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One for the good guys

Much like the "Battle of the Bulge" (Operation Mickey Mouse?  Wacht am Rhein?), this "may" be an attempt due to desperation rather than actually having the upper hand, in my own UNEDUCATED opinion. 
Regardless of my opinion, good on the troops, God Speed to the injured and bad on the press, for ignoring this battle until we suffered two casualties
Why would 800 "guerillas" mass in a village?  Can they effectively travel en masse to another location to assault that location?  Are there any targets that are that critical that such lightly armed force could take it out of commission and inflict a crippling blow on government/coalition operations? I can't see that being the case.

Other reasons: 

Communications and support are lousy and they have to come together for administrative reasons?
They want to mutually decide on the terms under which they will give up?  ;D

Maybe PsiOps spread around a rumor that Bin Laden was going to be there for an RPG signing.  :dontpanic:

I'm betting the info wasn't given out until today in the interest of OpSec.  I am looking forward to the final snapshot, with (God willing) no good guy casualties. 
Perhaps the info that was gleaned from the wreckage of Al-Zarqawi's compound has something to do with these filth realizing the gig is up. 
Now stand by to see these clowns disappear into their respective holes, only to turn up here as "refugees".
AndrewS said:
Good work guys!

Lets not forget the interperter here.. get better Junior.

When civilian personal who assist us in operations are wounded, where do they go? Are they treated in local afghani hopsitals, or would he be off to an american hospital in Germany, once stabalized?

My thoughts exactly, I want these guys to get the best treatment possible, and an offer to come to Canada with his family, he has already paid a high price to help us.
Do you guys watch the news?  Remember that ABC (?) News Reporter who was seriously injured and her two crew, the Cameraman and Soundman, were killed?  She landed up in Germany being treated like any other casualty.  She was even transported Stateside to Bethesda Naval Hospital.