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Paying rent and bills while in the CF


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Hi. I wrote my CFAT today and was asked if I wanted to pursue the Traffic Technician trade for the Air Force branch.

Question: I'm working full-time now and paying rent, bills, student loans etc. I also have 5 months left on my lease.  Does the CF offer some sort of compensation while in training? Just looking for some insight from those who have been through this.
As soon as you start your BMQ, you get paid full time.  Is there some other compensation you were looking for?
PMedMoe said:
As soon as you start your BMQ, you get paid full time.  Is there some other compensation you were looking for?

Not really. I thought it might be like the RCMP (don't get paid while in training), who get paid after training.  :)
It may take a bit before the pay gets straightened out, but you get it.
It would be a good idea to expect no pay for the first 30-45 days and to have enough funds to support your bills for that amount of time.

Not that it WILL take that long but from what I can remember for some recruits it took quite a long time to get the correct pay.

If you have all your banking info handy  for direct deposit in BMQ (ie. void cheque), you should have no delay.
But as mentioned before, always good to have that cusion just in case.
If you plan on retaining your residence while on basic, make sure you get them to pay for your rations and quarters.  If not you will only be making between 500 and 600 every pay.
TheFITZ said:
If you plan on retaining your residence while on basic, make sure you get them to pay for your rations and quarters.  If not you will only be making between 500 and 600 every pay.

IIRC, if you do not have dependants, they will not pay your R&Q for you.  If you have dependants (spouse, child) then you are entitled to free R&Q.
One other thing to mention(which I grapple with sometimes) is how much money you make at your civvie job and what the difference/shortfall will be when you start BMQ.  Make sure you have enough money saved up to cover the difference for the duration of BMQ (assuming you are paid more in your civvie job).  Also factor in CPP, EI, Insurance deductions and talk to your bank about setting up auto bill payments so you won't have to worry about missed payments, because ultimately it can screw with your credit.

I'm being careful with my finances for this reason. I don't have a lot of debts, except for student loan and credit card. The student loan will hopefully be 50% paid off if my tuition rebate goes through which all indications say that it is.
The best advice you can get is from the RMS Clerks at your recruiting center.  There are some real differences for benefits for things like SE and R & Q specific to Recruits in training so what you are getting here may be out to lunch.

Bottom line, ask at the CFRC with the clerks and take what is here with a grain of salt. 