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Occupation Badge requirements

Where did you find either badge?

Recce is a British term, Recon American.
He found the badges on http://www.forces.gc.ca/admmat/dglepm/badges-insignia/army_trade_badges_e.htm

According to the images for "RECONN", they are all Infantry badges judging by the MOC (and the daggers is a good give away):

RECONN - MOC_031_RECONN_1.jpg, MOC_031_RECONN_2.jpg, MOC_031_RECONN_3.jpg, MOC_031_RECONN_4.jpg


Recce shows the Armoured MOC (older code however) and lists the badges as obsolete (Looks like the old Ford Lynx Scout Car):

RECCE - MOC_011_RECCE_1.jpg, MOC_011_RECCE_2.jpg, MOC_011_RECCE_3.jpg, MOC_011_RECCE_4.jpg


Notice they used Reconn with two n's, not the 'Merican Recon with single n.  No idea why they short formed it since they didn't for the other trades.  I assume to make it different between the two MOC's.

Sounds like it could work.

Recce = Armour
Reconn = Infantry

I've got it now. Both are reconnaissance (sp?), just different branches.
It's still called RECCE in the infantry...where the heck this Reconn thing came from is right out to lunch....

It can also crawl right back into whatever hole spawned it.

Our Qualification badge is crossed bayonets with Laural leaves under them for Basic Recce.
Here is a really stupid question  :-[.  Do most people sew the badges on themselves, or do they get a professional to do it.  I am just asking because I notice that they all look professionally done, and I remember from my days as a cadet, I couldn't sew for the life of me, and often times doing it 10 times, and still not looking quite right, lol.
Base Clothing has a tailor, they sew everything to the proper dress reg's on placement for badges
Most of us get our tailoring, including badge stitching, done by a professional tailor.  DEU tailoring is provided at clothing stores free of charge.
All I know is my MOC is right out to lunch with the Army Occupation Badges - the Branch CWO has his policy, but it seems every region/Health Circuses, ooops, Services Group Chief has their own idea.  And the School - again can't make up their own mind.  The big problem stems from the fact we no longer have 6B Sgts - they're all WO's now upon or prior to graduation from the PA course, so what was our 6B Badge is now our 6A (in some areas) and the 5A badge is now the 4 badge (and the 4's as we know it no longer really exists so...) and they wanted the 6A to become a 5B (read Infantry 6A)...I need a freaking drink.

Welcome to my world.
