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No more 7.62 sniper system

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Hey Gonzo, what are you saying about 1999? One of your your posts indicates your CURRENT sitrep is PPCLI about to go Militia with the N Sask R, either out of Saskatoon or B Coy in Prince Albert.

Now you say you have had nothing to do with the CF since 1999, and the working for your welfare bit, well I think that comment is in bad taste. If you feel you didn't do too much for your income whilst a member, sounds like a bad attitude or a piss poor leadership problem at the section/platoon level, not a problem with the CF widespread. Remember, the public reads these threads, and we all know soldiers only get out of it what they put into it. Thats life in any professional army.

Personal matters aside, what ever happened to loyality and dedication, plus mutual respect for your Corps and Regiment.

Now for all, WRT to sniper rifles in Militia units.....

Back in the late 1980s and early 1990's the R Reg Rif out of Regina had a few PH C3 (M82) rifles with the ZF69 optics etc. I don't know why they were held, as there was no 'snipers' in the unit. But these weapons were there as I annually had to inspect them. They also had a batch of FN C1A1D's too.

Wesley H. Allen, CD
You must have miss read or I must have goofed. I was A Coy N Sask R in S'toon after leaving the PPCLI.  I remained there in hopes of remustering to the Unicorn as a Navy Reserve. I hope that clear this up?

I agree I did make a bad statement. I have to apologize to anyone that may have been offended.
I din't misread it mate, and thanks for having the intestinal fortitude accepting the responsibility and setting things straight.


First things first.....

Don't ever call me troop again, Don't bud's me don't anything me other then call me by my screen name...are we clear?

Second, I was not coming on to you, just pointing out that the info you had given was old.

Third, Be very careful about your tone on here to some people, some Soldiers on here are very very senior or very very experienced all of which have earned the right to be called by their screen name or if your very lucky to know their first names by that.

Now if your done trying to p*SS me off, have you got any info you would like to add to this conversation that maybe pertinent?
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