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officer vs. nco

jj op

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I have a question to any who have the experience,

I am planing on joining the infantry and wanted to know which area would I receive the better training, that is, what would make me the better soldier in the field?  To enter by way of officer or non-commissioned? Can anyone explain the differences in the training? Mentally? Physically?  I respect both but am more inclined to enter by way of officer, but want to know the differences in the training.

The more points of view the better. 

You're going to have to clarify what you expect to get out of joining the military first, as they are different jobs. If you want to be "the better soldier in the field", then join as a non-com, soldier skills are their bread and butter...

I'm looking for the physical challenge and the opportunity to be a leader in my group.  I also wanted to know what the difference in the training is like between an infantry officer and infantry nco.
As Mike_R23A stated,join the ranks and do at least 4yrs or better in the ranks.
Then if you wish go Officer.
You're going to have to clarify what you expect to get out of joining the military first, as they are different jobs

Can anyone shed light on the difference between the two.
well i believe and i could be wrong but you must have a university degree to become an officer?
but hey even if you cant be an officer, you can go up in the ranks of an NCM, and i love that phrase you said "i want to be a leader in my group"    ill tell you right now, not from personal military experience, but from working in many team based jobs, sports teams and other activities. A leader is not a leader just because he has a rank above everyone, hes a leader because people will listen to him and follow him without doubt or question into his abilities or purpose (cant think of the right word) if your team members or squad members have no faith or trust in you and follow you only because rank dictates so, they do so because they must and that my friend, does not make you a leader.

Ps. i realize this may stir up some crap with some people here but i meant no offense to any of the officers or "leaders" that may be kicking around.
The only crap stirred up was the fact you did not even bother to do any research.

I went to the search feature and typed this

officer nco

I found an umpteen of threads identical to yours, which would have the answers you need.   Here I will make your life on this forum easy.   Cut the yellow words, and then scroll to the top of the page.   There is a box that you can type in, paste the yellow words you cut, and press the Search button.

Cheers, and I hope you find what you are looking for.



They are,

Jaxon sorry brother, thought it was jj op  that made the stir statement.....

either way....hope it helped youtoo!



jj op, start here:

UP FROM THE RANKS! (a lengthy and very worthwhile thread discussing officer entry programs, from a starting point of view considering prior service as a Non-Commissioned Member (NCM)) -- http://army.ca/forums/threads/23230.0.html

You should also find the Recruiting FAQ helpful  --  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

You will find there is much information available on the forum if you search for it.

jj op, start here:

UP FROM THE RANKS! (a lengthy and very worthwhile thread discussing officer entry programs, from a starting point of view considering prior service as a Non-Commissioned Member (NCM)) -- http://army.ca/forums/threads/23230.0.html

thank you, this a good link and was pretty much what I was looking for.  I check army.ca while I am at work so I don't get the opportunity to spend a lot of time searching for info as I work in an emergency response environment and my attention gets diverted on the regular.  This also prevents me from getting into large posts so I just skim through to see what I can finding.


It stands for Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem which means with the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful

About two years ago I converted to Islam.  Before this I was planing on joining the police or military and am still interested.
OK, well I am no expert in Islam but other than the fundamentalist extremists, wouldn't being a warrior/soldier be a conflict with the basic peaceful beliefs of your religion?

Forgive me if this question is out of place, I really am no scholar of religion. Just trying to understand.

OK, well I am no expert in Islam but other than the fundamentalist extremists, wouldn't being a warrior/soldier be a conflict with the basic peaceful beliefs of your religion?

Forgive me if this question is out of place, I really am no scholar of religion. Just trying to understand.

In the beginning of Islam there were some great warriors with inspirational battles, and yes they actually hated to kill another human being, but in Islam oppression is worse then slater, and to run away from or not to contribute too the fight against oppression would have you labeled as a hypocrate.  I not an extremist.  I believe in the fundamentals of Islam, and hate the name that Islam is getting because of the actions of misguided muslims.
NavComm said:
OK, well I am no expert in Islam but other than the fundamentalist extremists, wouldn't being a warrior/soldier be a conflict with the basic peaceful beliefs of your religion?

Forgive me if this question is out of place, I really am no scholar of religion. Just trying to understand.
no more so than Christianity or Buddhism. Despite what many well-intentioned but ignorant people will tell you, virtually all major religions have always accommodated the warrior, and acknowledged the need for good men to kill evil ones. eg. The 6th Commandment given to Moses did not say "Thou shalt not kill." It said "Thou shalt not murder." World of difference.
cobra thanks for that answer.

paracowboy, I know that historically many wars were (and still are) fought over religion and religious beliefs. I just thought that for the most part, someone who has 'converted' to Islam, would be a peacenik. I guess I have some preconceived notions there!
I know that historically many wars were (and still are) fought over religion and religious beliefs.

NavComm, this comment is very incorrect.   Wars across the millenia are fought on the basis of power.   Religious views are simply used by leaders to "sub-humanize" the enemy and invoke the righteousness of the leader.   Take the Yugoslavia civil war - was it a war between Roman Catholic (Croatia), Eastern Orthodox (Serb) and Muslims (Bosniac)?    Or was it a civil war that pitted Croatia vs Serbia vs Bosnians that all had different agendas and their leaders were trying to extend their own/their parties power?   I submit to you that it is the latter.   Even the "evil crusades" that pitted christian invaders against muslim invaders in the Holy Lands.   Was it religious based?   Or was it power?   Once again I would submit to you that it is based on power.