week in Farnham. (Range week) Starting week 10 on Monday, back at the Mega. This week includes CBRN classes and training, our final PT test, and the Division Commander's inspection. At the end of the week I'll be doing the gas hut. I'm looking forward to that experience, but also a little nervous.

Test week went great, I'm very happy with all my results. The range was a blast this past week. Participated in a night shoot which was pretty cool! Lots of webbing/rucksack marches too. I was pretty tired when we returned to the Mega on Friday, but overall it was a good week. Once this week is over, I have 2 weeks of field training in Farnham, and then I am done! Grad week here I come!

Thanks again to all who have been supporting me along the way!
Sounds like you are adjusting quite well Pvt Pea. Keep up the good work. You are on the downhill slide. ;D
Glad to see the end is near!!!
Congrats Pea and can't wait to see you in the OR sometime...

......um, you did go clerk, right?   :D


Edited to add correction...my bad!  For some reason I knew Pea went medic but it slipped my mind, like a bad fan belt!  The heat here isn't that bad, it's the heat there that has gibbled the mind...I'd like to change my mind for a hundred please Alex!?
A good go to all our newest recruits and good luck in the future!!!    :salute:
BYT Driver said:
Glad to see the end is near!!!
Congrats Pea and can't wait to see you in the OR sometime...

......um, you did go clerk, right?   :D


Read the thread ...

I know you're home on leave in a much cooler Ontario environment these days ... so it can't be the heat that's getting to you!!  ;D

She went Medic ...
So maybe you will see her in the O(perating) R(oom) sometime..... ;D
I'm currently on weekend leave after my first week in Farnham. (Range week) Starting week 10 on Monday, back at the Mega. This week includes CBRN classes and training, our final PT test, and the Division Commander's inspection. At the end of the week I'll be doing the gas hut. I'm looking forward to that experience, but also a little nervous.
Keep going, Pea! It's all downhill from there.
Gas Hut is a blast................. unless yuo throw up in your mask  :crybaby: and if you do that don't breath in very very bad effect.

Gas hut??? what a blast !!!  tastes a bit like pepper...
And enjoy your time in Borden, I'm sure there's loads of people there that are from here who will take you out for a beer..or two...  ;D

Best of Luck, Pea      :army:
Keep up the good work Pea - the light is at the end of the tunnel.  THen you get to have some of the fun I'm having - eventually :).

gas hut is a breeze! you'll do just fine and like it was said dont throw up in your mask! very bad after effect! lol :salute:
BYT Driver said:
Gas hut??? what a blast !!!  tastes a bit like pepper...
And enjoy your time in Borden, I'm sure there's loads of people there that are from here who will take you out for a beer..or two...  ;D

Or a helicopter ride...

Let me know when you get here.
Hey guys.. Just a minute for a quick update.

I'm just finishing up my weekend leave after week 11 in Farnham. The gas hut went well in week 10. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. A little face burning, but other than that it was great. We just finished our last PO check of the course! On Friday I completed my first BFT. I'm feeling quite proud of myself too. 13km's was quite the feat for me. I felt pretty good up til about 10km, then started to feel the sore feet and exhaustion setting in a bit. But, our whole platoon kept going and finished it all off. The fireman carry and trench dig followed, and at the end I have never been happier to have my boots off, feet in the hands of a medic and a mouth full of oranges. haha.

I'm heading back to Farnham tomorrow morning for our 72hr final exercise. It should be a very challenging and sleep deprived week, but knowing that as soon as I am done I will be heading back to the Mega to get my "G" (instead of a week number..) is very exciting. Last week of course and then it's grad week, I don't think I could be any more excited these days! A week from Thursday I'll be on that parade square with my platoon. I cannot wait!

Thanks to all for your continued enthusiasm and support! Talk to you soon.
Pte Pea said:
I'm heading back to Farnham tomorrow morning for our 72hr final exercise. It should be a very challenging and sleep deprived week, but knowing that as soon as I am done I will be heading back to the Mega to get my "G" (instead of a week number..) is very exciting. Last week of course and then it's grad week, I don't think I could be any more excited these days! A week from Thursday I'll be on that parade square with my platoon. I cannot wait!

Thanks to all for your continued enthusiasm and support! Talk to you soon.

We're all proud of you Pea!