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Pay, deductions???

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I recently applied to the CF to go in as a combat engineer...looks like I'll be in soon barring anything unforseen.  Anyway, I was wondering what kind/how much of deductions from my pay I can expect once I'm in, and what I would make once I'm a full private.  I just need to know because if I'll still be able to comfortably make my car payment (like $400/month) and still be putting cash into savings...if not, the car goes!!
OK, so I actually searched for the info I was looking for and I found the payscale...but I still dont know what kind of deductions I can expect...As well, I heard that the deductions didnt start until after BMQ...is this true? any help is appreciated
The deductions will be the same as any other Canadian, income tax in the neighbourhood of 25%, CPP and EI as well as your CF Pension (superannuation on your pay statement), and they start from the moment you begin getting paid. I have just under 40% of my monthly pay deducted for income tax, CPP, EI, superannuation, supp. death benefits and disability coverage.
But I heard that the army deducts from your wages for room and board...that kind of stuff. Or does the payscale show the deducted wage? Or was someone just feeding me a load of crap?
VanMatt said:
But I heard that the army deducts from your wages for room and board...that kind of stuff. Or does the payscale show the deducted wage? Or was someone just feeding me a load of crap?

The pay scales reflect the GROSS pay ( i.e. before all deductions).  Yes in most cases you will pay for room and board on BMQ and trades training....you will also pay mess dues, SDB, dental plan for dependants ( if you so wish) , medical plan for dependants ( if you so wish), taxes, CFSA, CPP/QPP, EI and a host of other stuff.

Do you need a forensic accountant before you decide to join ?

p_imbeault said:
Quarters and Rations are deducted IF you choose to live on base, and eat at the mess.

On BMQ ( at the very least) living on base  isnt a question of "IF"........

remeber all that "stay in your lane " stuff posted in the cadet forum ?
Sorry I'll remember my place, although I thought my post was valid seeing as how the first post stats he is inquiring about deductions after he is a fully trained Pte. I realize that the accumulated information that a Cadet has to offer may not mean much, but I have been doing my fair share of research into the CF as a Career and I figured the things I have learnt could be shared with someone that has similar questions as I did, no?
p_imbeault said:
Sorry I'll remember my place, although I thought my post was valid seeing as how the first post stats he is inquiring about deductions after he is a fully trained Pte.

fair enough

Edit : the original pst has been edited to the point where its quite different than it used to be.  I'm sure that the original poster can figure out from the pay scales ( in gross) a general idea of what he will be making.  if he needs a "nickel and dime" analysis,that could be a hint that maybe he cant afford to make the jump given his financial comitments (IMHO).
The Deductions for Rations and Quarters vary from Base to Base.  There are also different rates, on every Base, that will be deducted for Quarters as there are different types of Quarters on every Base.  The amounts being deducted also will vary depending on what Rank you are. 

Quarters can be Single Room, Double Room, Suite, PMQ, ESQ, etc.  and then they are also divided between Officer, Snr NCO and OR Quarters.  Every Base will have the rates at Base Accommodations.
Thanks for the info...and for your information, I AM joining, its just a matter of whether or not I have to dump other commitments :salute:
The deductions at St. Jean are, if IIRC and they haven't changed, roughly 365/month for rations and another 90 (roughly) for quarters (Ocdt quarters though, not recruit which might be less).
Hey guys,

What does IPC 1,2 in regards to pay level mean? Sorry if this is vague, it was vague to me on the phone too.

I don't know what it stands for but it's for pay rate for example  a year two pte would have a IPC of 2 and a year 3 pte would be IPC 3 etc..
IPC = Incentive Pay Category

For more information on Pay go to:  http://www.forces.gc.ca/dgcb/dppd/engraph/home_e.asp?sidesection=3
RE: VanMatt's 400/mo car payment...The only thing i would watch for, is your first week in St. Jean for BMq, they give you around $300 at a pay parade to go to the cannex and purchase everything you'll need for the first 4 weeks. then you git your first pay, which has this $300 plus Rats and Quarters taken off it, so it's around $250. Also, if you're married or common law, you're intitled to free R&Q plus seperation pay, but it'll take them 3-4 weeks to sort it out (regardless of what you've aranged at the recruting centre). When I was there my pays went something like $250-$600-$600-$600-$1400-$1200 and then they leveled out after everything was fixed. *DISCLAIMER TO AVOID JACKING FORM DS* This was just my personal experience and it was 3 years ago, but the old adage "the more things change, the more they stay the same," holds true.
Glorified Ape said:
The deductions at St. Jean are, if IIRC and they haven't changed, roughly 365/month for rations and another 90 (roughly) for quarters (Ocdt quarters though, not recruit which might be less).

Ape, is that price for rations for real? $365 for food would feed me and my family, so that figure can't be accurate, I hope! The pay is no hell to begin with, so to nicklel and dime soldiers like seems outrageous to me. I couldn't find any info on misc. deductions anywhere.
0007 said:
Ape, is that price for rations for real? $365 for food would feed me and my family, so that figure can't be accurate, I hope! The pay is no hell to begin with, so to nicklel and dime soldiers like seems outrageous to me. I couldn't find any info on misc. deductions anywhere.

factor in also that someone cooks it for you, serves it to you and cleans up after you.  The pay in the CF is very good....stop bitching !!
Not bitching at all! That price is outrageous, end of story. I find the tone on this site a little hostile, if you don't appreciate a question, overlook it - you don't help or add anything replying in a bitched out fashion. Thanks.
0007 said:
Not bitching at all! That price is outrageous, end of story. I find the tone on this site a little hostile, if you don't appreciate a question, overlook it - you don't help or add anything replying in a bitched out fashion. Thanks.

Fair enough,

You could always seek employement elsewhere
365 for 30-31 days of food? Thats roughly 12 bucks a day. 4 bucks a meal, not bad if you ask me.
aesop081 said:
Fair enough,

You could always seek employement elsewhere

He said absolutely nothing about not wanting to join, I see nothing wrong with stating personal views on a matter.  It's comments and attitudes like the quote above that ruin many online communities.
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