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On Balding and Hair Dye ~ The Tangent

Gently, very gently, trying to peel the wax off the top of my foot this evening/morning/middle of the night.  :mad: 

After zonking wax in the micronde, spilled it all over the counter and top of foot while removing from appliance. BURN ... and now to peel. All those tiny 'lil sensitive hairs.

Lesson learned: Do not set out to wax brows at 0200hrs in the morning - even if one is an insomniac. Am desperately trying to be quite about this so that I do not wake the neighbour, but it hurts like heck. He might come over and beat me just to add to my troubles.

Fack. Someday I'll learn.
Interestingly enough (or not really), I was just going to bed at that time, wondering who might be up and what they might be doing...


Where was the good Mr Bush (no pun, slur meant here folks) during all these goings on.  On a related note for all the Crewman in the audience, summer of 2000, I was motoring down the Lawfield corridor with an individual from one of the Armd regiments crew commanding an M113.  The tensioner for the fan seized and the coolant tank blew one of the soldier joints at the filler cap.

I discovered that day that hair dye, mens or womens, is not colour fast when subjected to steam and coolant as I looked back at the CC to try and figure out what he was yelling about and all the brown dye in his hair was streaming down his face.
Old and Tired said:

Where was the good Mr Bush (no pun, slur meant here folks) during all these goings on.  On a related note for all the Crewman in the audience, summer of 2000, I was motoring down the Lawfield corridor with an individual from one of the Armd regiments crew commanding an M113.  The tensioner for the fan seized and the coolant tank blew one of the soldier joints at the filler cap.

I discovered that day that hair dye, mens or womens, is not colour fast when subjected to steam and coolant as I looked back at the CC to try and figure out what he was yelling about and all the brown dye in his hair was streaming down his face.

9erD was at home in Pet (definitely asleep at that hour; he's not an insomniac). He still has another week off. Not I though ... I think he and the chicklets are coming down tomorrow to visit me here in K-Town for the rest of the week and keep me company.

As to the yellow bit. Too funny!! When the instructions read "continue rinsing until water runs clear" --- they mean it. The addition of coolant would probably make my hair purple.

This one time, at band camp, I had someone working for me. We were busily loading up the Herc MaKs and fly-away kit to deploy on a hot a muggy summer's day ... after about an hour ... the yellowish-green (I called it 'baby-shit brown' at the time of incident) glue holding on his toupee began running down the back of his head/neck and his face.

I was glad I was there.  ;D
ArmyVern said:
Am desperately trying to be quite about this so that I do not wake the neighbour,

I didn't hear a thing. Too sound a sleeper.