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Online CF Job postings


New Member
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Hello all.

I am a member of the primary reserves combat arms and I am wondering is there a place online where members can view available jobs online in the CF. I am interested in maybe getting a full-time contract for a few months. I heard last year a bunch of reservists played enemy force out west for the reg force for two months. I never heard of that opportunity and would like to see if others are available.

mudeater said:
Hello all.

I am a member of the primary reserves combat arms and I am wondering is there a place online where members can view available jobs online in the CF. I am interested in maybe getting a full-time contract for a few months. I heard last year a bunch of reservists played enemy force out west for the reg force for two months. I never heard of that opportunity and would like to see if others are available.


On the DIN there are available Cl B positions on the NAVRES HQ site and I am sure other HQs do the same thing. I don't believe there is anywhere on the WWW that you can see the postings.
I have heard of the DIN, but to be honest don't know much about it. Can you only acess it from a CF computer.

Army, Air Force, Navy, Comms, and Health Services each have a DIN site with full-time reserve opportunities. There are a few spots on the www where you can see some jobs:

http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lfwa/res_emp.htm Land Force Western Area
http://www.forces.gc.ca/health/hs_staff_sites/engraph/REO_home_e.asp?Lev1=6&Lev2=21 Health Services
http://www.img.forces.gc.ca/org/commres/serving/Employment/emp_e.asp Communications

Other than those, I don't know of anymore on the www (except cadets.ca which posts jobs related to the cadet organization, mostly CIC and some support jobs).

The other place you can check is your unit orderly room. Most units post job opportunites at the orderly room.
Speaking of online job postings, I'm having a hell of a time understanding the APS that's on EEMA. If you're lost already, this is about all I know about it:

Login to EEMA, and the APS option is there. You can search for vacant postings, upcoming availabilities, etc. SO, I search for postings that I would be interested in for the year 2007 - 2008. Along with the posting ID number, a seemingly arbitrary hyperlink, and a language profile, there's not a lot of information available for the job seeker.

Can anyone fill me in if I'm missing something?

Cheers, and thanks in advance...