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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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applying for primary reserve:
submitted my online application 2-3 weeks ago, last week got an email from a recruiter in my local army reserve recruiting office, went there and submitted all the required documents, the recruiter told me to give them a call within a month if i don't hear any updated from them.
now i'm remember reading it somewhere in this forum that when applying to reserve, i'm supposed to contact the reserve united i'm applying for and get some sort of recommendation letter from them? i don't remember hearing anything like that from the recruiter or anywhere along the application process/papers.
I could use some help on my application please. I filled out an application online about 5 or 6 months ago and i had by transcripts and papers ready do send, but i have not yet sent them. I told my parents of my plans for the navy and they wanted me to give it time before i make up my mind because they felt i was doing it as a impulse. So several months have passed and i am sure that this is what i want to do. Now then, i logged on to the government of Canada website to check on my application and it is telling me that "Your access to the Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Online Employment Application has been disabled", does this mean my application has been deleted. I am worried because i feel that this will reflect badly on myself and hurt my chances of joining the Navy because i had left my application unattended for months. Should i just ignore this message and go ahead and sent my papers?
I will phone the recruitment center tomorrow to try and sort this out but i thought i would ask here first, maybe i will get a quick reply.
i appreciate the amount of work you have put into this forum DAA
Thank you for your time
raymond94 said:
I could use some help on my application please. I filled out an application online about 5 or 6 months ago and i had by transcripts and papers ready do send, but i have not yet sent them. I told my parents of my plans for the navy and they wanted me to give it time before i make up my mind because they felt i was doing it as a impulse. So several months have passed and i am sure that this is what i want to do. Now then, i logged on to the government of Canada website to check on my application and it is telling me that "Your access to the Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Online Employment Application has been disabled", does this mean my application has been deleted. I am worried because i feel that this will reflect badly on myself and hurt my chances of joining the Navy because i had left my application unattended for months. Should i just ignore this message and go ahead and sent my papers?
I will phone the recruitment center tomorrow to try and sort this out but i thought i would ask here first, maybe i will get a quick reply.
i appreciate the amount of work you have put into this forum DAA
Thank you for your time

If you haven't been in contact with your CFRC within the last 30-60 days your file is more than likely closed.  So, I would just submit a new online application and go from there.

There is no longer any requirement to provide any documents when you apply.  These documents will ONLY be required on the first visit you make to your local CFRC once they schedule you for the CFAT/TSD testing.
For those that have taken the TSD test. How long was it until you had your interview and medical.
lCS said:
For those that have taken the TSD test. How long was it until you had your interview and medical.
lCS said:
This question goes out to all those who have taken the TSD (psych test). I am just wondering how long it was before you got your interview and medical. Do you have your mini interview right after the test and then the medical later that week or did you get scheduled late. Thank you.
Posting a question, then starting a whole new thread to ask the same question is considered very bad form. 
Journeyman said:
Posting a question, then starting a whole new thread to ask the same question is considered very bad form.

Other way around.  ;)

Still considered bad form.... 
I "passed" my cfat and qualified for my trades, but I'm worried how competitive I am as I have my GED, not my diploma.

I have my grade 10 from high school which qualifies me for the trade, but does the GED (instead of a hs diploma) make my application less competitive?


armygirl95 said:
I "passed" my cfat and qualified for my trades, but I'm worried how competitive I am as I have my GED, not my diploma.

I have my grade 10 from high school which qualifies me for the trade, but does the GED (instead of a hs diploma) make my application less competitive?



No!  GED = Gr 12, so there should be no difference between the two.
DAA said:
Reserve Force units only hire people, when positions are available.  They sometimes have deadlines and need their applicants enrolled by certain dates inorder to line up with the training plans (ie; BMQ, etc).  Generally, CFRC's will not process a Reserve Force application, without the consent or direction from a Reserve Force Unit, which could be via an email or a letter saying "We need cadetdrobert fully processed by XX XXX 2014 inorder for them to attend upcoming BMQ."

Then it's up to the CFRC to do their job but at the sametime, the Reserve Force Recruiter needs to stay on top of them to make sure this gets done and you, as the applicant, need to stay on top of your Res F Recruiter to make sure things are being pushed along.  Once everything is completed at your local CFRC, the entire file is returned to the Reserve Force Unit for "enrolment" procedures and you're on your way!!!

