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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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When you put in a ct you should get a page that comes up and says "your component transfer" has been submitted. Hopefully they printed that off. Maybe its in your pers file? From what I've heard due to budget cuts they are behind as they have very limited pers working on CTS. Reply 831- says that as of march 2014 they were working on CTS from Oct 2014. They wont get to CTS from 2014 until April.


I put one in March and haven't heard anything either.
Just curious, does anyone know if they call all your references for the reliability screening portion? I am waiting for my interview and medical to be scheduled and when I called to check my application progress they said I was in the reliability screening portion but as far as I know none of my references have been contacted (I am not %100 about this considering I don't keep much contact with two of them) and my file manager said once my reliability screening clears I will be contacted for my medical/interview which I am hoping soon.
runormal said:
When you put in a ct you should get a page that comes up and says "your component transfer" has been submitted. Hopefully they printed that off. Maybe its in your pers file? From what I've heard due to budget cuts they are behind as they have very limited pers working on CTS. Reply 831- says that as of march 2014 they were working on CTS from Oct 2014. They wont get to CTS from 2014 until April.


I put one in March and haven't heard anything either.

Ok I checked the email I got from my clerk and there is a section saying it hws been submitted. It mentions that all info must be upto date as if they try and contact you and cant your file will be closed. I noticed a phone number put is wrong. Any idea how i can change this? Call someone?

I was wondering if you could give me some advice regarding my application... I am a 2012 graduate of the Communication and New Media Master of Arts program at McMaster University, and hold both a Combined Honours Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Communication from McMaster University, and an Integrated Marketing Communications Diploma from St. Lawrence College. I also possess over 6 years of combined communications, public relations and media experience, as such I have applied for a position as a Public Affairs Officer.

On March 24th I successfully completed my CFAT and was told that as there are only two openings for PAOs I should look at other possible positions with the Canadian Forces. As I am currently waiting for my recruitment centre to call me to schedule my interview and medical... I have notice that the Pilot Position appeals to me as a secondary choice.

I am wondering if I should wait to hear regarding the PAO position or if as I have yet to have the Interview and Medical, I should contact them now to add the Pilot option to my application. I have read a few forums that claim that adding additional trades to your application will prolong the process however, as I am still waiting to complete steps to be on the merit list I am not sure if it will greatly impact my wait times.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

You have the opportunity to make three (3) choices of careers on the application form.  Use them.  If you want to be a Pilot; make it one of your choices.  If all you want to do is be a PAO, then only make the one choice.  We can not make decisions for you.

PAO, is quite often a dumping ground for people from other Trades who for whatever reason have left those Trades.  On the plus side of that, hopefully they will have some idea and feel for what the troops are doing and be able to better perform their role as a PAO.  It is one thing to report on something, and another to have actually have done it.
baconk2 said:
I have read a few forums that claim that adding additional trades to your application will prolong the process however, as I am still waiting to complete steps to be on the merit list I am not sure if it will greatly impact my wait times.

This sounds to be more related to those who are adding trades after having already been merit listed in another. Through my experience as an applicant having additional occupations added BEFORE completing the interview and medical would not slow down the process as the interview for both is done at the same time.

Also what George said is right. If you would like to be a pilot put it down as a choice. If all you want is PAO, only put that. You have to select occupations you would be happy with, as they do not look at your choices as 1st through 3rd preference. they look at them as A, B or C.

Good luck :)
Hi, ive posted here before, i have a few questions i have not yet asked
- how accurate do my entered dates of my certificates have to be, for example i don't have a issue date on my Possession Acquisition License (firearms license) and i know it was around march 2013, However i'm not sure. Is it alright to put down an approximate date of completion?

-i am still going through my PADI open water adventure diver course, do i put in completed or not completed, i don't want the intention that i failed a course. Currently i entered it as not completed.

-under the education tab i entered all the certificates i posses, such as firearms license, open water diver, lifeguard certificate, high school graduate, etc. Should these certificates and educations have went into the sub tab of "other education" or are they fine where they are.

-I have previously filled out and submitted a application, but due to complications i had to revoke the CG key. On my new application it asks me if i have ever previously applied, i entered "no" because i revoked it. Is that answer correct

I apologize for all these questions. I don't want to appear helpless, i just want to make sure nothing can go wrong during my application that might hurt my chances of getting into the Armed Forces
And thank you for all the time you put in to help people like me. I really appreciate it
I don't have a clear answer, but I can tell you what I did for education. I put high school and university under education and all other certificates, etc under "other". I also put approximate month/year for when they were obtained. However, if you have the actual certificate, wouldn't it say? 

Put not completed if the course isn't yet completed. If you put completed and it's not, that will look worse, presumably, than putting not completed. I would think, not completed would encompass those courses still being obtained.
raymond94 said:
Hi, ive posted here before, i have a few questions i have not yet asked
- how accurate do my entered dates of my certificates have to be, for example i don't have a issue date on my Possession Acquisition License (firearms license) and i know it was around march 2013, However i'm not sure. Is it alright to put down an approximate date of completion?

