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Now I know but do you?

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BulletProof said:
I left the forces after 3 years at end of contract.  I was not released.  The issue was I did not feel I was making enough $$$.  There are many reasons to join the forces and granted the money is decent; I lost the heart to do it anymore.  I was working 75-85 hour weeks at sea and 50 alongside.  I was frustrated that it often times averaged less than what I would make in a parallel civilian workplace for less hours.  I was correct.


Wow!  Like a whole 75-85 hours per week at sea.  Man, you never went to sea very much did you?

Good thing you weren't in the Cbt Arms.  They spend up to 168 hours per week in the Field, and they are actually having 'real' bullets and rockets fired at them.  There is no 'down time' in a combat zone. 

I am sure we all feel so sorry that you had to work so much for so little in your three years of service (small "s").

Good riddance.

Now I am sure this topic has degraded so far that it is of no value any longer.

We all know!                                                                                and  LOCKED!
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