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My journey so far

Thankss! It's just the waiting game left noww, well after all my enrollment stuff but this gives me lot's of time to get myself in the best shape I can! Thanks again
Ohhhh yaaa! I got my Offer today :) Funny thing is...I called them to check and see if my references were contacted yet and/or if I was put on the merit list and he told me I already had my offer! For Signal Operator and that I would have been getting the call either tomorrow or the next. So I told him that I'll accept the offer and I'll be getting a call within the next two day's giving me the details when I will be leaving and when my enrollment ceremony will be. I haven't been this excited since my last offer! :)
Johnson101 said:
Ohhhh yaaa! I got my Offer today :) Funny thing is...I called them to check and see if my references were contacted yet and/or if I was put on the merit list and he told me I already had my offer! For Signal Operator and that I would have been getting the call either tomorrow or the next. So I told him that I'll accept the offer and I'll be getting a call within the next two day's giving me the details when I will be leaving and when my enrollment ceremony will be. I haven't been this excited since my last offer! :)

Thanks guy's, Can't believe this! It's about time. I'm playing it safe this time around, no more messing around and putting myself at risk of injury....not going to happen!
Hey everybody! So I found out today that I'll be attending the November 1st BMQ in St Jean and will be swearing in Oct 13th in London :) This is awesome!
It's been a while since I've posted on here but only 74 more days and I will be sitting on the plane to Quebec! I can't believe how quick it's coming up, I've been waiting so long for this :) and finally the day is soon to come!
Everyday that passes by I'm getting more and more excited, time is just flying by! I can't believe in only 3 weeks I will be where I was last year in August taking my Oath of Allegiance in London..better yet, only 5 more weeks and 3 days I will be sitting in the airplane on my way to the CFLRS!! Time to start getting everything together, and get this autobiography complete!
The swearing in ceremony went great yesterday! It was awesome to feel what I felt last year! And the thought of it only being 15 days until I'm in Quebec is unreal! I'm so excited!
Well...it has been sometime since I posted here...2010 to be exact. I discussed my detailed journey through my recruiting process. I accepted an offer into the Canadian forces that I was unsure about(Signal Operator) because there was another trade that always had me and it was the trade I was most interested in doing, that being Infantry. I completed my BMQ in March of 2011 and went on and got my 404's(Driver Wheel Course) as well I completed my Soldier Qualification in the Fall of 2011.
After my SQ I lost all interest in becoming a SigOp...I put in two occupational transfers and both were denied due to high demand. I did not want to commit to a 4 year contract to a job I had no interest in so I made the decision to put in a voluntary release and was honorably discharged in November of 2011. I started working from job to job and now I'm working on getting a degree in Police foundations. But I feel as if I'm still unsure about things, I loved the Military and everyone(mostly everyone) in it. I wanted to make a career out of being in the Canadian Forces and that feeling has not gone away. I'm 23 years old and my whole life I have never felt better then when I was in the army. The feeling like you belong right there, where you are content and happy.  So here I sit..wanting nothing more then to re-submit another application for the trade I've wanted this whole time, a trade that I will enjoy.
Johnson101 said:
Well...it has been sometime since I posted here...2010 to be exact. I discussed my detailed journey through my recruiting process. I accepted an offer into the Canadian forces that I was unsure about(Signal Operator) because there was another trade that always had me and it was the trade I was most interested in doing, that being Infantry. I completed my BMQ in March of 2011 and went on and got my 404's(Driver Wheel Course) as well I completed my Soldier Qualification in the Fall of 2011.
After my SQ I lost all interest in becoming a SigOp...I put in two occupational transfers and both were denied due to high demand. I did not want to commit to a 4 year contract to a job I had no interest in so I made the decision to put in a voluntary release and was honorably discharged in November of 2011. I started working from job to job and now I'm working on getting a degree in Police foundations. But I feel as if I'm still unsure about things, I loved the Military and everyone(mostly everyone) in it. I wanted to make a career out of being in the Canadian Forces and that feeling has not gone away. I'm 23 years old and my whole life I have never felt better then when I was in the army. The feeling like you belong right there, where you are content and happy.  So here I sit..wanting nothing more then to re-submit another application for the trade I've wanted this whole time, a trade that I will enjoy.

