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New IRC Chatroom for Army.ca

  • Thread starter Thread starter PteJoe
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gamesnet server #CDNarmy

i set that up for all your mirc fans out there, if the admins here can contact me i will ad you to the masters lists! ty enjoy your simple chatting!
Update: The Jabber server has been updated from CdnArmy.ca to Army.ca. You‘ll need to change your username when you log in on the new server. If you were bobbitt@cdnarmy.ca, you‘ll be bobbitt@army.ca now.

Hasmat, as wild as is your imagination, I really doubt that will happen. We‘ll probably be going in to save some corrupt country in a few years; not they attack us.

That‘s great. mIRC is a swell chatting program, probably the best ever programmed. I‘d love to contribute in any way I can. I have been using mIRC since December 2002, so I am familiar with quite a bit of IRC Scripting and can help regulate the channel(s). The only problem is that I don‘t have a credit card account. If I would, I most certianly would contribute via PayPal, and would have contributed to a whole many other servers running great websites or music streams or IRC servers.

Good luck with whatever chat program you shall be using for this site, and if it is mIRC, I sure would offer to help regulate the channels and all.

Cheers and more beers.
Thanks WaltZ,

I haven‘t revisited setting up an IRC server here, though there is a Jabber server running. (Not as popular as IRC by any means, but seems to be increasing.)

I may still try again for IRC if I‘m brave enough, so your offer to help is appreciated.

I have tried to get this up & running three times now and have not been able to login. Are there changes I don‘t see?
If you were trying Sunday night, you managed to catch the server at a bad time. It‘s up and running now, if it doesn‘t work for you let me know and we can walk through the settings.

It‘s actually been pretty quiet lately, hopefully some new blood will stir things up.

This Jabbertalk place was a dead end. I‘m ‘pooter illiterate. Come someone direct me to a working site that will allow me to use the chat room here.

Any help is appreciated.
You should be able to download the latest version of Exodus (a free Jabber client) from here:


If you configure it as per the first post, it *should* work, but let me know if you hit a snag.

Tried to reinstall Jabber.

Is it me, or did it get a bit more annoying?

*still waiting for mIRC server* :D
Just tried it,got connected and updated but saw the Army.ca warning just to late as I updated and now can‘t connect!!!???

Mike?Any Idea‘s?
Which warning?

If it‘s an SSL warning, be sure you enter the server name as "Army.ca" exactly, including the capitalization...
Hello Mike, I cant seem to get logged into the chat room, I followed the first set up steps you provided and used the latest version from your last post, it just keeps trying to connect. any suggestions? Thanks

Ok, the instructions were out of date, so I‘ve updated them. Try running through them again, and if you still can‘t connect we‘ll sort you out.

I have to agree, I have tried downloading, installing this thing several times and have not been able to get it going yet. Don‘t like the program at all! It didn‘t set up anything like the directions at the top of this thread
I agree it needs some work - I have to make some time to re-vamp that whole service...

Re the instructions, did you find discrepancies after they were updated? I‘d be glad to update them again if they‘re wrong, but I‘m not sure which sections need correcting...

*hit a snag*

I‘ve configured EXACTLY to what was above, and I hit Ok. It then brings me to a connect screen. I click connect, it says connecting...then boom, Disconnected Anyone else have this problem? And as for mIRC, its a great idea. I can set us up with a free channel on any server you guys desire (I prefer gamesnet, but w/e works for u guys) AND get a ChanServ in there. Also, I can more than likely get a GamesNet Java link to the server, if not the channel itself. So the least you would have to do, is follow the link (no download) and type in your name,and #army.ca (or w/e you want the channel named) click connect and taa daa. your in the channel with everyone else. tell me what you think, if you like, give me the name you want and i can have it all up and running in less than 30 minutes (pending on the line-up for channel registering).

I saw someone above claiming to register a channel. i went in, and was alone, not even a ChanServ. It isnt registered if the irc support staff doesnt recognise it, and doesnt have a ChanServ appointed to the channel.
*Update* I‘ve found my proble. And it seems to fix most of the other problems others have been having as well. Its a matter of when installing, make sure to click the SLL box during it, otherwise it wont work.
Is this chatroom still active? I‘ve been going in it but it‘s usually vacant.