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Movement of D, HG&E not Authorized vs. Requesting IR


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My husband went directly from BMOQ graduation to SLT where he'll be until the end of June 2012. AFAIK, he's not attach posted or on TD, but actually posted. I'm curious about a few things, and thought maybe you guys could help.

His posting message says that as a married member he's not authorized to move us & our stuff. That's cool, as that was what we expected. However, during his clearing in, in order for him to get "free" R&Q, he had to put in a request for IR, and was told he'll have to renew his request in 6 months. This confuses me, as everything I've read on here seems to indicate that IR is a choice that the member makes. Is this SOP? Or have we potentially missed an opportunity to have CF move us?
He's probably posted from Recruit School to Language School which are in the same geographic location. As such, no move. With regards to IR, he should request it. It's probably pro-forma and is so that he doesn't have to pay lodging in two locations.
Technically speaking, you are right.  If you are not authorized to move your DHG&E, then there should be no need to request an IR.  HOWEVER, the differences between restrictions, imposed restrictions and the lifting of restrictions are not well understood.  Based on the circumstances as you have described them, I think it is safe to say that there is no entitlement to move, so you haven't missed out on anything.  If your husband's local Orderly Room wants him apply for IR in order to receive free R&Q plus Separation Expense, then I would suggest just doing it.  It's not necessarily wrong and if it makes the people who handle his pay happy, it's a lot less work than writing a detailed memo explaining why he shouldn't have to.
Thanks guys. I had a feeling that was the case. He did apply for IR during the clearing-in, so that won't be a problem.

He's at least close enough to come home on the weekends, so it's better than it could be (and will be, likely in the future at some point.)
2 points on this -

1. IR has to be requested as it has to be approved by the career manager.

2. If the request is done properly he will not have to do it again (6 months??).  The request should be done requesting IR for the entire period he is on course (end Jun 2012) thus he is covered and doesn't have to worry about it.

In my most recent IR experience (just last month), a request must be sent to the Career Manager and to the gaining unit.  It is the gaining unit's CO who will authorize it for one year.  Requests for an extension beyond one year goes to DGMC.

It used to be much easier......for service couples at least. 