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Operation Ration Man

Also interesting to note that he's noticed what some serving people think of his "soldier's" rag - er, magazine...
Someone did a similar thing at the start of June (though not for as long as Ration Man) with US MRE's.  He ate two a day for a week.

You can read about it here

Well, I wish him luck and hope he can maintain his "diet" dispite all the other tempations.

Here is credit he give to those of us on the site...

Before I go I would like to make a shout out to all my friends at army.ca. Apparently they've recently discovered my blog and the whole Ration Man project and they have a few things to say about it. I recommend you check it out - there seems to be a lot of angst towards myself and Esprit de Corps , but there are also some people who have written down their own experiences with rations and I found it all to be worthwhile reading. You can find it by clicking here. I should also mention that the place where we got the idea for Ration Man was on a posting about Canadian military rations on army.ca where one person said that you haven't experienced rations unless you've eaten them for 30 days.

Thanks army.ca for expanding journalism.
Thanks army.ca for expanding journalism.

...well at least one of our organizations are........ ;)
Quote from Ration Man,  "seems to be a lot of angst towards myself and Esprit de Corps", I guess he has been so busy eating he hasn't had time to put E-d-C into the search bar.
Ration Man has been absent from his blog site for two days.  I am worried has anyone checked the local hospitals.
Gunner98 said:
Ration Man has been absent from his blog site for two days.   I am worried has anyone checked the local hospitals.
it shows that imps are ment for soldiers, not nedy civilians that have nothing else to do. May God have mercy on his soul  :salute:
Maybe Ration Man should start his 6 week work-up for the BFT, after 6 weeks he wouldn't need a diet to be rid of his fat.  He seems as amused by us as we are by him.  Sense of humour is good.  If his boss & associates were team players they would have joined him for the cabbage rolls, rather than torturing the poor fella.  A Grolsch beer, which number IMP is that?
I think he is missing out on the moderate to heavy work for 16-20 hrs a day we should be doing while eating those rations....
the problem people have with IMPs and MREs is they don't drink enough water when eating them, it's that lack of water that well plugs ya up....  

when your hungry, you'll eat the back end of a dead rhino....

anyone here remember the days before MREs and IMPs?  hummmmm C-Rations, them good eats.......  yummi ...." 'gettie and balls" @ 30 below and no heat tabs

or everyones favorite.... "ham & lima beans"          

yeah I agree the menu writers need some serious pyscaritic therapy for thier "sense of humor".  

We used to trade the ROK Marines for thier ration packs, Kimchi-n-a-can..... good stuff, well at least the ones of us who liked korean food traded....  The ROK Marines would kill for the meat c-ration items, we kept them happy with "pork, slices, inedible"  caught them a few times sizing up thier cooking pots to fit the smaller US Marines...

Besides "eating-like-a-korean" made it easyier to kiss the beautiful korean women....   >:D

pappy said:
the problem people have with IMPs and MREs is they don't drink enough water when eating them, it's that lack of water that well plugs ya up.... 

when your hungry, you'll eat the back end of a dead rhino....

anyone here remember the days before MREs and IMPs?  hummmmm C-Rations, them good eats.......  yummi ...." 'gettie and balls" @ 30 below and no heat tabs

or everyones favorite.... "ham & lima beans"         

.....  >:D

I remember them.  I used to love the menus that came with them - "Eat To Kill"  "Be Fit To Fight!!"

Inevitably (at least in my experience), every section had at least one guy who could cook these things right.  He'd have four or five little bottles of spices he'd carry with him all the time - he'd be elected "cook", and would gather in everybody's C-Rats and actually make a decent meal out of them.  The rest of us just washed the dishes, and did whatever he said needed doing to get the meal just right.

Good memories.
just thought I'd bump this and say theres 2 more blogs. One of which is a lengthy article about his confrontation with the dreaded mushroom omelet
Ration man says: The salmon, beyond smelling fairly retched - I recall a family vacation where we briefly stopped at a small fishing town on the East Coast where several large fishing nets had spent their day drying in the sun - the salmon tasted quite vile as well.

As a recent journalism grad - which wretched/retch do you think he means:

wretched  "¢ adjective (wretcheder, wretchedest) 1- in a very unhappy or unfortunate state; miserable. 2 -of poor quality; very bad. 3- used to express anger or annoyance: she disliked the wretched man intensely.

retch  "¢ verb - make the sound and movement of vomiting.  "¢ noun - an instance of retching.

Perhaps DGPA could put him in for one of those oft talked about Domestic Ops medals should they come to being.
Ration Man has blogged that ..."I am an international Ration Man champion. That's right friends and neighbours, when it comes to the ration eating contest I am currently the undisputed frontrunner - perhaps the folks at Guinness should be put on the line shortly."

What is the longest period of time any of you has had to eat IMPs/MREs?  I remember something about 2 or 3 months and rotten local food - was that Op Apollo in the Ghan?
There's some new stuff on his blog. He's nearing the end of his experiment and I made some suggestions to him for his last week. He's not being very realistic in his experiment, and I pointed that out to him....

I still say the â Å“anonymousâ ? comments are the best part of this waste of cyber space, er excuse me investigative journalism. The day 10 debate on the relative merits of North American versus Afghani dog turds as a source of nourishment was extremely interesting and well worth a read. ;D

I was surprised that there were no comments when he finally met his gastric Waterloo with the omelet though.

Sure none of you regulars are posting in the comments there?
New to this forum, like what I see. Followed a link from Esprit magazine.I get a kick out of the comments about rations. Seems to me I heard them before. I am a Korean  war vet,welder in RCEME, and our rations were varied , to say the least. We relied mainly on the US for rations, but not entirely. I went for about a week in a CRG camp on C rations,and nothing has really changed. Some you like and some you can hardly gag down. If youcouldnt eat em, you gave em to the Korean refugees from the north.Old Rceme