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One day processing tommorow

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justin.c said:
I just arrived home from the CFRC in Toronto and all went well. Did my CFAT and PT all before 11, had lunch then did my medical and interview. It also only took 5 minutes for the interview. I guess the interviews are just less extensive for the reserves. I hope I hear back soon as there are only 2 spots left for fall basic at the unit I applied to.


If there are only two positions remaining with the PRes unit, consider calling the Reserve Unit Recruiter and giving them a "heads up" that your finished the recruiting process and that you really want one of the fall positions.  Sell yourself.  Good luck.   
Thanks for the heads up, but I've already been doing just that. Been keeping in touch with him daily and keeping him posted. All I can do now is hope I make one of the last spots otherwise I should be in for winter though I'm excited to get started as soon as possible.
justin.c said:
........ Been keeping in touch with him daily and keeping him posted. .....

That is too excessive.  As the guy on the other end, I would be getting tired of your endless calls and really start to get pissed off.  Checking in periodically is a good thing, but daily and the novelty soon wears off on the Recruiters end.  Suddenly files just seem to disappear.
Please don't comment on what you know nothing about..he's been asking me to keep him posted with everything
justin.c said:
Please don't comment on what you know nothing about..he's been asking me to keep him posted with everything
As a Recruiter, I kinda know what I am talking about.  If you want to be a "SNOT NOSED LITTLE BRAT", who is incapable of listening to advice, you will suffer in the end.  Now smarten up.

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