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Peaceniks Try Direct Mail on Vandoos Destined for AFG

This type of thing makes me very angry and very sad at the same time. To think that these people would actually believe that a lousy piece of paper would make these guys give up everything they have worked for. Someone said it earlier, the R22R have a very proud history of service to Canada and the CF and a lot of good friends of mine are with that regiment, and I know for a fact that at least one of  them would take that letter and gladly stuff down the senders throat. If the are unable to support us in what we do for Country then at the very least they can try not to do anything that distracts us when we are getting ready to deploy, be it Air, Land or Sea. I hope they smoke some bad weed and have a bad trip.
So they didn't specifically target a deploying member?  That's a relief.

What we need to do (as a society) is remind people that it is not us that choose to deploy, but our government that chooses to send us.

If people have issues, then they should fight harder to vote for (who they think are) the correct people that will follow their wants and needs.  If we are deploying and staying deployed it's because the CANADIAN PEOPLE want us to be there and have said so by electing the individuals that they did in the last and prior elections.  Don't like it, get out and vote and change it.
These folks are being very asutue, in their own silly, little way. They know that they cannot make the government change its mind, so they are hoping to find a 'war resister' they can make into a hero, especially if he/she is 'martyred' by the system. While they would love to be charged for inciting mutiny or whatever for all the free, sympathetic publicity they would get, I suspect they figure the probability of that is low.

If I was a professional protester, I would see this as a win/win situation. Today a mass-mailing, tomorrow every journalists' speed dial.
Well here's the thing.  One is a complete liberty to stand up and voice dissent against the governments decisions/action and what have you.  One is even completely free to say that the CF is a group of human rights abusing barbarians that must be opposed.  That is actually well within protected speech.  There are some things that are not protected, these things which indanger the common good and public safety.  There is a very specific reason this is mentioned in the criminal code of Canada. (twice infact, for varying degrees of severity)

Every army requires discipline in order to function. If commands are simply not followed, an army comes to a thundering stop.  This is similar to what would happen to your body if the nervous system simply shut down.  By trying to entice soldiers to disobey lawfull authority,  you are infact trying to render impotent the democratically elected government.  If you have a problem with the governments policies,  write your MP, don't harass those who's duty it is to follow orders.

If we allowed every political movement to dictator to be to speak directly to the armed forces and freely allow them to 'seduce' the troops,  we could end up like most other countries that are enthralled with civil war.  This is a VERY old law, and although the conditions that would require it to be paramount don't exist (I doubt we'll have dissention from this letter) it should still be enforced.  The law is the law. (and yes respect the idea that the best tactic would be to ignore them,  joke about them, basically render them meaningless. However, I see serious political advantage for raising this - it will expose them for the tendentious group they are while showing some of the grief CF members put up with.)

Additionally, soldiers have a right to not be harassed because people disapprove of the government's policies.  Walking down the street getting called a baby killer after getting spit on, or receiving a letter about how you, and people know care deeply about, support human rights abuses - and that you should disobey your chain of command, it is simply harassment that soldiers should not have to go through.


edited for a typo

A snippet from today's National Post, Page A1 (Sorry don't have a link.  Found the text on the ADM (PA) intranet site.) in an article entitled "Anti-war letter angers soldiers; GROUPS URGE DESERTION; Direct mail calls Afghan activities 'war crimes'" shared with the usual disclaimer.

News of the letter drew a furious response on an Internet forum at army.ca. Under the heading, "Peaceniks Try Direct Mail on Vandoos Destined for AFG," one member suggested another use for the mailing. "I certainly hope the letters were written on a soft but absorbent paper, so they can be used by the soldiers for a function appropriate to the contents," a contributor named Colin P. wrote.

I posted about that 6 hours ago. ;)
I get spam from companies, stores, political parties (NDP the other day I dunno why they waste their money, or why they know who I am). Everyone gets spam in their mailbox. But this is different. Still a lot of people in Quebec would rather see our boys in Haiti than A-Stan. They are misguided, not evil, but that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.
FascistLibertarian said:
I posted about that 6 hours ago. ;)

So you did.... but ... oh, well.  Never mind.

(Edited to remove egg from my yap.)
I would like to add my little comment here on that topic. Why bother with that letter since we know it was not sent directly to the CF members but in a mass mailing. There is no security breach there in my opinion. Thoses who are going AWOL because a letter like this should not be in the Canadian Forces.

If groups like theses have free speech as they do, it must mean that we are doing our job correctly. We protect the freedom (including freedom of speech). Since there was no security breach, why don't we just discard that junk mail and continue to be proud of what we are doing. I won't sue or go after canadiantire because they send me a flyer i don't want.

Maybe we could send Greenpeace after them because they used paper (and at the same time killed some trees) to send crap like that.  :P

That was just my opinion :)

It might just appear to be some harmless pinkos writing whiny letters, but remember, forty years ago these same types of people in the same part of the country were executing people and plotting bombings.  I say throw the book at 'em, and hard.
bomb said:
It might just appear to be some harmless pinkos writing whiny letters, but remember, forty years ago these same types of people in the same part of the country were executing people and plotting bombings.  I say throw the book at 'em, and hard.

Which, as Old Sweat pointed out earlier today, would be playing into their hands.

They have already gotten waaaaay too much free publicity from this stunt.
For some reason (and I think the problem is 12 inches from the monitor) I can't insert the scanned document but here is the contact information including the final paragraph, for anyone who feels like send them junk like this:

Below are some more resources to consult if you are considering resisting deployment to Afghanistan; we have included information about war resisters in the USA and other information of interest. Don't hesitate to get in touch, in confidence, at the following contact points:

Valcartier 2007
Mailing address: CP55051, 138 Saint-Vallier Ouest, Québec (Qué) G1K 1J0
Telephone: (418) 208-7059
Web: www.valcartier2007.ca
E-Mail: info@valcartier2007.ca"

They quote and mention often in the rest of the letter the reservist who raised the stink and mentioned that this is an example of how to resist... not sure...

Anyway, it's gonna be in the mail to the local RCMP Det tomorrow morning.

I had a quick look through the website, and was quite interested/disgusted in the blatant distortion of facts, that these folks are putting forth as "the real story". I guess it's a good thing for them, that this country, unlike others, grants them the freedom to express dissenting opinions. In other places they'd probably be filling a drainage ditch somewhere! I think that they are the unwitting pawns of people who have a vested interest in a failure in Afghanistan.
Heh... they are still quoting the former Reg navy / reserve arty OCdt Juarez!... Cheez!
His story was debunked months ago!
I've never even hear of this Juarez character, and honestly, as an OCdt, where the heck did he expected to be deployed to?
Judging from most of their info/links/quotes maybe they should target the Americans......... ::)
MedTech said:
I've never even hear of this Juarez character, and honestly, as an OCdt, where the heck did he expected to be deployed to?

MedTech said:
I've never even hear of this Juarez character, and honestly, as an OCdt, where the heck did he expected to be deployed to?

"MR" Juarez was a sailor who released from the Reg navy, joined the reserves and had the CF pay for part of his education.  As an OCdt in a BC arty unit said ex-sailor went to CTC Gagetown for his phase trainint.... where he washed out.  After being served with an RTU and subject to an admin review - unsuitable for further service, Mr Juarez suddenly started to claim he had been scheduled to go to Afghanistan but that he had "seen the light" and decided that his conscience required him to denounce the war in Afghanistan and bail from the CF.

To that, I say, keep moving and don't let the door hit ya in the a$$ on the way out!