I hope things work out for you as planned. It's a shame you didn't realize how happy you were when you were serving before in terms of the comradery, regardless of not necessarily having the job you wanted. But hindsight is indeed 20/20 and I know all too well (as do many) how it feels to work a job that does nothing more than pay the bills--if it even does that.

I have been going through my process for two years and have watched quietly as a few friends/acquaintances have gotten in.  I've experienced happiness for them, but coupled with envy also. And I would be lying if I said the thought of choosing something other than what I truly want to do/where I feel my talents could best be used hasn't crossed my mind. (That being said, the other trade I am interested in is as equally difficult to get into, if not more so; therefore, I didn't even list it. So perhaps it's my own fault, lol.)

Anyway, the good news IMO is that you have time on your side. I know how slow things seem to go by when you're waiting for something. But you said you're working on your studies (I would assume it's a 2 yr. program, correct? I haven't heard of any institution offering a PF "Degree" program. I have mine, as well as a Law Clerk Diploma), so that will offer a little bit of distraction. If it helps, a buddy of mine released because of his then girlfriend. He regretted it. A few years later, he got back into Infantry...subsequently having dumped the girlfriend. It took some time, but he persevered and last I talked to him he's doing very well.

Hang in there, best of luck moving forward.
Johnson101 said:
Well...it has been sometime since I posted here...2010 to be exact. I discussed my detailed journey through my recruiting process. I accepted an offer into the Canadian forces that I was unsure about(Signal Operator) because there was another trade that always had me and it was the trade I was most interested in doing, that being Infantry. I completed my BMQ in March of 2011 and went on and got my 404's(Driver Wheel Course) as well I completed my Soldier Qualification in the Fall of 2011.
After my SQ I lost all interest in becoming a SigOp...I put in two occupational transfers and both were denied due to high demand. I did not want to commit to a 4 year contract to a job I had no interest in so I made the decision to put in a voluntary release and was honorably discharged in November of 2011. I started working from job to job and now I'm working on getting a degree in Police foundations. But I feel as if I'm still unsure about things, I loved the Military and everyone(mostly everyone) in it. I wanted to make a career out of being in the Canadian Forces and that feeling has not gone away. I'm 23 years old and my whole life I have never felt better then when I was in the army. The feeling like you belong right there, where you are content and happy.  So here I sit..wanting nothing more then to re-submit another application for the trade I've wanted this whole time, a trade that I will enjoy.

Just for my own curiosity, why did you leave before completing your occupational training?

I'm applying for Pres ACISS while pursing a degree, in hopes of attaining skills which could one day be useful in the Reg. Force Infantry.

Though the primary reason why I am doing ACISS is because my eyesight does not meet the V3 standard.

Emilio said:
Just for my own curiosity, why did you leave before completing your occupational training?

I'm applying for Pres ACISS while pursing a degree, in hopes of attaining skills which could one day be useful in the Reg. Force Infantry.

Though the primary reason why I am doing ACISS is because my eyesight does not meet the V3 standard.

I basically took ACISS to get me in and the hoping to be able to OT out into Infantry. That didn't work the way I hoped and I had not very much interest in that trade. And believe me the comradery was awesome I became better friends with some people from my training in two weeks then I did with people back home in my whole life. Its crazy, but I honestly did not want to start training knowing that I had no interest in the specific trade and drop it half way through when someone who wants to be there could and could have my spot. I felt like I made the right decision..so I went through with it.
Johnson101 said:
I basically took ACISS to get me in and the hoping to be able to OT out into Infantry. That didn't work the way I hoped and I had not very much interest in that trade. And believe me the comradery was awesome I became better friends with some people from my training in two weeks then I did with people back home in my whole life. Its crazy, but I honestly did not want to start training knowing that I had no interest in the specific trade and drop it half way through when someone who wants to be there could and could have my spot. I felt like I made the right decision..so I went through with it.

