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Officer Basic Training, CFRS St Jean, 2004-2005

Michael OLeary

Army.ca Fixture
Reaction score
I have some info and dates for projected IAP and BOTP courses for CFRS St Jean in the coming year, see course dates below. Keep in mind these are always SUBJECT TO CHANGE and some courses may be cancelled if the required minimum number of candidates as not available.

Definitions of IAP and BOTP:
(same data in other trade profiles as well)

Basic Officer Training - Upon selection into the Infantry occupation, you will be enrolled in the Canadian Forces and then proceed to the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School at Saint-Jean, Quebec, for the Initial Assessment Period (IAP) and Basic Officer Training Period (BOTP). At Saint-Jean, you will be introduced to life in the Canadian Forces and learn military regulations, customs of the service, leadership techniques, weapon handling and first aid. You will also participate in physical training and sports programs. The Basic Officer Training is given in either English or French and successful completion is a prerequisite for further training.

DEO Candidates - The course duration will be 14 weeks (8 weeks IAP, 6 weeks BOTP). You will be commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant and will normally attend a second language-training course, if required, which is approximately seven months in duration.

ROTP Candidates - The course duration will be10 weeks (7 weeks IAP, 3 weeks BOTP). Environment Familiarization and completion of the BOTP will be provided to Royal Military College candidates in Kingston during their first academic year. Second language training will be provided during the course of undergraduate sponsorship.
CFRS IAP courses 2004-2005:

3 platoons: 25 May - 23 Jul 04

2 Platoons: 28 Jun - 27 Aug 04

3 platoons: 5 Jul - 3 Sep 04

4 platoons: 13 Sep - 12 Nov 04

4 platoons: 17 Jan - 18 Mar 05


CFRS BOTP courses 2004-2005:

2 platoons: 10 May - 11 Jun 04

2 platoons: 28 Jun - 30 Jul 04

5 platoons: 15 Nov - 17 Dec 04

4 platoons: Starting 21 mar 05
Thanks Mike, I appreciate it :-) My husband was a Leading Seaman so I‘m having a bit of trouble identifying with the Officer thing. Apparently they made nurses officers to keep them away from the troops in the war <g>.
I always thought the IAP was shorter then the rest of the training.
I believe IAP used to be used just for the indoctrination period now the indoc is the first four weeks of IAP followed by BOTC, gotta love the MEGA and Farhnam.
Originally posted by brneil:
[qb] I believe IAP used to be used just for the indoctrination period now the indoc is the first four weeks of IAP followed by BOTC, gotta love the MEGA and Farhnam. [/qb]
The indoctrination period is not a course. It‘s part of Basic trg for both Recruits and OCdts.
IAP and BOTP have been standardized, I‘ve been told, and will last respectively 8 and 6 weeks now for all candidates. It seems RMC candidates will go back to doing BT over 2 summers.
I enrolled with DEO. So if I understand well, I could go for the CFRS IAP courses 2004-2005 on 25 May - 23 Jul 04.

But after, I would have to wait until at least CFRS BOTP courses 2004-2005 on 15 Nov - 17 Dec 04?

If yes, what will I doing between the two courses? Second language courses?
Good day,

I was in St-Jean last summer for officer trg. There was an IAP course running from late May until July - I knew a few people on it. It was made up of ROTP students who were coming out of their 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of civilian university - hence, they had a longer summer and were able to go on that course.

All of the DEO pers on the Second-Language course did their IAP/BOTP together, unless they were injured/recoursed.

They don‘t seem to mix the ROTP/UTPNCM candidates doing the summer IAPs/BOTPs with the DEOs who go on the non-summer courses.

This may have changed for this year, however.
Does anyone know a percentage, or drop-out rate for IAP/BOTC? Either both parts seperately or as a whole?
It‘s to settle an argument.

Edited to remove the improper use of the word "attrition" :)
I‘m still waiting to hear whether I got accepted for ROTP. If yes, hoping to get on the July 5th one because my grad is june 28th.

Anyone know how these get decided?
I did the ROTP IAP/BOTC in teh summer of 2001. Our dropout rate, was out of 30 candidates in my platoon no one dropped out. FOr ROTP from the end of June til teh beginning of September when school starts. there are ten platoons one of which are french. The dropout rate is really low. At St. Jean, every week there si a new BMQ class but the BOTC course is only several times a year.
Last summer on IAP, out of a platoon of 30 or so we had two drop out in the first 2 weeks and one in week 4. That was it for voluntary releases but we also had 2 recoursed for medical reasons.
Originally posted by Che:
[qb] Does anyone know a percentage, or drop-out rate for IAP/BOTC? Either both parts seperately or as a whole?
It‘s to settle an argument.

Edited to remove the improper use of the word "attrition" :) [/qb]
Actually, I‘ve recently finished the IAP and BOTP course at St-Jean Garrison. In my course there was a significantly high failure rate. Out of a possible 205 candidates or so only 150 candidates made it through. There is a new restructuring in the training program and the officer program is starting to look alot like the recruit program.

SLt Au
Anyone know anything about reserve Basic officer training? Like when it is, how long it is ect...
Originally posted by jeff_au:
[qb]There is a new restructuring in the training program and the officer program is starting to look alot like the recruit program.[/qb]
Was the officer course too easy before? How does this restructing actually differ from the previous courses? Were all those candidates part of the same course number? That‘s a lot.