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Non-Effective Strength (NES): Minimum Attendance

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TheSnake said:
I have a question? As a Class A Reserves, I gave a reason for why I am not showing up for a parade night, they however didn't think it was a great reason I already went to parade more than once this month .Would they give out a NES? or is this them not saying it is a good reason?

Check out what the NES policy is in your unit/bde. In general, CFAO 49-11 Annex D provided that a member becomes NES when he/she hasn't paraded for 30 days during which no less than three parades were conducted by the unit. If you've already paraded this month you are most probably not NES.

TheSnake said:
I have a question? As a Class A Reserves, I gave a reason for why I am not showing up for a parade night, they however didn't think it was a great reason I already went to parade more than once this month .Would they give out a NES? or is this them not saying it is a good reason?

They cannot use NES in this case, however if attendance expectations have already been communicated to you, there’s nothing that stops them from using administrative action such as initial counseling, recorded warning, counseling and probation, and ultimately release. My regiment is using this to enforce the CO’s orders regarding 75% attendance expectations.

McDonalds would write you up and then quickly fire you for not showing up to work. A reserve unit is a job and can expect and enforce attendance for your scheduled duty. We get a lot of BS or I’ll considered reasons for why guys ‘can’t’ show up on a parade night. It’s up to the chain of command to decide to accept an excuse for not showing up for work.
TheSnake said:
Regarding ED&T what would happen if it's not approved ?

Then you're expected to show up for work per the work schedule your chain of command has given you, same as any other job. Though an ED&T getting denied is rare. You can also file a grievance against a denied ED&T if you feel it's been denied unjustly, and you may get the decision reversed. I'm actually on six months ED&T right now due to an overload of stuff in my life that was hurting my reserve attendance to the point where it was negatively impacting both me and my job performance. My chain understood it and has no issue with it.
Brihard said:
Then you're expected to show up for work per the work schedule your chain of command has given you, same as any other job. Though an ED&T getting denied is rare. You can also file a grievance against a denied ED&T if you feel it's been denied unjustly, and you may get the decision reversed. I'm actually on six months ED&T right now due to an overload of stuff in my life that was hurting my reserve attendance to the point where it was negatively impacting both me and my job performance. My chain understood it and has no issue with it.

Thank you, I know it is very unlikely my unit would say no. It's just that I would rather do this than ask for a Release/Quit.
FJAG said:
I was with the Office of the JAG from 1985 to 2006 ....

I was in the OR in 2006-2008... I wonder if you left before I got there... :-)
Sorry for derailing conversation :-)  This one was a good read!
Buck_HRA said:
I was in the OR in 2006-2008... I wonder if you left before I got there... :-)
Sorry for derailing conversation :-)  This one was a good read!

Nope. I was still there. In fact Sep 2006 to July 2009 I was working out of Ottawa full time with the Comprehensive Information Management Project team. For the first half I was working out of Baseline with IM Gp folks and the last half at Rideau on the fifth floor just down the hall from DMP. I would have probably been up at the orderly room about once a month or so.


Quick Question about ED&T even though very unlikely that it get's turned down not once but twice would it be better for my record wise be.

A) just release/quit and skip ED&T
B) it doesn't mater why I quit in the end, even if the reason is ED&T is turned down so long as I give notice/bring back kit, and in the future I could join up with the army again (and most likely a different unit) in the future?
TheSnake said:
Quick Question about ED&T even though very unlikely that it get's turned down not once but twice would it be better for my record wise be.

A) just release/quit and skip ED&T
B) it doesn't mater why I quit in the end, even if the reason is ED&T is turned down so long as I give notice/bring back kit, and in the future I could join up with the army again (and most likely a different unit) in the future?

For reference to the discussion see also,

Exempt Drill and Training - Merged 


ED&T and Voluntary Release 


TheSnake said:
Quick Question about ED&T even though very unlikely that it get's turned down not once but twice would it be better for my record wise be.

A) just release/quit and skip ED&T
B) it doesn't mater why I quit in the end, even if the reason is ED&T is turned down so long as I give notice/bring back kit, and in the future I could join up with the army again (and most likely a different unit) in the future?


You have been offered an abundance of help on here and on Reddit. I suggest you start reading and heeding the advice given to you.

I have even offered to help you personally, as I have many connections in 39 Brigade that could be of use to you. If you still wish to take me up on my offer, you can PM me.

Regardless of whatever is going on in your life that you need to go on ED&T, it's highly unlikely it will be rejected. But first and foremost you need to COMMUNICATE, by word to your immediate Supervisor/Section Commander and by your ED&T request memo to your CO through the Chain of Command.

There are many people out there (and even in your unit I'm sure), that will help you and want to help you be we can do only so much, you need to reciprocate.

Depending on your circumstances, in the rare event your ED&T is not approved, as long as you show up once a month, you don't have to release.

Releasing is more a long term move, more something you'd do if you don't plan on coming back for several years. If you only need a few weeks or few months to regroup your life, ED&T is the way to go. Getting back in isn't always that easy.

If the problem is that you don't like the trade/unit, you can put in a request for a Voluntary Occupational Reassignment.

Hope that helps.