Well, saying the 'someone who wants to be there could and could have my spot' before your DP1 should have been before Basic, technically the same thing since you didn't stick it out. You took a spot from someone in Basic. That is why so many have said on this site "Don't take the trade that will get you in, take the trade you envision yourself in for 20ish years. Not trying to bust your attitude, but that is kind of how it came out.
Now that that's out of me. If you're really gung-ho to go Infantry, go for it. You already have Basic down, so that won't need to be repeated. Just make sure that is EXACTLY what you want to do after 25-years as to not make the same repeat as above. Forces might not give you a 3rd shot.
Check out local PRes Battalions that may offer Infantry. Could possibly do that as you finish school, if you enjoy it, great, transfer to the Regs, if not, well, keep looking.

Good luck, I sincerely mean it. If Infantry is your dream, keep trying to achieve it. There aren't any shortcuts to get there.
Emilio said:
Just for my own curiosity, why did you leave before completing your occupational training?

I'm applying for Pres ACISS while pursing a degree, in hopes of attaining skills which could one day be useful in the Reg. Force Infantry.

Though the primary reason why I am doing ACISS is because my eyesight does not meet the V3 standard.

Keep in mind he was reg force (Not sure if you were aware or not.)

Regardless, reserve ACISS, is a good go.

I like you was considering Infantry, but figured my eyes were almost V4, so I went ACISS, I've always liked computers and such so I figure it was a good fit. We also have lots of guys in our unit who wanted to go Infantry but didn't have the eye sight.  I have had some great opportunities in my short 2 year ACISS reserve career. I have done Op For once. One weekend I even ended up as C6 gun team with a fellow sig and did an amphibious assault (highly doubt I'll ever get to that again though :P) I've also shot simunition. It is not all cool infantry stuff, some times you are stuck in the back of the truck for the weekend (which isn't bad when its raining or -20). Depending how your unit/brigade works I'd imagine you would get similar experiences.

You will learn lots of skills to bring over to the infantry. Trouble shooting the radios and fault finding will be key. As well you will have a better understanding how the battle works.  You should get experiences being on the ground as a platoon/company sig and you should also see the other side being in a cp.

I'd highly recommend it, but as everything in the army.. Your mileage may vary. 
runormal said:
Keep in mind he was reg force (Not sure if you were aware or not.)

Regardless, reserve ACISS, is a good go.

I like you was considering Infantry, but figured my eyes were almost V4, so I went ACISS, I've always liked computers and such so I figure it was a good fit. We also have lots of guys in our unit who wanted to go Infantry but didn't have the eye sight.  I have had some great opportunities in my short 2 year ACISS reserve career. I have done Op For once. One weekend I even ended up as C6 gun team with a fellow sig and did an amphibious assault (highly doubt I'll ever get to that again though :P) I've also shot simunition. It is not all cool infantry stuff, some times you are stuck in the back of the truck for the weekend (which isn't bad when its raining or -20). Depending how your unit/brigade works I'd imagine you would get similar experiences.

You will learn lots of skills to bring over to the infantry. Trouble shooting the radios and fault finding will be key. As well you will have a better understanding how the battle works.  You should get experiences being on the ground as a platoon/company sig and you should also see the other side being in a cp.

I'd highly recommend it, but as everything in the army.. Your mileage may vary.

Sounds good runormal, what you described is exactly what I hope my experiences to be.

For me it's gonna be a few years before I think about applying for the Reg.Force in the hopes of having the skills you describe,thanks for the insight I really appreciate it.

A little update.

I have put myself back into the application process..and this time around as my original trade of choice from the beginning. My file has been moving at a steady pace so far, it seems.
My previous CFAT scores were received as well as my med docs. This time around I will be going through the recruiting center in Edmonton as I am currently here for work. The Sgt there has been pretty awesome and helpful. I am just awaiting an email or call back to arrange an interview and medical! More than excited to get the ball rolling again, I miss my greens.
