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Muslim Crusaders and Occupiers?



I  just read an article in News week that was very enlightening.

It seems from the 1200-1700s Muslim Pirates raided costal villages all the way to Ireland.  In fact the whole population of an Irish Village were taken as slaves.  It is also estimated that 1.25 million europeans and Americans were taken as slaves or hostages.

Also when American shipping came under attack in the late 1700s (the US had no Navy) by muslim pirates, a US representatives asked leaders of the Barabary pirates why they were doing what they were doing to the US, especially since the US had no quarrel with any muslim nation?  The answer was their holy book the Q'uran said it was okay to do what they were doing because we were no-believers and sinners.  Also there is evidence the Biritish encouraged the attacks since they had recently lost the colonies. 

In order for the attacks to stop they required the following:

1.  for a short term peace----a certain amount of tribute
2.  for perpetual peace ---- lots more cash

Well the US decided they were not going to allow these attacks to continue (Europeans had no problem paying tribute) and tried to gather support to fight. No takers, so the US government decided to build a navy and go on the offensive, in fact the US Marines first battle occured when they stormed a Muslim city/Fort along the North African coast "shores of Tripoli."  The war went on for four years until the Muslim countries agreed not to attack or raid anymore shipping.

In my travels in the middle east I read and hear a lot about the Christian Crusades but I have yet to read about Muslim Cursaders and Occupiers.   
And what shall we do about it?

They were pirates who had a moderate knowledge of the Qu'ran....was Blackbeard an accurate depiction of a Englishman?(wait don't answer that)
If you want to compare it to the crusades (Keep in mind I'm not even going down that road) the crusaders were knights and "holy" men, on both sides, thumping whichever holy book they happened to be able to read..not pirates!

In any case, I'm sure we can get over it. We being the civilized members of the morally superior Western Nations.
I am a sailor..and a Muslim...so I suppose I'm the closest thing we've got to a Muslim pirate. If anyone would like reparations for these atrocities we've committed, please PM me.
See I can say that because I've never used the crusades as an argument against anyone and never will, which leaves my conscience clean when sarcastically poking at said argument blaming crusaders from any religion.

Perhaps we could stop ignoring the fact that Muslim nations engaged in such activities and stop being PC about it all.
Well you guys are preaching to the choir because as far as I know I'm the only Muslim here and I've never done that.
And being only one of 2 Muslim members on the board, you've won 50% of the Muslim population over. Congratulations you've got half our hearts and minds...

The vikings pillaged eastern Europe 400 years before the evil brown men.
Why would anyone think pirates were a good example of any nation?
Hi Che

Given that between you and the other muslim on the board (sorry I can't remember his name immediately) but given that between the two of you there are two hearts and two minds, both of which are divisible - "half-hearted" and "half-a-mind to..." could you clarify your position further.

Possibilities include:

a: One person - heart and mind
b: Both hearts but not both minds
c: Both minds but not both hearts
d: Half of both hearts and both minds.

In the interest of accuracy in public discourse, of course.

Cheers Che ;D ;) :salute:

Would that have been so easily done without a third Muslim around?

and get on with life

The fact that you even took the time to post this thread contradicts this idea.

It is too often that people flip flop on their standpoints (this is true from either perspective) One minute they will say "It happened 800 years ago, time to move on" and then they will turn around and say "Well hey howdy...look at this..it's terrible and it only happened....800 years ago."

Personally I'm from the school of thought where I try and get those I teach to look more towards the future and positively helping those around them, rather then negating them by showing what happened 700 years ago and telling them they should apologise for it.

Ask around and you might find that the majority of Muslims would probably rather get over it then cling to it, but if one side continues to point out the negative history of the other then they are playing right into the circle that perpetuates the violence we find prevalent in todays world.

Like I said, I'm more then willing to work in the here and now instead of dredging up the past. You'll never hear me say to anyone, anyone I teach or talk to, look at what the barbaric christians did (unless they really were behaving like barbarians, but it was the crusades...everyone was behaving like barbarians)
But when I am faced with this kind of post, I certainly do feel the need to go on the defensive. Much in the same way you (understandably) go on the defensive when someone negates your own country.

Would that have been so easily done without a third Muslim around?



Way too many complications there then Che.  Why then we might be into the field of politics and strife.

You are simply trying to stir things up S Baker.  And you are a windbag. 

Go away
Listen Mr. empty profile, yes Major Baker can be a windbag, but he's our windbag. ;)
At least he has the testicular parts to put his name and what he's done here so that we can understand where he's coming from.

And you.......?
I wouldn't  go as far as calling the major a windbag.
Misunderstood perhaps ;D
Tomas-K said:
You are simply trying to stir things up S Baker.   And you are a windbag.  

Go away


Take your own advice...Or shut up, pay attention and learn something.

There is very little tolerance for a member that is relatively unknown, with no profile, coming to this site and telling the rest of us off!

Maybe you need to grow up a bit. Whatever the reason it needs to change between this post and your next.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Listen Mr. empty profile, yes Major Baker can be a windbag, but he's our windbag. ;)
At least he has the testicular parts to put his name and what he's done here so that we can understand where he's coming from.

And you.......?

Was I talking to you?

BTW since you have serious problems with English comprehension I'll spell my name for you:  Tomas-K

(you can actually get treatment for dyslexia, take advantage I say!)


Take your own advice...Or shut up, pay attention and learn something.

There is very little tolerance for a member that is relatively unknown, with no profile, coming to this site and telling the rest of us off!

Maybe you need to grow up a bit. Whatever the reason it needs to change between this post and your next.


Was I talking to you?  This Baker boy sure can talk enough, so I'm sure he can defend himself.  I don't think he needs closet "admirers" sticking up for him!

Next time I direct a post to yourself you can say I told 'the rest of you' off.

You sure come off as girlie-boy! 

well worth a chuckle, thanks for the post!

Boy? I'm pretty sure the Major has quite a bit of experience over you. Fill out your profile and show your colors, then maybe people will take you seriously.. Until then shut up and know your place.
SFontaine said:
Boy? I'm pretty sure the Major has quite a bit of experience over you. Fill out your profile and show your colors, then maybe people will take you seriously.. Until then shut up and know your place.

I don't need to 'fill out my profile' to make a post.  You need to know YOUR place grunt.  I don't need any grunt to 'accept' me!


My 'experience' has also included making myself useful and contributing to GDP and to society in general, unlike grunts such as S-Baker and other similar individuals.

Now I will ask once again, was I talking to you?

Tomas - since you're so much smarter than everyone else, figure out how to check your PMs.

Start playing nice or you will be gone.

I think he's actually trying to talk tough Online.
Wait wait..I know what to do.

"Ju must have been talkin' to me...bunk"
muskrat89 said:
Tomas - since you're so much smarter than everyone else, figure out how to check your PMs.

Start playing nice or you will be gone.

Well clearly I'm smarter than you at the very least.

Ok ok fine,  I'll admit, I am smarter than most if not all of you!


Che said:
I think he's actually trying to talk tough Online.
Wait wait..I know what to do.

"Ju must have been talkin' to me...bunk"

Drugs are bad for you.  They can also get you kicked out of the army, so my advice to you is to stop taking them!
