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Occupational Transfer...


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Just wondering if anyone here knows how the OT process works, and what the odds of actually being successful in doing so would be? Do you compete for the same positions with existing entry plans, or are there slots set aside for applicants already part of the military??
You compete for existing slots, hence why sometimes trades are not open if there are no vacancies.

By the way, OT is administered the same across the CF, nothign specific to the Air Force. The OT Forum would of been a better choice to place this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,44.0.html
Check the DWAN under you aplicable BPSO. And read up on the rules and regs. If none are available to you go and make an apointment with the BPSO.
Although this (ARMY.CA) is a good place to get some info, I wouldn't base it as the end all be all places to get it. Pretty soon someone will put a post up about his OT or how he or a buddy was treated unjustly. Then some dinosaur will roar about life in the 1980's etc etc.

So go direct to the source. Read your CFAO's  (CFAO11-12) on the subject. MAlke and apointment with the BPSO, and while you are there if you see a dictionary lying around grab it and give it to me. I can't seem to spell this afternoon and the spel check doesn't seem to work  for me. ;)

As your supervisor for a OT Memo format.After you summit that they should take it from there.
It has to be approved by your CoC,CO,Medical category,then BPSO office interview and then to Borden for the board.
From everyone I've seen,it has takne anywhere from 4 months to a year to reach the end state of being on a list.

After the Memo,your part is pretty well done.Your supervisor then fills out your assesment sheets etc.

I was in a troop of 23 guys,16 had their OT's in including myself.However I seen the light and stayed. ;)
THanks for the responses guys..

Is the OT selection process similar to how offers are initially made when first applying to the military (from my understanding a merit list system)?

How would one enhance his chances of being successful? Any suggestions?

Also, when is a good time to initialize the process? Before or after being MOC qualified on what you were originally accepted for?
zorro said:
How would one enhance his chances of being successful? Any suggestions?

Be a strong performer in your current trade.  Keep a positive attitude.  Learn all you can about the trade you wish to OT to.  Reflect upon why you want to OT, what you expect in your new trade and what you can bring to your new trade and be prepared to discuss these things in your BPSO interview. 

zorro said:
Also, when is a good time to initialize the process? Before or after being MOC qualified on what you were originally accepted for?

If you are not even MOC qualified in your current trade then you are not eligle for OT.  You are looking at an MOC re-assignment and I couldn't comment on that.  Check out CFAO 11-12, it covers all the requirements.  IIRC LOTP requires 36 continuous Reg F service and AVOTP & COTP require 48 months of continuous Reg F service in addition to being MOC qualified (QL 4)in order to be eligible under those programs.
zorro, i am guessing by the questions you are asking that you are not MOC trained? Fill us in a bit. What trade are you?

Mover1 is very correct, only the chain of command and the BPSO can tell you what the chances are. But I can relate based on very recent expiriences what I THINK your chances might be (Depending on what trade you are now).
If You want to go into a certain trade. DO AS MUCH HOMEWORK AS YOU CAN ON IT. Find out what the training is like.
What you need for it Academically.
(DO you need to brush up on Math or Chemistry

Get a feeling for what you are going for because sure as sh!t you will get an interview and be based on that as well.

Like GI Joe said.

Knowing is half the battle
Sorry I guess I should have painted a picture of my situation a little more.....

ArmyRick, I'm currently an AirLog in 3rd year civie-U. I don't know much about the different plans and processes, and I also realize and understand that I would likely have to put in some time in my original entry MOC before attempting an OT, but I'm just trying to do some homework on the process so that as mover1 said I can better work towards that specific goal....

I'll be completing my BCOM next spring, and originally had applied for 1.PLT, 2. LOG-air(i had tried for INT but they told me its a trade that you have to apply for internally). I passed ASC and the medicals but didn't have enough flilght training (maybe 10 hours in a cessna) to be considered competitive? So I didn't get picked up for PLT. I was discouraged but still happy that I received a LOG offer since I'd rather be part of the "mob" than anything else.

Since this time I've been working towards completing my private pilot's liscence, and was hoping that after showing my CO once I am in my LOG role that I am hard working, and that perhaps I would have a chance to OT.

I realize that there probably aren't a lot of vacant pilot spots to compete for either, but it really has been my dream ever since I was young, and really I'm just trying to do my homework now so I know the odds/what to expect and how to approach the process.

If there realistically isn't a chance of being successful in this, I would like to attempt an OT to INT later on in my career. But I'm lucky in that LOG still interests me and I know I'll do well, just its not my dream thats all.

Thanks again, really appreciate any feedback you guys can offer me.