-i am still going through my PADI open water adventure diver course, do i put in completed or not completed, i don't want the intention that i failed a course. Currently i entered it as not completed.

-under the education tab i entered all the certificates i posses, such as firearms license, open water diver, lifeguard certificate, high school graduate, etc. Should these certificates and educations have went into the sub tab of "other education" or are they fine where they are.

-I have previously filled out and submitted a application, but due to complications i had to revoke the CG key. On my new application it asks me if i have ever previously applied, i entered "no" because i revoked it. Is that answer correct

I apologize for all these questions. I don't want to appear helpless, i just want to make sure nothing can go wrong during my application that might hurt my chances of getting into the Armed Forces

There is a phone number on Forces.ca you can call if you have any questions while filling out the online application. They are happy to help and are your best resource for this matter.
raymond94 said:
Hi, ive posted here before, i have a few questions i have not yet asked
- how accurate do my entered dates of my certificates have to be, for example i don't have a issue date on my Possession Acquisition License (firearms license) and i know it was around march 2013, However i'm not sure. Is it alright to put down an approximate date of completion?
-i am still going through my PADI open water adventure diver course, do i put in completed or not completed, i don't want the intention that i failed a course. Currently i entered it as not completed.
-under the education tab i entered all the certificates i posses, such as firearms license, open water diver, lifeguard certificate, high school graduate, etc. Should these certificates and educations have went into the sub tab of "other education" or are they fine where they are.
-I have previously filled out and submitted a application, but due to complications i had to revoke the CG key. On my new application it asks me if i have ever previously applied, i entered "no" because i revoked it. Is that answer correct
I apologize for all these questions. I don't want to appear helpless, i just want to make sure nothing can go wrong during my application that might hurt my chances of getting into the Armed Forces

Well let's try to make this as simple as we can.  Items above, highlighted in YELLOW, the CF does NOT care about on your initial online application.

At the end of the day, you should receive an email right away after applying online and then 2-4 days later a second email (weekends don't count), telling you to contact your local Recruiting Centre.

Most of what you mention above, has no impact on your application.
Hello just got a quick question, out of my 3 choices if I'm merit listed will I get contacted for any 3? My first is infantry but let's say they're calling for artillery which is my third choice would they offer me a job in artillery? Just curious I used to be in the reserves a while back as an Infantryman but I don't really remember to much of my process back then. Plus reserves process is probably a lot different.

MrMace said:
Hello just got a quick question, out of my 3 choices if I'm merit listed will I get contacted for any 3? My first is infantry but let's say they're calling for artillery which is my third choice would they offer me a job in artillery? Just curious I used to be in the reserves a while back as an Infantryman but I don't really remember to much of my process back then. Plus reserves process is probably a lot different.


Yes, for Reg Force you can be called for any one of your 3 choices. They do not distinguish between your occupational preferences as 1st, 2nd, 3rd; they are looked at as A, B, C. So they will offer you the first position they want/need you for.

Good Luck!
Hello guys,

Should I order my official high school transcript now or when I have finished the exams in Grade 10? The thing is that I need my class schedule and transcript signed and stamped by the guidance counselor but she would not be available because school would be done. Any ideas?
Presumably, if you ordered it now, it wouldn't include your completed Grade 10 marks.  So, I would wait.
I ordered mine in the middle of the summer by calling the school I graduated from. They have skeleton staff that stay behind for administrative purposes several weeks after classes have ended for the year. I had no problems accessing it even with my transcripts being from the mid 90's and located in the provincial archives.
Hey I put in my online application  about 4 weeks ago and I received the generic thank you for applying email but I have not received the email to contact my local recruiter which would be calgary is it normal for it to take this long?
Jacksonovff said:
Hey I put in my online application  about 4 weeks ago and I received the generic thank you for applying email but I have not received the email to contact my local recruiter which would be calgary is it normal for it to take this long?

Get used to the waiting, you'll do a lot of it.

If you are selected for further processing, you will receive further notification, followed thereafter by a date for your CFAT.
carefree said:
I ordered mine in the middle of the summer by calling the school I graduated from. They have skeleton staff that stay behind for administrative purposes several weeks after classes have ended for the year. I had no problems accessing it even with my transcripts being from the mid 90's and located in the provincial archives.

Just give them a call, sometimes (like this time of year) they get swarmed with applicants and selection dates...

Lots of applicants because the seniors in highschool may have chosen the cf. And selections because they will be starting courses almost (if not for sure) weekly.

Some larger cities (Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton, etc...) take in so many applications that it can take some time to get to all of them and assess their competitiveness.

Just call, ask them if your file is there.

I would recommend searching for the reliability screening forms and having a hard (written/ printed) copy of the application forms.

I will warn you, ill be around a year into my application by the time im in if im selected for the coming courses.

Try adding the stages/progress in your signature (profile>forum profile>signature box) to resemble mine and many others so we dont have to ask questions such as application centre, dates, and status of processes in the future.

Best of luck! Pm me if you need aome help.
Thanks for the response I guess their was some communication errors they sent the email may 9th but I did not receive it till today. In the process of booking my CFAT hopefully it all goes well  :)