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non issued kneepads and tactical goggles?


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would cadpat kneepads/elbow pads pose as a potential problem for a weekend excercise or on course? i am thinking of buying some from the local surplus store, my guess is that my home unit would be fine with it, but when i go to gagetown in the summer?

also because i wear glasses, my prescriptioned ballistic eyewear hasn't come (and probably won't come for another 2 years), i am thinking of getting a pair of goggles (the kind you can wear over regular glasses)...would this be permitted? if so, can my learned friends recommend a pair of tactical goggles (like ESS land ops) hehehe

Depends up which school you are going to in Gagetown, and which course for the elbows and kneepads. They are held in the Unit/School QMs and will be issued to you for your course if required, then you turn them in at the end of it.

Hard to give you a straight answer though with a profile that's devoid of MOC MOSID info.

Tactical goggle recommendations are way out of my lane, someone else will have to answer that one.

Balistic eyewear are, I think, issued to all field troops.

Anyone requiring prescription inserts are to go see the chief clerk at his unit orderly room.... why would you have to wait two years?

No one in DND is interested in you getting your eyes messed up - you need em, you should get em.
i am going to gagetown for the CAP course for Reserve Officers, I am a Logistics Officer btw...knee and elbow pads would definitely be a great help in the field

for ballistic eyewear, i gave my QM my prescription and pupilary distance (or something like that), and they are sending this info to Ottawa, ususally it takes an insanely long amount of time for the BE to come back...maybe its because i live on the West Coast, or maybe its cause im in reserves...

so I guess knee and elbow pads are okay and what about tactical goggles? any recommendations?

CAPR course, I think you get them from the QM. There is someone on the board who will be able to confirm/deny though. I'm sure he'll post his bit as soon as he sees this thread.

maximus_koncept7 said:
i am going to gagetown for the CAP course for Reserve Officers, I am a Logistics Officer btw...knee and elbow pads would definitely be a great help in the field

for ballistic eyewear, i gave my QM my prescription and pupilary distance (or something like that), and they are sending this info to Ottawa, ususally it takes an insanely long amount of time for the BE to come back...maybe its because i live on the West Coast, or maybe its cause im in reserves...

so I guess knee and elbow pads are okay and what about tactical goggles? any recommendations?

No reason for it to take so much time.
I was involved with an optical lab for some 12 - 13 years.  A small lab can pump out some 250 - 300 Jobs (pairs) a day... one prescription is easy to fill...

The people placing the order probably don't feel it is urgent and are treating your "request" accordingly.
There is a good chance that you will be issued knee pads at the Inf Sch, if not CP Gear is down the road so you could buy them there.  If you don't want to wait, I'd say go ahead and buy them.

As far as goggles go, you may attract too much attention and on CAP you want to be the grey man.
but goggles are okay for use on the range back at home? i have level 3 vision and don't want to wear contacts into the field.
keep after the admin system so that you get the official stuff that, if damaged in training, WILL GET REPLACED at no cost to you.

Let the guy with the deepest pockets pay for what he has agreed to pay.
When I did my CAP Course last summer, I was sized for the issue kneepads but never recieved them. After that, I bought my own and used them for the remainder of the course with no problems from my staff. Depending on the course staff you get, you might get the green light or they might tell you to use only issue kit. It's a sure thing that you'll recieve BEW though, since you won't be able to take part in the field portions without them (nasty branches during night NAVEX's mostly).

My 0.02
(1)  There is no longer a CAPR.  CAP is CAP is CAP for everyone.  Some people do 2 week modules at a time; others do it all in one shot.

(2)  The knee pads are issued by the school.  Elbow pads are not issued but they really aren't necessary anyway.

(3)  Have fun.  CAP is a great course.  I did it last year and had a blast.
I am sure that there are more steps involved then your QM ---> Ottawa...

I had my prescription in  Nov 24th 06 at a DAG and just got my glasses 2 weeks ago... the box came from out east somewhere...I'll have to look again and post it then

I am only thinking that it was rushed due to the fact I am going on TF108 ...

Brigade and LFWA is so busy right now doing  TF stuff that there is a priority list and I will suspect that your situation is a few rungs down the ladder..

