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New meaning to ‘Tree Hugger‘


Army.ca Myth
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i got a kick out of this because i like pointing out how ****ed up the world is.


NEW YORK (AP) - Two homosexuals - a man in a black dress and a boy in a pair of shorts - protested against their families‘ lack of understanding for their relationship by climbing a Centeral Park tree on Thursday and refusing to come down for hours.
The couple, aged 32 and 17, scaled the 1- meter high larch tree next to the Chess and Checkers house around 4 pm EDT, onlookers said.
The man played on branches near the top of the tree and waved to reporters and television crews. The boy sat on branch below him and said nothing. Later they had oral sex.
The couple told the boys parents about their relationship and were rebuked, said det John Sweeney, a police department spokesman.
Police set up inflatable mats on the ground and sent hostage negotiators up the tree to talk tot he pair. Several hours later, they put harnesses on the couple and bagan to lure them down.

End Article

Freedom of speach hard at work eh.
My suggestion.. 12 Gauge Shotgun And a Bag Fulla RockShot Shells

But then again Thats My Suggestion for alot Of Things
"man, that is messed up!"

Tell me about it! I mean who climbs a tree in a dress?!. I wonder if they will recieve any jail time for their stunt. I know that if I at 25, let alone 32, had sex with a 17 year old girl in public i‘d recieve some jail time.
Maybe they will say they are stressed out and they just snapped so it‘s not their fault but society‘s and get off the hook.

Reminds me of a dungeons and dragons game i played once. I came across some tree fairies and i wanted their gold so i lured them out with my long sword.

(The puns just keep comming eh)
Reminds me of a dungeons and dragons game i played once. I came across some tree fairies and i wanted their gold so i lured them out with my long sword.
So very, very wrong :eek:

They should have shot them out of the tree.
They‘ll probably su the city now for...( thinks hard but doesn‘t come up with a reason) but that won‘t stop them!!!
Oh for chrissakes...ok from now on when ever anyone has a beef...be sure to climb a tree.

Originally posted by Slim:
[qb] They‘ll probably sue the city now for...( thinks hard but doesn‘t come up with a reason) but that won‘t stop them!!! [/qb]
Slivers up the arse? :D ROTFLMA!!!!
You didn‘t hear that the one asked for a pop and when an officer tried to give them a coke the one got mad and yelled "I asked for a diet vanilla pepsi"? I seen a picture of this. It wasn‘t a man in a black dress, it was a transvestite(sp?) in a purple thong. It was on yahoo news and the 17 year old was in what looked like pj‘s. disturbing...

I will never drink diet vanilla pepsi again... not that i ever did.
You didn‘t hear that the one asked for a pop and when an officer tried to give them a coke the one got mad and yelled "I asked for a diet vanilla pepsi"? I seen a picture of this. It wasn‘t a man in a black dress, it was a transvestite(sp?) in a purple thong. It was on yahoo news and the 17 year old was in what looked like pj‘s. disturbing...

I will never drink diet vanilla pepsi again... not that i ever did.