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More Important: Sparkly Glove or Canada's Fallen?

The Bread Guy

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IMHO, the North Bay Nugget hits the nail square on the head in this "Bricks and Bouquets" entry (emphasis mine):
BRICK — To the national media:Yes, the sudden death of international super celebrity Michael Jackson on June 25 deserves attention and fanfare. No, it shouldn't have eclipsed news of the death of four more Canadian soldiers in recent days. A helicopter crash killed Master Cpl. Pat Audet and Cpl. Martin Joannette Monday near Kandahar City in Afghanistan. Master Cpl. Charles-Philippe (Chuck)Michaud died two days earlier in a Quebec City hospital of his injuries last month from stepping on a mine. And Cpl. Nicholas Bulger was killed July 3 by an improvised land mine. It's been a bloody month for Canadian soldiers, and they deserve more than being reduced to a footnote in history.
Yes, they are bang on.

I was pretty shocked when I turned on the news hoping to get a little more info on the downed griffin. Every two minutes it was, "now more on our top story of singer Michael Jackson" and not a word about the troops.

I never expected much out of an outfit like the CBC, but this was low even for them.
I've been angered lately by how much news time has been spent on Michael Jackson's death and now they choose to eclipse the news of our soldiers just to say the same information about his death? No matter how much of a pop icon he was, I think that is ridiculous and unfair.
len173 said:
Yes, they are bang on.

I was pretty shocked when I turned on the news hoping to get a little more info on the downed griffin. Every two minutes it was, "now more on our top story of singer Michael Jackson" and not a word about the troops.

I never expected much out of an outfit like the CBC, but this was low even for them.

Remember its your tax dollars who finance the CBC  :nod: , but the media overall is just as guilty, even down here.

We must realise that the media never really cares about the truth anyways. They just want ratings-ratings-ratings, and to over-sensationalise everything bad, and never (or rarely) a real story.

Personally I find it rather pathetic that for over 16 days now, the (IMHO) forcasted yet untimely death of a circus side show freak prescription drug addicted totally dysfunctional 'alledged' paedophile so called entertainer takes precidence over the real news/reality of the deaths of the sons (and daughters) of Canada and other Coaltion soldiers.

Over the upcoming weeks and months the media will continue to milk as much out of three kids, only to better themselves and sell-sell-sell, and cash in on any related story about this Jackson bloke.

Again, IMHO all in very bad taste, but thats our media for us, insn't it.


IMO we get the kind of media we deserve.

In this day and age, 20 & 30 somethings (and older) seem know know every move "Brangelina" or Madonna makes, but can't name their MP or MLA, never mind the Governor General. NOR do they care.
They would rather watch Entertainment Tonight than the 2200 hrs news.
For sheer curiosity I timed the CTV 11pm news with Loyd the day that the crash happened.

17 minutes for wacko-Jacko...2 minutes for MCpl Audet and Cpl Joannette.

Did I mention that it was in that order?

An absolute shameful display.

I wonder what a rep from CTV (they frequent this site on a regular basis) would say to this.

The media reports what sells. Thats all it is, there's nothing really sinister at play other then the race for ratings (the media is arguably one of the most dedicated practicioners of capitalism...what they report is directly in correlation to what will give them the highest ratings).

Also, after 124 deaths in Afghanistan another dead soldier just isn't as big a news story as it used to be to the media and the general public.

I was ranting and raving when I saw that ctv.ca had wacko-jacko as they headliner as opposed to the deaths of two more of our troops....but then I wised up and realised that its just the nature of the system we live in. The recently deceased Romeo Leblanc has done more for Canada then wacko-jacko....but more Canadians will be able to tell you when and where that child diddler died and what his top 10 songs were as opposed to when Romeo Leblanc died or what he accomplished.
Toronto Sun columnist Michael Coren -who was roundly (and rightly, IMO) criticized here for his column dealing with the death of Tpr Kaine Blais- made a good point that a lot of people missed.

Here's an excerpt from his column today:


Priorities perverted
Sorrow over Jackson's death epitomizes West's dysfunction


Last Tuesday was a day of extraordinary solemnity and emotion. We remembered and recalled passing and loss and in so doing many of us shed a tear and said a prayer. Life never to be replaced, promise never to be fulfilled, greatness and goodness cut down in their prime.

No, no, no. Not the sordid little funeral of a sexually and ethnically confused pop star in California, but the anniversary of the mass slaughter of more than 50 people and the injuring of more than 700 in London in 2005.

Did anyone here see anything at all in any news venue mentioning the anniversary of that devastating attack?
I didn't.

I had a number of emails from friends in the USA, UK, and Australia, also Canada, all very upset because of the lack of respect for so many of our/their newly Fallen Soldiers since MJ day, and there were/are many losses.

Too bad there isn't one station in each country that prioritizes by bottom line importance and reports just those deeper things and just leave the shallow craziness drama and melodrama cash cows news to the rest.

Nice thought and I'm dreaming I guess.
Unfortunately many local news channels have been shuttered by the recession, so the local links and interests are overshadowed by what big advertisers and broadcasters support.  The little guys/gals have been lost in the dust of the downward spiraling economy.  As the death toll climbs, the novelty has waned and so has the coverage.  If it isn't "new" it is not seen as "big news".
Bass ackwards said:
Did anyone here see anything at all in any news venue mentioning the anniversary of that devastating attack?
I didn't.

Why yes I did actually. I watched a newsshow that covered the London Memorial Service for the victims and the unveiling of the monument (pillars for each victim) ...

on BBC Europe via my satellite dish. I don't recall seeing anything about the anniversary from North American sources.
Bass ackwards said:
the anniversary of the mass slaughter of more than 50 people and the injuring of more than 700 in London in 2005.

Did anyone here see anything at all in any news venue mentioning the anniversary of that devastating attack?
I didn't.

I forgot to answer that part ... yes I did "see" some news about that anniversary ceremony, but can't remember where I saw it. Wish I could tell you where/when ... sorry ...
125 Canadian soldiers arrive in heaven.  God asks them what they want more than anything as he is granting them one last wish as a reward for their selfless sacrifice.

"A world that is safe for all little children" their spokesman says.

So God goes out and smites Michael Jackson.
I love that word - "Smite"

I shall "smite" thee.....good for CSMs to use.... >:D
Removed due to insufficient fact checking on my part.

Teach me to research things I read... I'll take it down.
Kat Stevens said:
Teach me to research things I read... I'll take it down.

Leave it up.  It's still more important than news about Michael Jackson.
Don't know why you lot are surprise by the fact that the tabloids and news will rather report about wacko jacko than our own important news  ::) If you ask yourself the question, why is it that people are fascinated by US shows and late night news from there i.e conan, letterman et al than our very own news,then you will have the answer.

It's hi-time we start embracing our own products on this side, rather than supporting US teams that you have no connection to, or getting your news from CNN, instead of cbc. I always ask myself, "do the Americans really give a damn about what goes on here, like people here do about the US? The answer is NO, from my many visits there over the years.

So why is it that people are so fascinated about the US over here?