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Our Prison Policies Suck


Army.ca Veteran
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Figured I'd start a thread to put stories of how our precious, precious criminals have such a candy go when they are in lock up.  If for no other reason than to hopefully get Bruce to take a few canisters of Sarin gas to work some time and have at 'er  ;D

Here's a place to start:


Mass murderer Nathan Fry seeks 'upbeat' pen pal
  By Ethan Baron, Vancouver ProvinceJanuary 15, 2010Be the first to post a comment

"I'm a Capricorn and a definite perfectionist!" Nathan Fry, 22, gushes in an ad posted on the website PrisonPenPals.com.

The website allows prisoners — who often lack computer access — to post ads using a mailed-in application.

On May 15, 2006, Fry used gasoline and a blowtorch to set fire to an east Vancouver residence.

The arson attack was an act of revenge against one of the members of the Congolese immigrant family who lived in the social-housing townhouse. Fry believed the teen had ratted him out to police over two stabbings with which they'd both been charged.

Adela Etibako, 39, died in the blaze, along with her children Edita, 12, Benedicta, 9, and Stephane, 8, who were seen screaming at an upper-floor window but were too afraid to jump.

Also killed was Ashley Singh, 17, the girlfriend of Adela's son, Bolingo, 19 — the young man with whom Fry was upset. Bolingo suffered serious burns but hurled himself from a second-storey window and survived.

Fry is now behind bars with no possibility of parole for 25 years.

He admits in his ad that he's been convicted of first-degree murder, but doesn't provide numbers or details.

"I like doing exciting things," he writes on the website ad, "and knowing exciting people."

He lists among his interests history and politics.

"I'm just beginning my sentence, so I haven't had time to accomplish much yet," he writes. "But as soon as I am allowed to, I plan to continue with school and go on to take college courses, as well as continuing to develop my art skills.

"It would be really nice to talk with someone who's not an inmate."

Fry's ad — 250 words, a photo, four drawings and his mailing address — would have cost $79.95 U.S. a year.

In his quest to find "a girl to write to who has a good sense of humour, and a (sic) upbeat personality," Fry notes that he's not particular about race.

That's despite the fact that, during a police sting, Fry told an undercover officer that, while in jail for the stabbings, he joined a skinhead gang.

He also made reference to the arson fire, sneering as he referred to the Etibakos as "the whole nigger bunch."

"Like everybody, I like and appreciate beauty, but that's far from the most important thing to me," he writes. "The most important quality in a woman is her personality, if we can laugh together then I'll be happy."

Make sure you check out the link to see his come-hither profile photo.  Here's an idea.  Put this assclown in general pop.  I'm sure he'll get all the love he could ever want.  :threat:

Seriously, why to these jagoffs have INTERNET ACCESS?  How the hell would it "violate their human rights" to not have internet access?  And you know if they have it they are using it to promote their own criminality. 
The irony of the story is all the free advertising his ad is now getting!
You hear about these ladies who seek prison pen pals. The cons look forward to the conjugal visits without the headaches of a full-time "ball and chain".
That Uncle Teddy character in "Rescue Me" comes to mind.
"Cool Hand Luke" was one of my favorite prison movies.
If the public really had half a clue how good these guys have it they would cry............

The scroat code though is to always make quotes about how much it sucks.
I suppose it would just be idiotic to think that all the jammy perks could be listed and put out to the media?  The caring factor would be low I'd imagine?
zipperhead_cop said:
Seriously, why to these jagoffs have INTERNET ACCESS?
Although I agree prisons are ridiculous now, the article does clearly state that prisoners RARELY get internet access, and that this service is done by mail-in.
Against my own better judgement I took a gander at the prison pen pals website listed in the original article.  I'm not sure what kind of prisons that this site caters to, but I got a kick out of the following quote listed in their FAQ's (concerning any nervousness in writing a prisoner):

"Prisoners are just like people on the streets. There are some good and some bad."

I haven't seen a prison first-hand (wouldn't mind a *tour* some day) but in my experience, you have to do pretty bad things, in Canada anyway, to actually get prison time!
Sierra Kilo said:
I haven't seen a prison first-hand (wouldn't mind a *tour* some day) but in my experience, you have to do pretty bad things, in Canada anyway, to actually get prison time!

Through my employment, I toured The Don ( old - before they closed it - and "new"  ). Did a few calls at  Mimico Reformatory, and the West Detention Centre, but not the East.
Various Metro Police lockups ( especially 14 Division. Was sent there lots of times ). Regularly into the court cells at College Park, University and Old City Hall.
Transfers up north to Oakridge aka Penetang for the "Criminally Insane' ( forgive me if I am not using up to date Correctional jargon ). It was the only maximum security forensic hospital in Ontario. That was always a nice drive. We were in METFORS ( Metro Forensic ) at 999 Queen West all the time. 
The Reformatory for Women used to be where Lamport Stadium is now, but they closed it before I started.
Nauticus said:
Although I agree prisons are ridiculous now, the article does clearly state that prisoners RARELY get internet access, and that this service is done by mail-in.

