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MrJimi's recruitment story................


Reaction score
    I hopped on the subway at Davisville Station yesterday heading north. Four stations later I was at  Sheppard Station and a short block away from 4900 Yonge St, AKA, CFRC Toronto. I was expecting it to be a small unassuming little building but was now peering up at quite the structure with the standard Canada sign right up top.

    As I entered through the doors I realized that this particular building was much more than just a monster recruitment centre, (big relief), as it most likely housed many different government offices and agencies. I quickly found the CFRC, which was conveniently located on the first floor, I walked in like the nervous little maggot I currently am and said " Hi, I have a completed application to hand in", at that point a couple recruiters looked up and one said " did you say completed?" I responded in the affirmative, and with a pleased look on his face, my recruiter sat me down and away we went.

    I had all my necessary documents in order, and was very rigorous with checking and double checking everything. The first thing i showed him was an acceptance letter from Radio College of Canada or RCC. I told him I was interested in pursuing a career as a NET COMM in the Navy, and that the subsidized education plan was the right fit for me. He was impressed with my applications and mentioned that a lot of applicants had trouble finding references, so with all 5 of mine being at least 10 years he was impressed. We talked a little bit, while he got my file together, and I anxiously waited while he did that.

      Once everything was completed and all the boxes were checked, my recruiter led me to a back office at which point he dropped me off to a CFAT scheduler. "Is Monday the 27th too soon?" he asked me. "Absolutely not, sir" he turned with a funny grin, and I walked out the door CFAT appt. in hand and headed back to the subway and back home. In four days I will write my CFAT.
That's great :) I've got a 30 day wait for my CFAT/Interview (CFRC Barrie), and they said it could be a month after that before I get my medical :(
Good Luck MrJimi ... STUDY ALL WEEKEND! and we'll see you Monday.

CFAT is a breeze MrJimi. Pay attention to your timing, stay calm and focused you will be fine.

rlee_1001 said:
CFAT is a breeze MrJimi. Pay attention to your timing, stay calm and focused you will be fine.


I say study anyway.
rlee_1001 said:
CFAT is a breeze MrJimi. Pay attention to your timing, stay calm and focused you will be fine.


What may be a "breeze" for you, may not be for others.  It won't hurt to study.  ::)

Good luck, MrJimi!
I had to redo the CFAT when I CTd 3 years ago.  I studied.  (make sure you know fractions,  Math.com was what I used.)

Good luck!
I appreciate all the support, thank you.  I have studied using every resource I could find online, mostly IQ tests. I am confident and prepared so at this point I'm going to work on my focus and calmness. I know my math and my spatial is pretty good as well. I think my biggest challenge will be the verbal skills section. Im a lot more excited than nervous. This feels like the first few steps of a marathon, can't wait to trek further.
MrJimi said:
I appreciate all the support, thank you.  I have studied using every resource I could find online, mostly IQ tests. I am confident and prepared so at this point I'm going to work on my focus and calmness. I know my math and my spatial is pretty good as well. I think my biggest challenge will be the verbal skills section. Im a lot more excited than nervous. This feels like the first few steps of a marathon, can't wait to trek further.

How about your written ones?  ;D

(Sorry, I had to slide that one in...believe me, if you check my post history, you'll find lots of things wrong I am sure.  >:D)
Eye In The Sky said:
How about your written ones?  ;D

(Sorry, I had to slide that one in...believe me, if you check my post history, you'll find lots of things wrong I am sure.  >:D)

Haha, you got me there.

Does anyone know if a pencil and paper are permitted?
MrJimi said:
Haha, you got me there.

Does anyone know if a pencil and paper are permitted?

A pencil and scrap paper will be provided.

  Today I successfully completed my CFAT! I found it to be fairly easy, I was expecting it to be a little tricky when it came to how the questions were asked, but thankfully every question was stated clearly and understandable. Unfortunately the whole system crashed halfway through, so we had to start from scratch, but all in all was very happy with my performance. I have been instructed to call tomorrow morning to book my interview. I'm hoping to book it ASAP, perform well, and on to the medical.

For the interview, are we expected to dress formal? I would think so, but Im not sure.

Very excited to move one step closer!

Although there were people waiting in jeans and t-shirts for their interview... I was proudly wearing a suit... you should dress for success!
There is already a million posts on this site about what to wear at the interview

I was proudly wearing a suit... you should dress for success

I wore a clean T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Now look at me, senior NCO and all.
the_girlfirend said:
Although there were people waiting in jeans and t-shirts for their interview... I was proudly wearing a suit... you should dress for success!

I agree with you 100%.

Interview is now booked for Aug 10. Almost there now.
Good luck on the interview.  Make certain you let us all know how it went.

7 days to go...

I had my interview, it went very well and was told I am a "strong candidate." It was a lot longer than I anticipated,(2 hours), but it varies due to the nature of the trade. Applying as a NET under the SEP requires rigorous screening to make certain the candidate can handle the amount of studying involved.

My medical will be conducted sometime in September and that will conclude my application process.

My college of choice is RCC, and the program starts in October and pretty much continues non-stop until November of 2011. I wonder when I will have time to do my basic training. I would much prefer to do BMQ before school starts as I feel it will put my head in more of a military mode.

Does the BMQ course run year round? Or is it more of a summer thing. I've checked the website and it appears to run June-Dec.

They do run them year round, you however, don't have time to complete BMQ prior to school ... so you'll do it later.

Otis said:
They do run them year round, you however, don't have time to complete BMQ prior to school ... so you'll do it later.


I hope you're right Otis, however, my medical is still to be done and although I have never had any major medical problems, you never really know what may be found. Ive read a lot about files needing doctors approvals and that could set me back where I may have to attend school at a later date. This probably won't be the case, I'm well above average in the fitness dept., but you never know.