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Op UNIFIER - CAF and the Ukraine Crisis

Not really. Since late 2014 the Russians have deployed the nuclear capable Iskander SRBM (SS-26 Stone) in Kalingrad and there have been reports of units being deployed in Crimea.

Maybe it'll be damp when they try to use them.
Here's the million dollar question, with 60 more personal for the training mission, how is the training mission going to change? Teach new capabilities? Or just expand how many we can teach
Likely just reinforce the courses we are all ready supporting and provide ability to provide oversight for more of the serials.
Question is where are we finding 60 MCpl to Capt types? Outside of the PMs announcement is this happening or is it like the UN 200pers QRF ?
Likely just reinforce the courses we are all ready supporting and provide ability to provide oversight for more of the serials.
Question is where are we finding 60 MCpl to Capt types? Outside of the PMs announcement is this happening or is it like the UN 200pers QRF ?
If it's happening they are likely analyzing right now where those 60 bodies are coming from and where they are needed.

Given the state of the CAF, I an making an educated guess 25% or more of those 60 new bodies will need to be reservists
If it's happening they are likely analyzing right now where those 60 bodies are coming from and where they are needed.

Given the state of the CAF, I an making an educated guess 25% or more of those 60 new bodies will need to be reservists
I know I’m not saying anything new, and this applies just as much to the Force 2025 thread… but if the Army is struggling to find a whopping 60 bodies to deploy & reinforce an instructor cadre… we have serious f**king problems.

Out of approx 30,000 troops + the reserve force… 60 bodies is literally nothing. (I’ve been out since 2011, and I know the numbers have plummeted since then, so I may be off.)

If we are so bloated that double digit numbers is too steep to deploy, why do we even have discussions about reinforcing our troops in Latvia?

🤦🏼‍♂️ Rant off…
Not hard to find but hard to decide which ones to send when you have 10 equal priorities and you insist on:
  • Not impacting collective training
  • Not increasing your length of tours and treating RIPs as sacrosanct
  • Not using reserves to completely C2 and staff missions or IRUs
  • Not deploying units but bespoke TFs
  • Using your HR forces to fill institutional taskings and having them not really be HR

Simple and effective option is too hold the deployed forces in place for 9 months vs 6 and accelerate the deployment of the forces that were scheduled to replace them by approx 3 months.
Voila, double the forces deployed and you have bought some decision space.
Not hard to find but hard to decide which ones to send when you have 10 equal priorities and you insist on:
  • Not impacting collective training
  • Not increasing your length of tours and treating RIPs as sacrosanct
  • Not using reserves to completely C2 and staff missions or IRUs
  • Not deploying units but bespoke TFs
  • Using your HR forces to fill institutional taskings and having them not really be HR

Simple and effective option is too hold the deployed forces in place for 9 months vs 6 and accelerate the deployment of the forces that were scheduled to replace them by approx 3 months.
Voila, double the forces deployed and you have bought some decision space.
Don't forgot all the ceremonial tasks, and unit sports teams they don't want to effect either. You don't wanna cancel those bonspiels after all?
Pentagon has announced the withdrawal of 160 JMTGU personnel.

DND has also confirmed the withdrawal of Op UNIFIER to Poland.

Op ORBITAL, the UK forces have also all withdrawn.
Reiterating the fact that Op UNIFIER was never a deterrence mission.
Info-machine's version ...
As a result of the complex operational environment linked to Russia’s unwarranted aggression against Ukraine, the Canadian Armed Forces is in the process of temporarily relocating components of Joint Task Force – Ukraine (JTF-U) to elsewhere in Europe.

The temporary repositioning of JTF-U personnel does not signal the end of the mission, but rather allows us to refocus our efforts while ensuring the safety and security of CAF members.

Force protection is the top priority for our training mission, of which operational security is a key component. Thus, while we can confirm we have relocated some of our forces outside of Ukraine, we will not discuss numbers, locations, or future intentions.

The Canadian Armed Forces remains committed to the people of Ukraine and its mission to increase the capacity and capability of the Security Forces of Ukraine.
Really, now???? (archive link to separatist rebel media article)
Canadian instructors will train future Ukrainian air defense units that are going to be equipped with Stinger man-portable air-defense system, LPR People’s Militia official spokesperson Ivan Filiponenko said.

"Ukrainian command is urgently forming air-defense units on the basis of the 1129th air defense regiment in Belaya Tserkov, the units will receive Stinger man-portable air-defense systems. Canadian instructors will carry out the training," he said.

Earlier Canada said that it's going to relocate its military instructors involved in the Unifier training mission from Ukraine to other European countries due to a "rapidly evolving and complex operational environment" ...
Article text also attached if link doesn't work.


Reiterating the fact that Op UNIFIER was never a deterrence mission.
I found it interesting that no public acknowledgment of any movement out of the Ukraine by SOF personnel from any NATO country involved in training has been made. ;)
I found it interesting that no public acknowledgment of any movement out of the Ukraine by SOF personnel from any NATO country involved in training has been made. ;)
Well, has anybody said ALL of their troops have been moved out? And of those who have, how many people are keeping track of public word of smaller bits of soldiers going in to "co-ordinate in case of bad scoobies"? ;)

Reading between the lines, MND admits the CAF can not take on any additional deployments. Which all but admits the sad state we are in.
I think your analysis of what is being said between the lines is quite accurate. We are once again faced by the fact that over 100,000 military members and civilians are stressed deploying 2,000 people notwithstanding SSE calls for up to 4,000 on sustained operations and up to an additional 2,500 on time-limited ones. We have both a structural and leadership problem that desperately need addressing.


Reading between the lines, MND admits the CAF can not take on any additional deployments. Which all but admits the sad state we are in.
True, even though yesterday there was still alleged talk of maybe/perhaps sending Canadian troops to eastern Europe - maybe they got the answer to their internal ask?