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Packing a Ruck

NFLD Sapper said:
IIRC we are issued camel-backs in addition to the 1 and 2 quart canteens.....ensure soldiers carry enough water...my  :2c: I do ruckmarches here at CFSME with a full 1 quart in addition to the camelback and we extra 500ml water bottles.....

The army, in all its wisdom, has decided you only need a Camelbak if you're deploying...

NFLD Sapper said:
so my guess, it's will be like a giant slinky then...... ;D

Well if last year's picture is any indication of what is to come...  :rofl:

ballz said:
The army, in all its wisdom, has decided you only need a Camelbak if you're deploying...

I wonder how the Army survived for over a hundred years, in several major conflicts at home and abroad, without Camelbaks?  >:D
George Wallace said:
I wonder how the Army survived for over a hundred years, in several major conflicts at home and abroad, without Camelbaks?  >:D

Fair point. How did you do it all those years George? :P

Personally, I bought my own a long time ago and have never really used it, I prefer a Nalgene bottle or two, so if I had the option I probably wouldn't use it anyway, but I know some who swear by it. It seems pretty unreasonable to me to have kit on hand that is only for when you are deployed. Train like you fight?
ballz said:
Fair point. How did you do it all those years George? :P

Honestly, I seldom used my canteen.  Always took advantage of the oranges and drinks that the unit placed along the route.  (I was lucky to be in units that thought of those things.)
I was wondering, am I able to wear my full fighting order whenever I practice ruckmarching? If not can I wear the boots, cadpat pants , and brown shirt or do I have to be in civies?
Kamikaze1655 said:
I was wondering, am I able to wear my full fighting order whenever I practice ruckmarching? If not can I wear the boots, cadpat pants , and brown shirt or do I have to be in civies?

Well you can but you will look like a goofball.  I usually wear cargo pants, a t-shirt and hiking boots whenever I train by myself. 
RoyalDrew said:
Well you can but you will look like a goofball.  I usually wear cargo pants, a t-shirt and hiking boots whenever I train by myself.

My  :2c:

As RoyalDrew said, if on your own time, dress as comfortable as you please, but consider one important point: Your boots.  If you are going to be wearing a new pair of Cbt Boots on the actual march, you may want to break them in first.
And for the love of God do not in any way carry a weapon of any kind! We had a guy at clown college RMC somehow get a hold of one of those rubber rifle replicas and take it on a march in town.
Lumber said:
And for the love of God do not in any way carry a weapon of any kind! We had a guy at clown college RMC somehow get a hold of one of those rubber rifle replicas and take it on a march in town.

Hahaha I bet that went over well!
Buy an 8-pound sledge hammer and rucksack march with that. You can save yourself ass pain by marching with a weight vest instead of chest rig/tacvest.

The new ruck the Canadian Forces issues is garbage also. Go on ebay and pick up a nice Mystery ranch ruck for 1/3rd the retail price.
I was going to suggest some comfy lingerie and hi heels.....oops wrong thread...... :facepalm:
I have a ref for ya Steno360 - it's called your CoC. Regarding dress policy for PT / walking on / off, the Base (or Bde) RSM is responsible to make this call. You will not find it in any manual or pub where we are instructed on the wearing of our kit in this manner. If your unit CSM / SSM wants to allow the troops to let their zipper down, unlace boots, unblouse pants - it's up to them to either make that call or bear the brunt of the Base RSM when he catches you doing it. Unless the have sought the RSM's permission...

Camelbacks? Not issued to everyone. This is a restricted item and therefore only in certain situations will you be issued it. See Material Authorization Documents - Scales of issue.
Infanteer said:
plus eliminate boot bands which restrict circulation.

How large are their calves??  :o


Seriously, if one's boot bands are so tight as to restrict circulation, perhaps they should use two per leg.

Jarnhamar said:
Buy an 8-pound sledge hammer and rucksack march with that. You can save yourself *** pain by marching with a weight vest instead of chest rig/tacvest.

The new ruck the Canadian Forces issues is garbage also. Go on ebay and pick up a nice Mystery ranch ruck for 1/3rd the retail price.

You would be allowed to use a ruck purchased yourself? I have a Mystery Ranch CrewCab that I love....
brensol said:
You would be allowed to use a ruck purchased yourself? I have a Mystery Ranch CrewCab that I love....

For training at home by yourself yes.  For with your unit, it depends on your unit. Most units will not let you but there are a few that will.
dangerboy said:
For training at home by yourself yes.  For with your unit, it depends on your unit. Most units will not let you but there are a few that will.

Thanks for your reply. I have been using my Myster Ranch pack while on the treadmill and I really love how comfortable the pack is.
brensol said:
Thanks for your reply. I have been using my Myster Ranch pack while on the treadmill and I really love how comfortable the pack is.

I train on a treadmill myself these days, with a ruck.

As I get older I find that it's much lower impact on the old man joints. My usual target is 2000 vertical feet in 40 minutes, carrying 40 lbs, with the elevation set at max (20). It's doable in a lunch hour.

It still feels pretty lame though, of course. Nothing beats having a good mountain close by to wear down :)
daftandbarmy said:
I train on a treadmill myself these days, with a ruck.

As I get older I find that it's much lower impact on the old man joints. My usual target is 2000 vertical feet in 40 minutes, carrying 40 lbs, with the elevation set at max (20). It's doable in a lunch hour.

It still feels pretty lame though, of course. Nothing beats having a good mountain close by to wear down :)

That sounds pretty decent for "old man joints"! My treadmill only goes up to 10% incline so I have just been "hiking" for 2 hours at a time and working on my pace. I've got a while to continue my preparations even before my hernia surgery and then I can reapply in the coming new year.
brensol said:
That sounds pretty decent for "old man joints"! My treadmill only goes up to 10% incline so I have just been "hiking" for 2 hours at a time and working on my pace. I've got a while to continue my preparations even before my hernia surgery and then I can reapply in the coming new year.

One rule: don't get injured
Hello everyone,

I've recently applied to join the Reserve and of course, relatives are popping up and sharing their experience in the CF.
I've heard that "back in the days" it was a 30km ruck march for the infantry. Now it's 13km. Quite a drop! The justification given was that .. "now there's girls".
I wanted to double check the validity of the statement. The 30km would have been in early 1980.

PS: Yes, I used the search function before posting.