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New Rucksack

Well like noneck said, there's a new 64 design on the horizon that should be out rather quickly. It'll be in both AR and TW... swoooosh!
NL_engineer said:
Well I did a BFT with the new ruck today, and.... do I need to go on  ::)

Well the only thing I like in the pack is the top load adjuster straps.  (I had to make at least 1 positive point)

On the down side even without a frag vest, the waist belt kept slipping down;  my hips have blisters, and are rubbed raw from the dam waste belt.  The shoulder straps don't tighten properly when wearing a Tac Vest, the load stabilizers on the waist belt don't work at all (or don't make a noticeable difference), the waist belt takes about half of the weight of the shoulders when it is tight (it loosens on its own  ::))

I spent the whole march wishing I had my old one back (so were many others)  ::)  because at the very least, the old one doesn't destroy your hips  ::)

That's all I can wright, because my sides hurt more thinking about it  ::)

Well I guess I'll be getting my old 64 pattern out again when I get back.

Never really got an answer on the acceptance level of Kifarus by Sec Cmdrs, CSM's, RSM'S etc...but how about the 64? Is it ok to use that in most cases? I'm a short guy and think its better. I have one, but it's old...MedTech where can I get info on the new 64's coming out?

popnfresh said:
Never really got an answer on the acceptance level of Kifarus by Sec Cmdrs, CSM's, RSM'S etc...but how about the 64? Is it ok to use that in most cases? I'm a short guy and think its better. I have one, but it's old...MedTech where can I get info on the new 64's coming out?


Right here! :D Noneck has had a run with the trial pack and he's in love with it as far as I can tell :) I'll push him to put up a review soon with pics and everything! I'll also post info as soon as I can get more on it i.e. Release Date and Price :)
So, I'm packing this new rucksack, trying to find a set-up I like, and see about using it on my up-coming BFT.

Now, I didn't think about this during the class, so, for those of you who have had it for a while...Where the hell did you put your air mattress???

I could strap it using the compression straps, but then I'd have to fiddle-F*** with it every-time I adjust them.

I could try to strap it to the daisy chain system somehow, but I'd rather not have to use that.

I could place the entire thing rolled into the corner of the interior, but then I can't use the divider (I think I'd rather have 2 compartments)

I'm sure with the divider down,, I could jam the thing hap-hazardly in through the compression sac access, but I can see it being a pain to get out.

Any suggestions?
I placed mine on the side of the ruck, it is about the only good place to put it.
dangerboy said:
I placed mine on the side of the ruck, it is about the only good place to put it.

Strapped the carrier to the daisy chains, or just wedged under the compression straps?
Beadwindow 7 said:
Strapped the carrier to the daisy chains, or just wedged under the compression straps?
I wedged it under the compression straps, did not want to add more straps by trying to attach it to the daisy chains.  Not the best solution but it worked for the EX.  Of course after that EX I decided I am going back to my old ruck.
dangerboy said:
I wedged it under the compression straps, did not want to add more straps by trying to attach it to the daisy chains.  Not the best solution but it worked for the EX.  Of course after that EX I decided I am going back to my old ruck.

Fair enough, and that's what I feel will end up happening with me, but, like I said; Fair shake.
So a couple of the dudes around here going on their advanced recce course in Gagetown were issued their new rucks yesterday ... we had the opportunity to fiddle with it a bit.  It is as huge as they say, you could even fit a body into it......


As you can see, a small Italian boy fits quite nice in it.  You can use him to hand you snackies from your ruck, read your map, or cover your 6 on the march.  Can't wait for the new kit list to come out!

I overheard a couple Warrant Officers talking this morning about it.  One said that he tried it on with his tac-vest and couldn't do up the waist belt without a great deal of effort and strain.  Once the waist belt was done up, he tried the sternum strap, this resulted in no access to his magazines and extreme discomfort.  He asked the supply tech why it didn't fit right with the tac-vest.  Her reply was "It was not designed to be worn with your tac-vest, its supposed to go inside the ruck.  When asked how to access the ammunition during a contact, she shrugged and said "That's how it was designed."  This, to me, is mind-bottling.  Of course, I cannot confirm whether this conversation actually took place or not, as I was not their... but I trust the WO telling the tale.

The rest of us are due to be issued on the 17th, so I'll ask the same questions then and see what the response is.  I'm still going to give it a fair shake, but its looking like my '64 will be around for some time still.  I smell a UCR cookin'.
Does the small Italian boy come equipped with a CADPAT umbrella to keep the Sun and Rain off you?
The umbrella, sun/rain is still in the procurement stage, it will likely be available for genral issue sometime in FY-12.  
My first impressions of the new ruck...

Very comfortable. Not much legroom, but cruising in a convertable adds 10 points to your LCF.  ;D
RCR Grunt said:
The umbrella, sun/rain is still in the procurement stage, it will likely be available for genral issue sometime in FY-12.  
True, but in pure CTS/DLR fashion, the umbrella won't be able to get wet (it will shrink) and the sun will damage its IR fibres.
BulletMagnet said:
Man I haven't seen soldiers that openly Gay in years.....  ;D

Oh bullsh*t... I can guarantee with extreme confidence that you yourself have done some "tactical spooning" in the last 8 to 12 months.