17. Appropriate compliments shall be paid when
recognizing an officer dressed in civilian clothing.
18. When dressed in civilian clothes, all
members shall stand at attention and male members
(less Sikhs) shall remove headdress, on any
occasion when a salute would be correct in uniform
and extreme winter weather conditions allow. On the
march, the headdress is raised or removed, if
applicable, and the head turned right or left. When
headdress is not worn, it is correct to turn the head
as required and offer a polite greeting.
19. Buildings. Salutes are not given indoors in
either public or service buildings except on parades,
ceremonial occasions, in areas so designated by
commanders, or when entering or leaving the office
of an officer who should be paid compliments by
virtue of his rank or appointment. Further:
a. it is correct to turn the head and offer a polite
greeting when meeting an officer in the
common area of a public or service building;
b. it is not customary for those other than Sikhs
working in a building to wear headdress
when visiting another office in the same
building. In this circumstance, compliments
are paid by briefly coming to attention at the
office door.
20. Cenotaphs. Officers and men shall salute
individually and formed military groups shall pay
compliments when passing the National War
Memorial and cenotaphs to military dead.
21. Colours. Individuals and formed military
groups shall pay compliments to uncased Colours,
except when the Colour is part of an escort to the
deceased during a funeral (see subparagraph 23a.).
a. Halted armed groups shall present arms.
b. Military groups marching past uncased
Colours shall give eyes right/left.
c. See also paragraph 30.
22. Religious Services and Buildings.
Conventional marks of respect and courtesy shall be
observed during religious services and in places of
worship, depending on the customs of the religion
involved and the faith of the member (see A-AD-265-
000/AG-001, CF Dress Instructions, Chapter 2,
Section 3 for further explanation).
23. Funerals. The following compliments shall
be paid at state, military and civilian funerals:
a. The remains of the deceased take seniority
and alone receive compliments during a
b. Members shall wear headdress and pay
respects by saluting when passing the casket
at a vigil.
c. Formed military groups shall be halted and
turned to face a passing funeral procession,
and the officer or member in charge will
salute the deceased while passing. Individual
compliments shall be paid in a similar
d. Individuals and formed military groups
bearing arms shall salute a passing funeral
procession by presenting arms.
e. Salutes, as above, shall be accorded the
casket during interments.
f. At the end of a Service funeral, the officiating
chaplain will proceed to the foot of the grave
to pay his respects. Service members should
then proceed to the foot of the grave, in order
of seniority, to pay individual respects by
saluting. When numbers warrant, members
may approach in small informal groups.
g. See also paragraph 26.
24. Guards and Sentries. Detailed instructions
for paying compliments by guards and sentries are
found in Chapter 10.
25. Courtesy Salutes
a. Foreign officers shall be saluted in the same
manner as Canadian officers unless the
circumstances clearly dictate otherwise.
b. Service members may express their respect
for individual civilians by using a salute as a
formal means of greeting or farewell.
26. Memorial Services and Funerals.
Compliments to the dead shall be paid during the
sounding of the calls “Last Post†and “Rouse†when
they are used in memorial services and funerals.
Compliments will commence on the first note and
terminate on the last of each call when sounded.
Compliments shall be paid as follows:
a. All ranks who are not part of a formed
military group shall salute.
b. Formed military groups will be brought to
attention and all officers shall salute. A Royal
or General Salute will be ordered if
appropriate. The funeral guard will present
arms, the escort will remain at the order,
officers that form part of the escort will salute
with the hand. In the latter case the salute
shall be held for the silent interval between
“Last Post†and “Rouseâ€.
c. On defence establishments, all vehicles in
the vicinity shall be stopped and the
occupants shall dismount and pay
27. Lecture Rooms
a. When a visiting officer or dignitary senior to
the instructor enters a lecture room, theatre,
etc., the instructor or senior member present
shall call the group to attention. All members
of the class shall sit at attention, arms
straight at the side, head and eyes to the
front and heels together.
b. Where it may be impracticable or hazardous
to call the group to attention, the order,
STAND FAST, will be given. Members of the
group shall suspend all possible action,
without causing physical danger to
themselves or others, or damage to
equipment, until the order CARRY ON is