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new at this and i have some questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter jesseg
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ok im 16 and im thinking about joining through the grade 11 course and i jus had a few questions. first question is  : if im 5 foot 6 140 pounds is 3 months enough to get in shape for the training. second question is how does it work, i mean what would i be doing and is it true that i get payed? and lets say i finish the course, can i quit then if i want or am i forced to stay enlisted, if war or sumtin happens then what will happen to me. these are jus a few questions, im sure ill think of more
I would suggest you start with these threads and their many links. You will want to note those subjects that discuss basic military training for the Reserves.  They will provide a lot of information for you to consider:

Recruiting Forum Introduction: READ FIRST - http://army.ca/forums/threads/20355.0.html

Renewed Recruiting FAQ: PLEASE READ BEFORE STARTING A NEW THREAD! --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/17073.0.html

      My name is Jordan and I have sent in my application, and received a phone call letting me know all my tests will be on December 10th. At the time I sent in my application I was living with room-mates. I put our apartments address down on the application, and used a room mate as a reference. Since then I discovered my room-mates were getting into the drug trafficking business. I moved out of the apartment, and my room-mates became rather upset at me for leaving. I know I did the right thing by leaving, so it does not bother me. My question is, when I go in for my testing can I change my address then? Also I do NOT want the reference I used to live with be called; as I am 100% sure they will say bad things about me. I have no problem replacing this reference with someone else. If during my interview I tell them this little story, will they have and problem changing out the reference and address? Thank you for your time, and I hope for a quick response.

Assuming that you have a new place to stay, you'll want to provide the recruiting center with your new address the next time you're in contact with them, and I would do it sooner rather than later.

I do not know whether or not they will agree not to contact a certain reference, but it wont hurt to ask.  I would simply explain that you had a personal falling out with this individual, and that because of the circumstances you no longer consider them a reliable reference.  Make sure you have the information of a replacement reference available to provide them with, and see what they say.
Thank you for the fast response. I am currently living with my parents, and will be giving them that address. I just hope they will allow me to remove that reference and replace it with another. I know any phone call made to this person will not be benificial to my application process.. Ill just have to wait and see what happens. Again, Thank you for your time and have a great day.


You can try and get them to not contact that roomate but if for you it is like it was for me they have already contacted your references to get some input before they spend the money to have you go through testing just call your recruiter and find out who he has contacted he should tell you.
So if they have already contacted this reference, Saying as how my testing is in under a week, does that mean the call went good? Ive been friends with this person for 4-5 years I could see a part of them saying good things about me, but it would not be to shocking to hear they said bad things.

Just explain the situation to them when you go in for testing.  They understand things happen.  And I don't know if things have changed since I joined a few years ago.  But my references were never called when I was in the recruiting process.
JordanH said:

      My name is Jordan and I have sent in my application, and received a phone call letting me know all my tests will be on December 10th. At the time I sent in my application I was living with room-mates. I put our apartments address down on the application, and used a room mate as a reference. Since then I discovered my room-mates were getting into the drug trafficking business. I moved out of the apartment, and my room-mates became rather upset at me for leaving. I know I did the right thing by leaving, so it does not bother me. My question is, when I go in for my testing can I change my address then? Also I do NOT want the reference I used to live with be called; as I am 100% sure they will say bad things about me. I have no problem replacing this reference with someone else. If during my interview I tell them this little story, will they have and problem changing out the reference and address? Thank you for your time, and I hope for a quick response.


OK let me get this straight, your ex room mates just out of the blue sat down at Tims and said "Lets traffic drugs" and you had no inkling of this before? Not even from your possible ex best friend/room mate? Now its really good you moved out of this enviroment but why did you not let the Recruiting Centre know right away on the change of any status. They are not mind readers and don't know whats going on in your life unless you tell them. The onus is on you and you alone to inform CFRC immediately of any changes.

I am beginning to think common sense is a lost skill.... ::)
Ex-Dragon, The room-mates I lived with, I had known them for 4 years prior to move in with them. Before this point they never once touched drugs. We all moved out for the first time, money got short for them so they got into drugs. Something I could never predict. So sorry I cant see into the future and sorry I am lacking common sense as you put it. I will work on that.. AS for calling a recruitment center, would I just call the one here in town or CFRC Calgary? Again thank you for your time.


Also just wanted to mention, I moved out of the apartment about 4-5 days ago. So it is not like I have been sitting around waiting for them to read my mind.
I would call whomever is handling your file...if you moved out several days previously you have had plenty of time to call the recruiting centre before they called your ex room mate.
Just a little insight, not sure if it would help..

I had to change a reference I was using because someone recommended it would not be a very good one and may not be qualified. When I called the CFRC up he just x'd out that reference and put in my new one. I do not know if they kept the person on file, but he seemed not to have a problem with a replacement for me anyways.
JordanH said:
Ex-Dragon, The room-mates I lived with, I had known them for 4 years prior to move in with them. Before this point they never once touched drugs. We all moved out for the first time, money got short for them so they got into drugs. 

I can believe that you might be naive enough to not notice they had never done drugs, but Im sorry, there's no way I can believe they sat around one night going "money's short this month, how are we going to pay the rent?" and one of them said, "Hey, I know, let's deal drugs!". 

In fact, I cant see any LEO believing this story, which will give you problems during a security background check...
