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More Whining about Lengthy CT times


Permit me to add a qualifier to my qualification statement, to enhance its quality.  ;)

By "qualified" I mean "meeting the CF, environmental and occupational requirements for employment in the CF".  I am not referring to professional qualifications (though those may form part of the occupational requirements).  "Qualified" means an individual member of the CF can be employed in their military occupation, holding the requisite training to do so.

I will not argue on behalf of the CF legal branch and their selection methodology.  I would be the first to argue for greater transparency in thier process - saying "wait a year and we'll see" is hardly a world-class HR process.  Stating instead "We do intake at times X and Y; your file will be forwarded for consideration at X provided all these other criteria are met in time, otherwise, it will not go forward until Y" would be a tremndous step forward.  (In fact, passing along such basic information would probably solve half the problems in the recruiting system - keeping applicants in the know about their file (anecdotally) appears to be one of our biggest hurdles).

Thanks for your comments dapaterson.

To be honest, I think my greatest frustrations is the absolute information vacuum in which I exist.  I dropped off my papers at the local CFRC and was told that I would receive a call for an initial interview sometime in the next few weeks or month.  I have to wait until a legal officer is available to come from Ottawa to do the interview.  That could take weeks apparently. 

I then asked what the next step would be and the recruiter didn't know because *that is a JAG thing*. 

Fortunately, I was able to speak with a senior AJAG who advised me of the process and told me that it would take atleast 6 months but more likely a year to process my application.    In the meantime, as of Friday when I left the CFRC recruiting sphere, I have no point of contact with the CF Recruiting World who would have any knowledge of the whereabouts or status of my file. 

So, I sit and wait and bypass other civilian offers with the hope of getting an interview sometime in the coming weeks.  That isn't to mention the offers I will likely pass up while I wait for the recruiting process to run its course.  And don't forget I have all but shot myself in the foot with respect to completing my last BOQ course for my current trade.

I have managed to place myself in complete career limbo because of my desire to join the reg force as a Legal Officer.  Makes me feel kinda silly, really.  Giving up all of that for only a chance at becoming a Legal Officer.

Scout baby

PM me or reach me on MSN, let's see if we can't think of something, That I haven't heard from you in a few days  ;D