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MP Mpac board and Recruit By Pass question


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I was in the reg force MP 811 trade for 10 years (mostly is beautiful Shilo) and have been out for 9 after FRPing.  I currently work as a Network Administrator in the computer field but have decided I will apply to get back in in the new year.  I was told a year and a half ago by a MWO at MP Selection NDHQ that I would most likely be accepted back in.  Things came up and here I sit ready to apply this time.  I do not think I have to participate in the MP 3 day MPAC selection process that I understand is held several times per year.  I also believe that I recruit by pass but have to redo my QL3 and 5 again.  So much has changed in the trade since I got out.  All for the better.  I know police work is still police work but a 6 month refresher would be good.  Does anyone know if Im correct about ex-Mps skipping that 3 day MPAC board?  I have the education part covered as I did 2 year Law and Security before I joined before and have since done a 3 year Computer Programming Diploma at college and 2.5 of 3 years in a sociology BA at uni.  No money at present to finish the degree but Im not interested in MPO but good ol' enlisted ranks.  Cheers
A friend of mine was an MP got out and then back in after the MPAC started.  He was required to compete in the MPAC process, but things may have changed yet again.  As with pretty much everything Max Flex is the norm.  With the 10 years you spent in I wouldn't suspect that you would have all that much difficulty with the selection at any rate.  You may even be buddies with some of the DS, you never know. 
One thing I would check into is that after having been out for 9 years, you MAY have to go all the way back to St. Jean for Basic Training again.  Yet another friend got out as a MCpl Infanteer, and returned a number of years later only to have to do boot camp all over again (which coincidentally is where I met him). 
As always, the best people to talk to would be either recruiting, or if they don't have answers specific to the MPAC perhaps you could call the MP academy at Bordon directly.
Good luck.
If you are out between five and ten years then CFRG will decide if you will do BMQ again.  Cases I have seen are the closer you are to the ten year mark the closer you are to doing BMQ again but it is on a case by case basis.  As for the MPAC I will check my handy-dandy spreadsheet tomorrow and let you know.
I heard boot camp was switching yet again to cfb borden?  Doing basic would be a royal pain as you would not really learn anything.  Redoing MP school would be ok as lots has changed.  However being a spec trade I could put up with it all again to get the pay and stability.  As long as I can still buy back my 10 years of pension and start in year 11 of pension it would still be all worth it to get another 10 or 15 years in and end with a 20 or 25 year pension.  They still allow you to buy back pension right?
I heard boot camp was switching yet again to cfb borden?  Yes, some BMQs are being held in Borden but that is not permanent.

As long as I can still buy back my 10 years of pension and start in year 11 of pension it would still be all worth it to get another 10 or 15 years in and end with a 20 or 25 year pension.  They still allow you to buy back pension right?
  Yes and it is a 25 year pension now.

Whether Skilled MP re-enrollees will do the MPAC will be determined by a file review.  So how long you were out and whether or not you maintained your qualifications or worked in a security field would determine if you take the MPAC.
Thank you very much.  Your a great source for information.  I just have one final quick question to ask.  I have heard you speak several times of being out 0-5 years is one set of rules and being out 5-10 is another.  My question is  What is the difference if I put my application in 1 week before my 10 years out date or I put my application in after I have been out 10 years and 1 month?  I pretty much assume I already would have to do basic and everything all over but am curious about the fefore and after 10 year date.  Cheers
Your qualification must still be good when you are enrolled but if you are within a couple of months than you may still get the qualification.  For example an applicant who submits an application on Feb 06 and had completed BMQ in Nov 96 but is not enrolled until Jan 07 may still be a BMQ bypass but will not be if he is enrolled in Mar 07.  It is all up to CFRG HQ.  Clear as mud?