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New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

"Listen, I am trying to do work here, and I am holding off from goofin around. Now, how do I access Army.ca on here?"

" Hey Cpl. Bloggi....what are you doing with that camera?"
Captain Sensible said:

"'Nav to turret?'  What the hell do you mean, 'NAV to turret?'  What the hell's a "NAV" anyway?"

heheheheh....this one made me giggle...

"And Why do I have to be in the turret, anyway? What do you mean it's because I'm skinny?"
Rice0031 said:
What do you mean I'm "too ugly" to be in the recruiting posters? HoM got into one!
It's because HoM makes the Oakles work, whereas Des has none  ;)
Mike Baker said:
It's because HoM makes the Oaklies work, whereas Des has none  ;)
You clearly missed the joke implying that both Des and HoM are, in fact, ugly. Jeese! Read between the lines, people! :P
Rice0031 said:
You clearly missed the joke implying that both Des and HoM are, in fact, ugly. Jeese! Read between the lines, people! :P
Des isn't ugly :D, he just makes confused look real good.  ;D    Imagine THAT face on a recruiting poster.  ::)
BYT Driver said:
... he just makes confused look real good...

Of course he does.  After all, he IS a sig AND a toon.*  ;D

*this comment is not to be taken personally by anyone other then Des.  This comment is not to be construed as sig and/or toon bashing, but is instead friendly bashing between Des and I.  (stupid disclaimers to CYA take all of the fun out of things.  ::))
Trinity said:
poppy   ??

Most likely.

More like a red marker cap.  He might be plotting enemy contacts onto a map.  The epaulet makes a handy holder in the turret. 
zipperhead_cop said:
More like a red marker cap.  He might be plotting enemy contacts onto a map.  The epaulet makes a handy holder in the turret. 

Good point, but it is too low on the epaulet and not 'hooked' over the top of his slip-on, so it is a poppy.
To add to that Des has nothing to do with plotting anything on a map in his current postion, certainly not enemy contact.

However it could have been a marker as his tech job could very well require it.
zipperhead_cop said:
More like a red marker cap.  He might be plotting enemy contacts onto a map.  The epaulet makes a handy holder in the turret. 
Can't see that happenin'.  This is Des we're talking about... :D
George Wallace said:
Good point, but it is too low on the epaulet and not 'hooked' over the top of his slip-on, so it is a poppy.
I fully agree, it's a poppy and he's doing techie work...look at the face!  It's full of stern concentration...or it's a tough job?

any professional slams against Sig_Des are purely thrown in a friendly manner and not to be taken seriously, as I'm sure he doesn't.
Mike Baker said:
It's because HoM makes the Oakles work, whereas Des has none  ;)

Now Mike, if I chose to show you any of my afghanistan pictures, you'd know that I am in fact sporting Oakley half-jacket sunglasses, and have been for about 6 months now. I don't take the slams take earlier personally, seeing as they come from 2 airedales, that the closest to having to mark a reference on a map was the last time they saw real soldier, and had to mark such a memorable moment in their lives  ;)

And it was indeed a poppy, as this was November. I don't usually splay out my maps in the turret of a LAV.

As far as being too ugly to be on a recruiting poster, Mike, that's probably because I'm from someplace too close to the rock. They do breed 'em ugly there.