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Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]

Wow... I just got word I"ll be teaching there again this summer... Joy!
hi i was wondering wich of these 2 places is the best for a posting in between petawawa or edmonton as a MSE op?
pteBill said:
hi i was wondering wich of these 2 places is the best for a posting in between petawawa or edmonton as a MSE op?

Depends what you like ........we cant guess.
Not to mention, as has been said several times on these forums, you don't always get the posting of your choice.
I'm starting my MSE op QL3 Reg force soon does anyone know how long they normally run?
I'm heading to Edmonton at the end of June til the half way through August. Don't know if that helps but there ya go.
Anyone here presently on QL3???
If you know a Lorelie, let her know I'm on here and say hi to her....I think her last name is Parissee, or she goes by her maiden name,,,Banfield.
Im getting posted to CFB comox and i have many question as for one,

-how are the single quarter? ,
-is it fun being there as an mse op?,
-hows the night life?
this is my first post on this site, so here goes.....

i am currently waiting for my 2-6 month wait for my fingerprint security check ( i have a criminal record), which i am ok with, although i am getting very anxious as i have been waiting almost 3 months now.. my question has more to do with my choice as mse op in the army.

i am 36 years old,  and my questions are:

after basic training, soldier qualification and my mse training what is next? do i go to a field unit or a base( i hope i got that right as i am not familiar with all terms). do i get deployed overseas right away or are the new guy's kept back? do we use our weapons alot? and finally am i too old for this, as in is this a young man's trade.

thanks for your help, i appreciate any answers i can get. 
Hello new trucker!
You can easily search for any info about MSEOps here on the site. But to answer some of your questions:
I think you might have a problem getting your security check done with a criminal record.  Most of us are at secret because of some of the things we do or see.
You'll probably end up at an army base right off the bat so that some of the older guys can get out of there and to an air base... ;D  I've been in for over 24 years and only get to hold the weapon once a year during requal season.  That and excercises!  :warstory:
Deployments??  You might get overseas if you're with the unit going.  There's still a few other tours available and there's always Alert once you get some Heavy equipment time.
Old man? Young man?...it beats us all up at some point.  8)  ::)
Hope some of that helps  :nod: Are you on BMQ or still waiting to get in?
nulli secundus...
thanks for your answers.

i am still waiting................ i'd loke to say patiently, but that would be a lie.
I'll see what I can do;

It is likely you'll head to a service battalion to begin with (although this is by no means a certainty). The Army is changing how it employs MSE Op's, however, and some service battalions are supposed to be losing lots of positions for MSE Ops so by the time you get in you may be heading somewhere else. Regardless, expect to head to a service battalion (especially if you're Army).

It is likely you'll be sent overseas at some point once you are fully qualified. It may not be right away and it may not be to Afghanistan, but expect to deploy.

As for the weapons bit, you'll re-qualify ever year during IBTS on the various weapons. Anything beyond that depends on where you are and often what the focus of your CO is.
yes you are correct, i did post this elsewhere. but i thought if i re posted in this section i might get a few more replies. but i do appreciate any and all responces i have received.

but in the future i will make sure i post once, in the right forum.

supertitanfan1 said:
yes you are correct, i did post this elsewhere. but i thought if i re posted in this section i might get a few more replies. but i do appreciate any and all responces i have received.

but in the future i will make sure i post once, in the right forum.


It's alright about the double-post (although against site guidelines).  I understand your motivations.

Should a similar situation come up - PM a Mod, we can move it for you, or perhaps suggest another more appropriate place for your question.  We don't always notice things like double posts - it's a BIG place.

Best of luck to you.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff

Piper said:
I'll see what I can do;

It is likely you'll head to a service battalion to begin with (although this is by no means a certainty). The Army is changing how it employs MSE Op's, however, and some service battalions are supposed to be losing lots of positions for MSE Ops so by the time you get in you may be heading somewhere else. Regardless, expect to head to a service battalion (especially if you're Army).

It is likely you'll be sent overseas at some point once you are fully qualified. It may not be right away and it may not be to Afghanistan, but expect to deploy.

As for the weapons bit, you'll re-qualify ever year during IBTS on the various weapons. Anything beyond that depends on where you are and often what the focus of your CO is.


thanks for the info. now when you say they are changing how the army employ's mse op's, what do you mean?. is this going to be a dead trade? or are they just "streamlining things".

thanks again for whatever responces i get.
in a previous post, someone had said that the army is changing the way they employ mse ops. does anyone know what that means? as in will this trade be a dead trade soon or are they just trying to make things run smoother.

i am waiting to get in so i would like to know if i should still be trying to get into mse op.
So, even though you already posted this question here, you felt the need to post it again (I'm guessing because you've had no response) and call it a "new" question?