Thank you. Would you suggest at this point I check in with my PRES Unit recruiter? I wrote my CFAT and did my fitness test last week and I passed, but i have not checked in with anyone at the unit just been going to CFRC. I am supposed to book my interview and my medical. I went in and the man at the front desk told me to email the recruiter I have been dealing with, this was a week ago. Should I pop in again?
cadetdrobert said:
Thank you. Would you suggest at this point I check in with my PRES Unit recruiter? I wrote my CFAT and did my fitness test last week and I passed, but i have not checked in with anyone at the unit just been going to CFRC. I am supposed to book my interview and my medical. I went in and the man at the front desk told me to email the recruiter I have been dealing with, this was a week ago. Should I pop in again?

If the PRES unit that you are hoping to join has accepted you and given you the documents to take to the CFRC to start the process, then they will have nothing to do with that process until such time that the CFRC completes all their work on your file (CFAT, Medical, Fitness Testing, Criminal Checks, etc.) and send a file back to the PRES unit to ENROLL you.  Everything is in the hands of the CFRC until such time that they send your documents to the PRES unit.  The PRES unit on receipt of those documents will enroll you and complete the documentation, sending some documents back to the CFRC to complete the process.  Once you are enrolled, the CFRC will no longer be dealing with you. 
How does online application page looks for others? For my son it looks like this-

He already finished his CFAT, interview and medicals and nothing is showing there ::)
hopefulpilotdad said:
How does online application page looks for others? For my son it looks like this-

He already finished his CFAT, interview and medicals and nothing is showing there ::)

Ignore this page. Once you submit the application it means nothing (i.e. No information is ever added...at least not correctly if it is).
Mac Isaac said:
You will often see one of these two

Correct. Originally applicants were unable to re-access the page at all. I was told it is a glitch when you are able to see it but it seems more applicants have been able to access as oppose to less recently :dunno:

Edit to add: I was told the above by a recruiter and an MCC.
I find it works when it wants to work lol - i guess it gives me some type of reassurance when it does work that my file is still being process instead of the stories of hearing of people having to reapply because their file was no longer being processed. I check it a few times a week but often find it does not work at all during the weekends. Had the error message pop up all morning then around 14:00 today it started working
Thanks everyone. Glad that he is not alone ;)

Mac, you are right that it gives assurance :nod:

Mac Isaac said:
I find it works when it wants to work lol - i guess it gives me some type of reassurance when it does work that my file is still being process instead of the stories of hearing of people having to reapply because their file was no longer being processed. I check it a few times a week but often find it does not work at all during the weekends. Had the error message pop up all morning then around 14:00 today it started working
Hello everyone,

Firstly, I would like to say I just started my application process for the CAF primary reserve and I could not be more excited for the challenges and opportunities that the Forces provides. I am very nervous for the medical/drug test portion as I have a bit of a colourfull pastregarding some drug use. Going into my past, growing up I was a very straight edge kid, did well in school, sports as well as cadets (achieved the rank of Flight Sgt, staffed for numerous years, and have many accolades from the Cadet organization). I graduated high school with marks good enough to warrant scholarships to the post secondary school I attended. Summer 2010 my life changed, my Mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I saw her several times during treatment and it was during this time I had a friend who advised marijuana to help take away my anxiety and help me relax. My mother's treatment (long story short) was unsuccessful and we ended up losing her. My family shattered and we all went our separate ways (Dad started drinking, sister and brother both moved). I quit school and football and became lost in the bar scene for several months. I tried mdma several times and took mushrooms twice. After several months of self destructive behavior I removed all the negative people in my life, refocused my goals, went back to ball and school, and have continued to do very well for myself since, my new fiance being a cornerstone to this success. I have been clean and sober since July of 2011 and have since focused on becoming a Police Officer like my Father.  I am a hard worker, excellent teammate and very intelligent individual however I am not without mistakes. When I talked with my recruiter I gave him full disclosure and he instructed me to be honest. He said they do not (within reason) care so much about what you have done, they care more about how you are no longer that person (he mentioned an individual currently serving that was an ex Manitoba Warrior). That being said I am still nervous about this portion of my recruiting and I am here asking if anyone has had a similar scenario in their life and if it affected the recruiting process.



I am a reservist trying to transfer to ACISS and believe a CT was submitted on my behalf by a unit clerk and was wondering if there was a way to verify it was actual sent as in the past i applied and recieved an email the very next day asking me to verify my MPRR and have not received anything. It should have been submitted in January of this year.
Did you complete and email the application from the DWAN? You don't need to go through your chain of command to CT, you can apply yourself directly to DGMC in Ottawa.