No, it says they "often lack" internet access.  That means they don't have laptops in their cells.  And even if it's mail in, why the hell should anybody be hearing from these degenerates?  This isn't some halfwit who stole a car, got in a pursuit, smashed into a store and then ran into the bushes.  This arse KILLED five people by burning them alive.  The fact that he is stealing oxygen is shameful enough.  Picking up some low self esteem psycho clamp who has a Florence Nightingale complex is not a privilege this filth should have. 
Check out this bad girl. Serving life for murdering two of her children:

Here's another for a "single widow". Serving 25 years for murdering her husband.  ( Don't forget to hide the steak knives from this one! ):

Oh, doubtless there are some "gems" out there. 

But I think that anyone should actually have to be NOT INCARCERATED in order to persue personal relationships.  For fracks sake, is there anything punishing about going to jail?  Perhaps that is one of the reasons our legal system felates bovines. 
zipperhead_cop said:
But I think that anyone should actually have to be NOT INCARCERATED in order to persue personal relationships.  For fracks sake, is there anything punishing about going to jail?  Perhaps that is one of the reasons our legal system felates bovines.

Look at Tex Watson, a member of the Manson Family ( 1969 ). He was scheduled for the gas chamber at San Quentin, but was reprieved, along with Manson, Sirhan Sirhan and many others when California temporarily abolished the death penalty. After that, Tex went on to get married behind bars and sire four children during conjugal visits! He is still in prison.
Here is a familiar story that I remember happening with unbelievable frequency when I lived in  B.C. in early 90's.  >:(

x512er said:
Here is a familiar story that I remember happening with unbelievable frequency when I lived in  B.C. in early 90's.  >:(

Hard to believe they still had chain gangs in the USA until about 10-15 years ago.

As recent as six years ago:
"Sheriff runs female chain gang":

"I got meal costs down to 40 cents a day per inmate. It costs $1.15 a day to feed the department's dogs."
I love Sheriff Arpaio's response to those who feel degraded, or subjected to inhuman or cruel treatment......

"If you don't like it, don't come back"....
x512er said:
I love Sheriff Arpaio's response to those who feel degraded, or subjected to inhuman or cruel treatment......

"If you don't like it, don't come back"....

I sure as heck will be steering clear of his County!

Keeping with Canadian content, remember this guy?:
"Theriault is still visited regularly by some of his former cult "wives,'' who have moved to New Brunswick to be close to him and have borne him more children following conjugal visits."

"provincial inmates in Ontario are allotted more money per day for meals than hospital patients and twice as much ($11.02 a day versus $5.57) as patients in long-term care facilities. In other words, if you commit a crime serious enough to warrant a jail term, you'll eat way better than law-abiding citizens whose crime is to be old and vulnerable.
And conjugal visits? The poster child is Roch Theriault, a cult leader who killed a woman and chopped off another's arm in 1989 but was allowed regular conjugal visits with three wives and reportedly fathered four children while in prison. It gives new meaning to doing hard time.
For those who want more than sex, drugs and rock and roll, there's always the inspiring example of serial killer Karla Homolka who snagged a degree from one of Canada's most prestigious universities, courtesy of you and me, while doing time in a government chalet and sorority house.":
mariomike said:
For those who want more than sex, drugs and rock and roll, there's always the inspiring example of serial killer Karla Homolka who snagged a degree from one of Canada's most prestigious universities, courtesy of you and me, while doing time in a government chalet and sorority house.":

Yeah, the really bullshite part of that (well, one of several) was how hard they worked to give her a new identity and spirit her off to parts unknown so she could have a "new life".  :rage:
Here's a story about a "Club Fed":
( I remember the Osgoode Hall triple shooting referred to in this story. It was a frigging bloodbath in there )
"Killer bakes cookies at 'Club Fed':
'It's minimum security, maximum luxury,' says son of man shot dead by inmate seeking early parole under 'faint hope' clause":

A little more insight from first hand.

In our local Remand center (Interm holding facility) your welfare/ Disability/ GST/ Band money or any other hand out, gets brought to you so you can sign it and have it placed at your disposal in your account. The account can then be used once a week to visit an inhouse canteen to purchase most things that you can purchase at your local 7/11.

Then come tax time they have people to come around and help you complete your tax return. If you are illiterate or simply not motivated they will do it for you.

My Biggest grievence about the system is PC (Or protective custody). When your crime is so heinous, so disreputable that you cannot be housed with the other creeps for fear of violence . I think that PC should be abbolished, you made your bed now lie in it.

This is just local. I have heard that the FED PEN nearby has it better. Apparently there good behaviour earns you points. The points can then be used to rent a tv and xbox for the weekend, and other such things that our men and women who work everyday may never see.

So I ask you,
Whats wrong with this picture?
Who are we protecting? 
