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Packing for Basic [MERGED]

Boot bands x 100 were popular with reservists who used them to ensure their bunk blankets were 'super-tight' for inspections. 

Rather funny the one time an instructor went to tear apart the guy's bed and the bedding wouldnt come apart!
I heard I should bring bunji cords? is this true?, if it is what size?.
The joining instructions I recieved last night for the course starting monday are pretty well useless.
Future unknown: you're not new to these boards, you should know what to do with questions.  Do a search for answers on your question, especially before you bring up such an old thread.

Here's something alot more recent you can check out: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/44764.0.html

A list of what to bring with you is on there as well as joining instructions.
Why don't you call the recruiting center and ask the Canadian Forces what you should be doing?? You'll probably get pointed in the right direction.
The link provided by Jake contains the official list ... there is lots of info about BMQ and IAP/BOTP on the CFLRS site: http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/site/soyez_prets/qmb_e.asp
Im basically asking that someone who has been through BMQ or in it currently to pretty please help me out and just pretty much tell me what brands or w/e you have so it would make it a lot easier on me. and the quantity you brought. Also which items can be bought at
From what im looking at on the first post i mean on my list it does not even require or say i should bring combination locks + the countless other things.. what in the world do you need a razor for out in the field? now im really confused lol...
St.Jean so i don't have to bring them on the plane trip and stuff. i know it might take a little work to right everything but it would be very greatly appreciated and would make me stop worrying about what exactly there telling me to bring as for clothes and stuff.. thanks in advance if someone can do this. bye bye

The Civilian Clothing list i received has :

Plastic Soap Dish
Toothbrush Case
Mouth wash
Dental floss
Non disposable razor with blades
shaving cream or gel, can
laundry detergent
shoe shine kit (Brush,polish,kiwi cloth)
Civ Sports clothing ( shorts,bathing suit,T-shrts)
Inexpensive watch
shower sandals
lint brush
alarm cloth
facecloth,hand tower and bath towel
wide belt
photo in picture fram ( Q: Why do we need a photo in a frame and of what?)

Clothing Men
Seasonal Jacket
Casual Dress pants
Casual Dress shirt with collar
Casual Dress shoes
Casual Sweaters
Bathing Suit provided by QM? but in the personal items it says to bring that but they give u it , uhm so that means ill have 2 bathing suits?
Sports socks
Running Shoes
Sport Shoes
T-shirts for sport
Sport short

"why do you need a razor in the field" are you for real, just because you are in the field does not mean you will not shave or wash! IT"S CALLED HYGENE PEOPLE!!! You stand more chance to get disease in the field than in Garrison. Bring a small picture in a frame of your family, it shows you have some heart, and reminds you of home!!
If everyone brings a picture in a frame then those that have a reason get to display it as everyone has the same locker layout.

You will wash and shave in the field.  If you've seen photo's of guys that are in the field and haven't shaved there is a damn good reason like a shortage of water or the coy has been in contact and they haven't had time to shave. You will.

As for the soap dish etc get the toughest stuff you can find.  There is a brand I've found called "Pretty Neat" and they are practicaly un-breakable.  They make all the stuff you need (I think)

Good luck and keep a good attitude you'll get through.

Just a short note on the washing in the field you do wash as you are inspected but heres a tip buy unscented soap and stuff espcially if you do your course in the spring to fall seasons .Theres more then enough bugs out there no reason to draw more of them to you and drive ya nuts
ill push further the soap thing in Field...

choose some none phosphate soap...its a good way to prevent degradation of environment...allot are usefull...there is a soap made with (not sure of the English term but its citronade I think) that will help to keep away those pesky bugs...

you can find that soap easily...used allot for hunters, fishers, and outdoor amateurs.
unscented wet ones or baby whipes are killer in the field! I take them out of the canister, and put them in a ziploc to take up almost no space in my ruck and they clean up better than soap and water.
Some guys went out and bought cheap electric razors for the field, it was a good idea, makes shaving alot nicer especially since you are using ice water when its below or close to freezing. Now, your course Staff may not allow those, it could be different here in gagetown.
I hope to be on BMQ by the Fall, and I was wondering about some of the kit you need to bring to ELRFC St. Jean...
I don't want to go into the CFRC here in Oshawa, and bug the Cpl's, and Sgt's with these questions. Even IF that's what they're there for, I'm sure they're busy enough already.

They have a bunch of footwear listed, with funny names like "Casual/Dress"
I'd imagine Casual/Dress shoes would be something like a Doc Marten?
And they have "Running Shoes" and "Sport shoes". Does that mean I have to bring something like an Adidas Running Shoe.....AND a Cross-Trainer? Or do they want me to bring my everyday shoes, and a pair for PT??

The Alarm clock.....If I show up with one that's plug-in, am I going to be SOL?

And lastly...my dad bought me a bunch of that wheeler's kit, to take away on courses. Shoe/Shine Case, Wash Kit, FMP cover, 3-ring Binder cover. They all CADPAT, and have Army Name-Tapes on them, with the crossed-swords. Bringing them on course...good idea? Or Bad idea?

CF_Lifer said:
FMP cover, 3-ring Binder cover. They all CADPAT, and have Army Name-Tapes on them, with the crossed-swords. Bringing them on course...good idea? Or Bad idea?

Leave that shit at home...you wont need it for BMQ
In case he's wandering, what about Shoe/Shine Case, Wash Kit ?
Yrys said:
In case he's wandering, what about Shoe/Shine Case, Wash Kit ?

shoe shine kit is ok.......

By wash kit , if he means a case to put his razor/toothbrush in...its ok for the field portion but he wont need it on the base as that stuff is in his locker layout
Good Luck CF_Lifer, from another cf hopeful in the shwa, although I wont be joining until next year after I finish school (Durham College). Plus i havent decided sigop or lcis.
Awesome tips everyone, keep em' coming. Greatly appreciated by many of us, thank you all for sharing!
CDN Aviator said:
Leave that crap at home...you wont need it for BMQ

Uhhm, at least for IAP, I'd bring the FMP Cover...everyone on my course used one... and I recall seeing recruits (BMQ) buying them from the CANEX and using them on course.  I wouldn't bother with the 3ring (though things may have changed), and you certainly dont need the FMP to be cadpat.

If you can find a nice kit for shoe/shine, do it. Most people I remember had it all shoved in plastic bags or ziplocks, but black shine can easily ruin a DEU shirt.. well really any shirt, but if you can avoid it, avoid it!

As for wash kit, again, many people had them, and they were handy. Try and get things that are lean/small/low profile.  Im sure you can get camping style stuff which will be a space saver for you.  Your course may require you to routinely use the stuff in locker layout, but most of the courses I was around didnt, and everyone had a second set...    just don't go spending a fortune on this stuff.

The caveat is generally you dont -need- anything not on the list, and you can get by with "value-brand" everything of what is on the list. This isnt a fashion parade.
Thanks for the tips on what to, and what not to buy.
But the kit's already bought. I just wanted to know which of it might be handy on course.

More importantly! I'm wondering about the shoes issue! The last thing I want to happen, is to show up on course, and some MCpl say "What are those sneakers?? Where's your second set of sport shoes, Mr......what's your name?"
Same with the clock. Although I'm not as worried about that.
Swimsuit though, it says to bring one, but it also says QM will issue one.

About this second set of soap dish/toiletries, etc.  Is it really a good idea?