Its a game  with a fine balance of patience and constant checking up.
TF1/08 deploys in April of 08..... and you guys are a priority?
I think not.  Units will be a little slow doing things they consider "non essential"
and if they only have one prescription to submit.... that makes it pert low on the totem pole.  A retired CWO I know makes up the glasses for the CF in Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada.  He's busy but he still has plenty of capacity... it's only a matter of getting the orders in.
Though more expensive, this is no different than a unit placing an order for name tags.  Some units, for some reason, appear to take forever to get theirs.... cause they don't place orders regularly.
geo said:
TF1/08 deploys in April of 08..... and you guys are a priority?
I think not.  Units will be a little slow doing things they consider "non essential"
and if they only have one prescription to submit.... that makes it pert low on the totem pole.  A retired CWO I know makes up the glasses for the CF in Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Canada.  He's busy but he still has plenty of capacity... it's only a matter of getting the orders in.
Though more expensive, this is no different than a unit placing an order for name tags.  Some units, for some reason, appear to take forever to get theirs.... cause they don't place orders regularly.

The priority is getting 500 reservists from Comox to Thunder Bay sorted out and organized in Shilo or Edmonton in time for work ups to start :P. The glasses shouldn't take that long to get though, when I got my pari from WATC this summer, it only took a couple of weeks to get them made up through a civilian eye ware company. Essentially all they are is a pair of glasses in a plastic frame that clips behind your BEW, so the wait time is comparable. I think the ones issued from 39CBG's dag took longer just because it was such a mass order to a single provider.
TF1/08 deploys in April of 08..... and you guys are a priority?

Deploys Jan-Feb 08.... and by priority I mean that everyone that went through the 39 Dag .. had there stuff done up asap ... I only indicated that I thought we were priority .. not that we were for Land Forces but for 39 cbg... I think we were..wait till the res units start to DAG in the east..your friend will get busier if he gets the contract

RO31 .. good point .. 500 Res to dag green by April 1 ..that is a big task ... 39 CBG was the last to know obout positions but the first to DAG ( Nov 24/06).. there are some units in 38 and 41 that have not even gotten 1/2 way through thier dag...

Units will be a little slow doing things they consider "non essential"

Non Essential ????... BEW is Essential...this is part of your PPE ...  NON-essential... hhmmm.. maybe Mission or Task essential might be a better term

I think the ones issued from 39CBG's dag took longer just because it was such a mass order to a single provider.

The inserts for the BEW are supplied by Revision Eyewear in Vermont and the inserts for the Gasmasks are supplied by MSA Safey Appliances out of Pennsylvania.. lenses may be procured from local companies that will have to order the adapter kits from the above companies .. in this case ..Wainwright Med section or the Optomitrist will more then likely have some on hand .. the Opt that did 39 CBG was Granville mall Optical and had  to order the kits ... I understand that they were also told the order was to be complete prior to March 1st  due to the April 1st timing as a report date for some .. hence the wait ..

My BEW  were issued with  Fishbowl syndrome and headaches during wear .. I am proding the CoC for a solution .. if anyone has been successful .. let me know... and yes .. I have filled out a UCR...

Cheers .. 


*** edited for additional info***
I don't know about you, but mine work just fine. Maybe granville jsut screwed up your perscription? Wrong distance for the pupils or something like that might be the proplem.
Go back and get your BEW prescription re-looked at. If your headache persists, see the MIR staff and ask them about it. If you're already in Edmonton then go to the hospital :) everything will work itself out! *fingers crossed*

To answer the question again, in case he wasn't reading the first couple of times

Knee Pads: Issued
BEW: Issued

Fishbowl view can be one of three things....
wrong prescription (as pointed out)
improperly seated insert with prescription lenses
defective insert OR defective BEW.

If you wear progressive lenses on your regular glasses, they may have messed up the prescription on the inserts

Having worked for an optical lab for several years, I can assure you that labs can pump out simple basic prescriptions at a phenomenal rate.  Ours was a smallish lab and could do +/- 300 cut & mount jobs per day.  If the prescription was complex - requires grinding lenses esp for your prescription, it would take a little longer - we could do +/- 250 surface jobs per day..... delivery from lab to dispensing optician via ICS = overnight, delivered in most centres by noon the day after - so we're talking 2 to 3 days .... unless the lab goofs on the job and they have to start over again ( and for whatever reason, if the tech scrapped it once, it's just as likely he'll scrap it again and again.. :( )
The 'fishbowl' efeect is a VERY common complaint from wearers of the inserts with the BEWs. VERY common.

Complaints of them causing motion sickness etc etc.

Please submit a UCR if you are experiencing it too. The more submitted, the better.
